Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1026 The Abandoned Watchtower and the Full Bowstring (Part 2)

Chapter 1026 Abandoned sentry tower and full bowstring (second more)
Chapter 1035

An hour later, Ye Bosheng, the guard of Anding Fort, selected nearly a hundred confidants in the name of patrolling the border, and galloped out of Anding Fort and headed west.

And they rushed to an abandoned fortress at the junction of Song and Liao, where they found an almost complete house, full of several large boxes of clothes.

Soon, these Liao army knights in iron armor put on gray leather robes, took off the Liao-style iron helmets on their heads, and replaced them with leather helmets. The things of their identities will be gathered up and packed into boxes.

Then, this cavalryman, who could no longer tell which country or clan he belonged to, without a flag or emblem, quietly left the stronghold and continued to gallop westward.

Going west, bypassing Youzhou far away, and arriving at a mountainous area about eighty miles away from Youzhou, the more than a hundred cavalrymen stopped and sent out rangers to spread out on guard. The main force of the cavalry quietly lurked in the dense forest about a mile away from the main road and waited.

On the other hand, Noba Katsu seemed a little anxious and walked around in the dense forest.I have been thinking about whether my actions are too risky.

However, thinking about the poverty in Andingbao these days, and thinking about the prosperity of the Song Dynasty and the North Shanxi Road states, he couldn't help but feel resentful.

The development of North Shaanxi Road can be said to be booming. Before that, he even quietly changed clothes and entered Youzhou and Hongzhou as a businessman from the Liao Dynasty. After seeing the prosperity of North Shaanxi Road, he looked back at the lifeless Xiazhou.

Naturally, there was a huge gap in mood, especially in the Fort Anding where I was stationed, except for two thousand Liao troops, there were almost no ordinary people, let alone women.

And every month, I can only get that pitiful salary, even when I go to the Gold Selling Cave in Hongzhou, I leave excitedly every time, and return in disappointment.

He is such a stable and conservative general, not to mention the poor ghosts under his command, who do not know how jealous they are and envious of the wealth in the hands of those businessmen.

If you have been jealous for a long time, you will naturally take action, that is, Yeluyong and the others, who have secretly voted for several votes, and after being informed by Ye Bosheng, they became furious and wanted to punish them.

However, for the sake of the respect Yeluyong and his gang treat him, and Yeluyong and others are willing to contribute more than half of the looted property.

But Song Ting only thought it was the work of bandits, and even Wang Yang, the appeasement envoy of the North Shaanxi Road Economic Strategy, sent an envoy to ask Daliao River East Road to clean up the bandits.

Seeing that the other party didn't realize that it was the officers and soldiers of the Liao Kingdom, Ye Ba Sheng naturally stopped pursuing it, and after that, Ye Ba Sheng even occasionally took action himself.

It's just that I'm very careful every time, and it won't be too frequent, but once I can start a business without capital through such means.

Naturally, it will be difficult to stop, but the last time when he wanted to attack a caravan on the road between Hongzhou and Youzhou, he encountered a patrol team of the Song Army. I can take twenty or so brothers and escape to the north.

After that, he didn't take action again for nearly three months, but this time, after hearing Yeluyong's report that he had at least [-] yuan of property, Yebo Sheng could no longer hold back.

Anyway, more than three months have passed, and the vigilance of Song people will not be so high. If this vote can be successful, then at least I can enjoy myself for a while.

"Boss Wang, we have traveled nearly seventy miles today, and it's getting late now, why don't we set up camp and rest first?" Seeing that the sun had already set to the west, and there was no one on the road, the shopkeeper stopped shouting. The groom stopped, turned his head, and asked Escort Wang who had been riding his horse to follow him.

"We are still about a hundred miles away from Liuhe Fort. It seems that we can only camp in the wild today. Wang remembers that there is an abandoned sentry tower in that direction. How about we go there to camp? After looking around, the experienced escort Wang nodded and gave his own suggestion.

"This road is too flat, and no one knows when people will come and go. In case of encountering gangsters or something, there is no danger here, and there is a watchtower over there, and the terrain is higher..."

Shopkeeper Liu naturally had no opinion. He was out of the house, so he naturally had to listen to the advice of professionals. At the moment, with the light of dusk remaining, the convoy left the avenue, turned to the north, and traveled about two wild roads. Sure enough, they saw An abandoned sentry tower was built on a gentle slope, and there was a stream gurgling on the east side.

Sure enough, it was a good place to camp and rest. Soon, shopkeeper Liu's cart was pushed and pulled to the bottom of the watchtower, and then the mules and horses pulling the cart were brought aside to feed, and the fire started here. We lit the bonfire and started cooking and eating.

After a short time, the aroma of food began to spread around the sentry tower...

And on the top of the sentry tower, two travelers stood on it, looking around boredly. The east and west sides of this sentry tower are woods, while the south side leads to the road, and the north side is a cliff. The terrain is considered easy to defend but difficult to attack. No wonder it was chosen to build an enemy detection watchtower.

The sparse woods can't hide anything in the afterglow of the setting sun, so after the two security guards patrolled around for a while, they didn't continue, and leisurely yelled at the brothers who were cooking downstairs to send them off quickly. Come up with food.

At this moment, the sun had completely sunk below the horizon, and in the forest on both sides of the sentry tower, ghostly figures of Chongchong gradually began to appear.

Nobakatsu, including his subordinates, each had a wooden stick in their mouths to prevent them from subconsciously making sounds.

They were all cautiously moving towards the gentle slope where the sentry tower was located. With the guidance of the firelight, they naturally didn't need to spend much effort.

After shopkeeper Liu and the others had a steaming dinner, they chatted with a group of Yongsheng Escorts and escorts, and then inspected the carriages in person, and then they boarded the carriage specially for them with peace of mind. On the mule cart he prepared, he was ready to have a good sleep.

Time passed bit by bit, and most of the trippers had already fallen asleep, and the trippers on the top of the sentry tower also changed to a new group.

The head of the security guard and his acquaintance were chatting one after another, leaning against the edge of the fire and taking a nap, everything seemed so peaceful and beautiful, but at this moment, he had already sat under the tree for a full length of time. After half an hour, Yeba Sheng finally stood up.

Leading his subordinates, he walked forward for nearly thirty steps before stopping at the junction of the gentle slope and the trees, and then slowly removed the hard bow on his back.

Following Ye Bosheng's actions, the Liao army warriors in disguise behind them also drew their bows and arrows, aiming at the figure on the gentle slope...

On the other side, Yeluyong, leading [-] Liao army warriors, had already waded across the creek quietly, with the long knife drawn by his waist, lurking in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to attack.

(End of this chapter)

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