Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1011 Veteran Shen Kuo, see His Majesty the Emperor (Part 1)

Chapter 1011: Veteran Shen Kuo meets His Majesty the Emperor (first update)
Chapter 1020

"Official family, official family..." At this time, Ma Shang whispered softly from outside the study, which finally made the emperor Zhao Xu save himself.

"Come in, what's the matter?" Son of Heaven Zhao Xu hurriedly wiped the loose strands of hair on his cheeks, um, he seemed to have lost his composure just now, fortunately only his own Zitong saw it.

"Officials, Master Shen Kuo has already returned to Beijing. He just stayed at the post house an hour ago. Look..." Ma Shang asked in a low voice after entering the room to salute.

"Oh? Then I really want to meet this Master of Gewu who was repeatedly mentioned and praised by Wang Wushan." Emperor Zhao Xu couldn't help but say with a look of anticipation. "You go to pass the edict, let Shen Qing enter the palace immediately to have an audience."

"Officials, is Master Shen so capable? He deserves to be mentioned repeatedly by Mr. Wu Shan." Empress Meng blinked and asked curiously.

"After Shen Kuo was mentioned by King Wushan, I began to pay attention to him. He was originally from Qiantang, Hangzhou. He was a Jinshi during the Jiayou period. He participated in Mr. Anshi's reform in Xining and was promoted to the imperial examination in the fifth year of Xining. The Tianjian, the armillary sphere, the floating leak, and the scene list are discussed, and Wei Puxiu's "Fengyuan Calendar" is recommended.

In February of the eighth year of Xining, after Shen Kuo returned to Beijing, Shangshu put forward 31 suggestions for rectification, most of which were affirmed and adopted by the late emperor.In September, he also served as the weapons supervisor, responsible for the casting and storage of weapons.

Put forward the viewpoint of "bow has six virtues", and suggest mass production of "sacred arm bow".By May of the following year, when the Military Weapons Supervisor reported to the court, the output of weapons had increased by more than ten times...

Later, he went to Zhejiang and Zhejiang to inspect water conservancy and labor.In the eighth year of Xining's envoy to Liao, he denounced his demands for land.He also drew pictures of the situation of his mountains and rivers, human customs and customs, and played the part of "Making Khitan Picture Copy".

The following year, he was appointed Hanlin bachelor and Quan Sansi envoy to rectify Shaanxi's salt administration.Advocate reducing household service fees.Later, he learned about Yanzhou in Shaanxi Province and strengthened the defense against Xixia. . "

"He is erudite and knowledgeable, and has researched in astronomy, geography, legal calendar, music, medicine, etc. For example, he is superb in water engineering, carpenter Yu Hao, and iron and copper smelting. Everything he has done is recorded in detail. He also intensively studies medicine. Using plants and medicine to write ten volumes of "Good Prescriptions..."

Listening to the emperor Zhao Xu chatting in front of her that day, Queen Meng couldn't help but take a breath. "Hearing what the officials said, this is really an extraordinary pillar."

Emperor Zhao Xu nodded slightly. "Yes, but it's a pity that he was implicated in the defeat of Yongle City. And then, because he was a member of the New Party, he had no chance to join the court. He could only live in Runzhou, build Mengxi Garden, and write books in Mengxi Garden. Li said..."

"It's my fault that I haven't been able to find out about such a talent. Fortunately, Wang Wushan heard about Shen Kuo's past, so he began to exchange letters with Shen Kuo. The two exchanged knowledge and discussed each other. It's been a long time."

"And after Wang Wushan went to Shaanxi Road, I suffered from the lack of talented people around me. He not only recommended Zong Ze, but also recommended this Shen Qing family."

"It's just that when Wang Wushan recommended Shen Qing's family, he mentioned to me that Shen Qing's family is developing a magical machine. If it can be realized, it will attract the attention of the world. Under the printing press.”

Hearing this, Queen Meng couldn't help but take another breath. "This is real?"

"At least that's what Wang Wushan told me. This really made me look forward to it. Now that he has finally come to the capital, I must ask this Shen Qing's family what kind of magical machine he developed. It is worth it." Wang Wushan praised it so much."

In the post house where he lived temporarily, after seeing the eunuch next to the emperor, the gray-bearded Shen Kuo couldn't help but take a deep breath, finally calmed down, and then bowed to the eunuch.

"Father-in-law, I have something here that I want to present to Your Majesty. Please ask my father-in-law to send someone to send this thing to the palace together..."

"Before our family came, His Majesty had already explained it. Naturally, there is no problem. Come, why don't you hurry up and help Mr. Shen carry the things out?"

"Thank you, father-in-law. Please be gentle. This thing is very delicate. If it shakes too much, it may be easily damaged."

After hearing Shen Kuo's words, the eunuch quickly told the careless guards to be careful.The group of people then left the post house and rushed towards Miyagi.

The emperor, Zhao Xu, was fully in the palace, and after waiting for almost an hour, he saw an old official with gray beard coming towards the imperial study room, and beside him were four powerful soldiers of the Imperial Army, carrying a A heavy wooden box about the height of a person was walking towards this side.

This made Emperor Zhao Xu even more curious, and couldn't help standing up behind the imperial case.

"Veteran Shen Kuo, see Your Majesty..." Shen Kuo raised his front and stepped into the imperial study room. When he saw the young king who looked like the former emperor, he couldn't help feeling a little bit sad and fell to the ground.

"Shen Qing's family, please get up quickly. I've been looking forward to your coming to the court for a long time." The emperor bypassed the imperial case and personally stretched out his hand to help Shen Kuo up.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, although I am far away in the south of the Yangtze River, I still care about the Song Dynasty in my heart. I hope that one day, I can continue to serve the Song Dynasty and Your Majesty..." Shen Kuo couldn't help being grateful for the emperor Zhao Xu's behavior. It's hard for me to runny.

I am a new party, since the Battle of Le Yongcheng was implicated and resigned, the late emperor passed away, the old party came to power, and after all the new parties in the court and the new party were expelled from the court, at that time, Shen Kuo felt that his whole life was gloomy.

There is no longer the possibility of continuing to be loyal to the country, and I can only place my love among the mountains and rivers, among the books, hoping to record what I have learned throughout my life in the books for future generations to learn.

But who would have thought that a letter from Shaanxi disrupted Shen Kuo's peaceful book writing career. Wang Yang and Wang Wushan, a young man who had never met him before and was well-known in Bianliang, Tokyo, would actually write a letter with him. Knowledge was exchanged.

At first, Shen Kuo thought that it was those pretentious young people who wanted to show off their knowledge in front of him, hoping to study under him.

But in the end, it was not what he thought. Wang Yang's profound knowledge actually shocked Shen Kuo deeply, and in his correspondence with him, he mentioned the Yuanyou cement and Yuanyou movable type that he developed. The printing technique, as well as the principle of Yuanyou's coking technique, as well as various mechanical principles, all impressed Shen Kuo.

After going back and forth, Shen Kuo and Wang Yang became old friends in the correspondence, and the two sides exchanged their academic theories and opinions through letters. In the end, Shen Kuo was deeply attracted by Wang Yang's novel mathematics, geometry, Gewu, and even chemical concepts. .

And when Wang Yang asked Shen Kuo to come out of the mountain for the third time and return to the court to serve, Shen Kuo agreed, but before he set off,
Because Wang Yang mentioned the concept of the escapement developed by Su Song in the past, and the concept of miniaturizing the escapement to facilitate precise timing was expressed to Shen Kuo, Shen Kuo was deeply attracted by this concept.

(End of this chapter)

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