Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1029 Beiliao dog thieves are so bullying (Part 1)

Chapter 1029 Beiliao dog thieves are so deceptive (first update)
Chapter 1038

When the executioner came back to life again, Wang Yang personally questioned him in detail, and then he was carried down by someone.

Sitting in the front hall, playing with the feathered arrow, he remained silent for a long time, while Xu Zhao stayed on the side obediently. For some reason, Wang Yang was very calm, but the calmness made Xu Zhao feel creepy. Feel.

"Come here, send a message, make concessions, and cultivate the teachings. Zongze and Gao Shize have come to Hongzhou to discuss urgent official matters. Also, let Xuchang come."

"Yes!" Wu Qilang looked at Wang Yang's gloomy face, did not dare to neglect, and walked away quickly after receiving the order.

After they left, Wang Yang's eyes fell on Xu Zhao who was fidgeting, and he smiled at him. "You and Tang Chengcheng have done a good job and handled it very well."

"My lord Wang, what should we do next? My lord, please make up your mind. After all, I'm afraid we won't be able to hide this matter for too long." Xu Zhao hurriedly got up and asked Wang Yang.

"Don't worry, we won't wait too long..." Wang Yang said with a grin, but the smile was so grim and ferocious.

In a short time, Xuchang hurried over. After entering the house, he first looked curiously at Xu Zhao, who was wearing a helmet, and then saluted Wang Yang. "I don't know why you summoned this official here, sir?"

Xu Chang was one of the fifteen young officials sent by the emperor to Shaanxi North Road.After investigation, [-] young officials were left to join the China Banking Regulatory Commission. The remaining three were Bao Ben, who was a student of Taixue, who hated evil and was fair, Xu Chang, who was quick-witted, articulate and good at dancing, and Wang Lie, who was taciturn but resourceful. .

These three people were specially selected by Wang Yang, and they stayed in the Economic and Strategy Department to work under his command, so that he could take a good look at these three people and see if they could be entrusted with important tasks.

After hearing about Xu Zhao's looting of Zhao's business convoy, Xu Chang couldn't help but turn a little ugly.However, seeing that Wang Yang didn't speak, he continued to listen patiently.

"He's actually from Liao?" After hearing the detailed analysis and seeing the feathered arrow, Xuchang couldn't help but feel shocked and angry.

"I didn't expect them to be so bold. I can predict that they should be the army horses of the Liao Kingdom. The military discipline of the Liao Kingdom is corrupt. Earlier, there were often blackmailing caravans. Now I see that the North Shaanxi Road is getting worse. Prosperity, I'm afraid I can't bear it anymore."

"And this time, it must be because Zhao's business transported precious goods, leaked the news, and was found out by the spies of the Liao army in Yuzhou, which led to this tragedy."

After listening to Xuchang's analysis, Wang Yang nodded slightly and smiled. "You are right, I have the same idea. Now, there is a rather risky matter, and I am still considering candidates..."

"Please let me know clearly." Xuchang stood up and saluted Wang Yang and asked.

Wang Yang said slowly. "I am about to send an envoy to Xiazhou to find Yelu Dadun, the governor of the River East Road in the Northern Kingdom, and ask him to find out the criminals in the army and give me an explanation from Da Song."

"Sir, I am willing to go." As soon as Wang Yang finished speaking, Xuchang replied loudly.

"Don't rush to express it. Although Yelv Dadun is a general manager, he is a warrior and is rude and rude. He is not an easy person to deal with. What's more, this trip is to ask for an explanation from the Liao people. It's very difficult to It's easy to piss off this person."

"Maybe you will suffer some hardships."

"My lord Wang, I feel that this trip must be made by me. First, my lord, there are only Xiaguan, Bao Ben, and Wang Lie in the Department of Economics and Strategy."

"Bao Ben hates evil and is too upright. Although Wang Lie is resourceful, he is not one who is good at dealing with or eloquent."

"As for the lower officials, they can't do anything else, but their words are smooth, and they can adapt to the situation. That's why the lower officials will take the initiative to invite you."

Hearing Xu Chang's words, Wang Yang also had to admit that this guy is quite self-aware, the important thing is that he can also see the strengths and weaknesses of others, and he really did not misjudge him.

"Since this is the case, then this matter will be entrusted to you. It's getting late today, so you go back and pack up first. I'd like to draw up a foreign affairs official document and hand it over to you tomorrow morning. General Xu will escort you to Xiaxia. State, go and see the governor of the River East Road in the Liao Kingdom."

"After you go, it would be the best if you can see Yelu Da Dun. If you can't see it, it doesn't matter. What I want is that I have a good etiquette in Da Song..."

"Excellent etiquette?" Xu Chang blinked and looked at Wang Yang in a daze.

"In short, you just do what you want. No matter what you do, protecting yourself is the most important thing. If the other party is playing tricks, let him do it." Wang Yang patted Xu Chang on the shoulder and raised him another Awake.

After Xu Zhao and Xu Chang left, Wang Yang let out a long sigh, turned around and went back to the backyard, Li Qingzhao greeted Wang Yang. "Husband, what's the matter with you? Could it be that something difficult happened to you."

"I'm afraid there will be no peace in this day..." Wang Yang smiled bitterly, took Li Qingzhao's hand and explained.

Li Qingzhao's brows stood on end when he heard this, and Li Shishi next to him also stomped his feet angrily. "These Beiliao thieves are so deceptive."

"I have already sent Xu Zhao to escort Xu Chang to Xiazhou to find Yelu Dadun, the head of the North Liaohe River Road, and discuss with him."

"Based on the disposition of those Northern Liao thieves, I'm afraid that this matter will definitely not admit it, and maybe they will bite back at that time." Li Qingzhao also said with righteous indignation.

"Bite back, it depends on whether he has those good teeth." Wang Yang chuckled, his eyes serious.

"My husband is right. You are not afraid of hundreds of thousands of troops. Now, the entire Hedong Road is only more than [-] Liao troops. Could it be that you are afraid of them?"

The two ladies beside them are excellent women with a sense of justice. Wang Yang stretched his ape arms lightly, wrapping their arms around their slender waists. "Look, if Yelu Dudun really wants to cover up and condone the Beiliao soldiers and horses to commit murder, hehe... Wang can always find a way to get justice for the 42 lives of the Yongsheng Escort and Zhao's Commercial Firm." .”

Under the escort of the elite Song army commanded by Xu Zhao, Xuchang traveled day and night and arrived outside Xiazhou City as quickly as possible.

Entering Xiazhou City, riding slowly, compared with the prosperity and noise of the six states on Shaanxi North Road, Xiazhou gives Xuchang the feeling of coming from a big city to a remote place.

Along the way, apart from the soldiers of the Liao army wandering back and forth, and a few traders and shops open, most of the people came and went in a hurry.And from the clothes of those people, it can be concluded that the lives of these people in Xiazhou are not easy.

"No wonder people from Xiazhou fled to our Song Dynasty before. At first, they thought they were agents sent by the Liao people. But later when our caravan went to Xiazhou to do business, we realized that such a poor place could retain the people. That's really weird..." Xu Zhao looked around and complained to Xuchang next to him with a look of disgust.

(End of this chapter)

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