Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1008 Fortunately, My Son, You Met Him Early (Part 2)

Chapter 1008 Fortunately, my son, you met him early (second update)

Chapter 1017

However, after meeting Wang Yang, communicating with Wang Yang in person, and colluding with the shrewd and capable Liu Yiyi, Wan Yong finally felt relieved.

The father and son returned to the house. The third aunt couldn't bear it any longer and went to rest early. The father and son were left squatting in front of the stove in a pot to warm wine. There were hot dishes on the stove in front of them, and the father and son were enjoying them. Xiaojiu whispered the truth.

After drinking for three rounds, Wan Yong couldn't help but sigh with emotion. "What's the most economical business in the world? It's a business that doesn't require any costs. And the benefits of borrowing and lending only require the turnover of property to make money. There's no easier business than this in the world. "

"However, the easier it is, the more jealous you will be, so..."

"Isn't Father worrying too much?" Wan Bin smacked his mouth and couldn't help laughing. "Could it be that father, you don't like Wang Yang Wang Wushan?"

"Yes, of course my father is very optimistic about him, but if our Wan family can really be the leader of the world's banks in the future, do you think that at that time, he, Wang Yang, can stop everyone in the world from talking?"

"Working for my father, I have been very cautious all my life. Take one step, watch three steps, and I am Jiangxi Wanshi today." Wan Yong said that I am the old driver, and you, a young man, are too young.

Seeing this, Wan Bin couldn't help admiring and amused. What he admired was that his father did have a far-sighted vision, which was much farther than his own at the beginning. For Wan Bin, it is really unnecessary.

"Father... you are very worried, but you really don't have to worry about these. You can eat and drink well in Hongzhou these few days, and wait until spring comes after New Year's Day, and then the child will take you with you." Take a good look at the scenery of Saibei."

"How can I be so relieved?" Wan Yong couldn't help but glared, and wanted to say more, but in the end, Wan Bin walked aside with a helpless expression on his face, and quickly brought back the documents that were nearly a foot thick.

Listening to Wan Bin's words, Wan Yong was stunned for a long time before he realized what he said. “Are these all the actions of that King Wushan?”

"Exactly, Wang Wushan has long been doing things to prepare for a rainy day.

Wan Bin told his father Wan Yong about Wang Yang's various calculations and backhands in detail. The old driver was amazed and drank several cups.

"So that's how it is, that's how it is. I've heard for a long time how capable this young lord is, so this old man should be spreading rumors and exaggerating. After all, he is the most important vassal of the emperor."

"Although sometimes you also write to the old man to tell me how smart and capable Mr. Xiao Wang is, and he is so talented. The old man just thinks that this person is just a master."

"I didn't expect that this bank matter was actually a new industry that he created through the work of Qingmiaofa in the past and taking into account the difficulties of private lending. The important thing is that he can think so carefully. It seems , I am really old-sighted."

"No wonder your boy has not even returned home for more than two years. He has been working hard in this bitter cold place in the north of the Great Wall. After all, we are merchants. For officials, at most we can only do some icing on the cake."

"What's more, for a person like him who is deeply favored by the emperor, he only needs to say something. I'm afraid that merchants in the world will try their best to please him. It's also fortunate that you, Bin'er, knew him early..."

Having said this, Wan Yong took another big gulp of wine, and his kind eyes fell on his son, who was already in his thirties.

"You boy, not only looks like your father, but also your temperament is very similar. It's just this kind of good luck, it looks better than your father."

"Hey, my father praised me, so in my father's opinion, this bank matter..."

"Do it, it must be done, and no matter what difficulties you or Mr. Xiao Wang have, our Jiangxi Wan clan will fully help." Wan Yong agreed without hesitation.

"It seems that my father still underestimated the matter of the bank. Well, after I return to Jiangxi, I will send more people over."

Wan Bin couldn't help but be stunned. "Father, the manpower you have sent is enough. If you send too many manpower, it will affect our family's business in Jiangnan."

"You, your vision is still too small." Wan Yong smiled, took a sip of the wine, and then said calmly. "The matter of the bank has been well prepared, and there are no loopholes in every aspect. If it is not successful, then the old man's tricks will be in vain. Just look at it. Once the bank is successfully implemented on Shaanxi North Road, From then on, it will definitely be a matter of promoting the world."

"In this case, why not make plans early? Therefore, my husband decided to send more people here, not only to make the preparations for the bank's establishment proceed smoothly, but more importantly, it can also train our Wan family. Bring out a large number of skilled hands."

"When the matter of the bank is really promoted to the world, our Jiangxi Wanshi will seize the opportunity. Our Wanshi is not short of money. If we have a large number of experienced hands, then when the time comes , we can take the lead step by step.”

"Father, you are very considerate, but the child is not as far-sighted as you." Wan Bin couldn't help but nodded sincerely at his father's statement. As expected of an experienced driver, he was very familiar with the steering wheel.

"Before, the boy just wanted to discuss with Mrs. Xiao Wang's Aunt Liu, and planned to temporarily set up branches in Hongzhou, Yanzhou, Xinyanzhou and Youzhou. Let’s run the branch first.”

"That's right. Besides, you have to remember, cultivate a lot of talents, and with one more talent, our Wanjia will be able to have more strength in the future."

"Yes, the child understands. Next, the child will definitely do well and not disappoint his father."

"Well, in addition, you may be short of money here. If you are short, tell your father and your husband will help you raise money."

"Thank you father, but now the child's property is enough, and there is even a surplus."

"Although this cotton products business has only been in business for a year, by the end of last month, the profit alone reached 40 yuan."

(End of this chapter)

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