Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1004 They will become the pioneers of this era (Part 2)

Chapter 1004 They will become the pioneers of this era (second more)
Chapter 1013

Xu Chang can be regarded as a person with a flexible mind, and he speaks clearly, and after dealing with him for the past few days, most people regard him as the leader, which is enough to see that this person is at least in terms of communication and talent. He should be considered the best among these 15 people.

Even though the three brothers from the Taixue school were uncomfortable with this guy rushing to answer, they all showed approval after hearing what he said.

"Well, Mr. Xu is right. In fact, when you come here, the industry you need to engage in is a brand new industry. Although it is directly under the court, it is not a government agency."

"Doesn't belong to a government agency? But directly belongs to the court?" Bao Ben, one of the Taixue trio, couldn't help but stare curiously.

The expressions of the remaining 14 people also looked very confused, as if they couldn't figure out what the old driver Wang Yang meant.

"Everyone, please take a look at this document first..." At this time, Wan Bin, who was squatting beside Wang Yang without saying a word, finally appeared on the stage, and took out more than a dozen solid drafts of the Song Dynasty's Financial Law. , as well as the planning papers of the China Banking Regulatory Commission and the bank, and distributed them to the fifteen young officials present in their prime of life.

"Everyone can read it slowly here first, or you can discuss it. If there is anything you don't understand, you can also consult me. However, I still think that it is best for you to read all the materials handed over to you first. It would be better to ask again."

Following Wang Yang's instructions, the fifteen young officials began to read the materials in their hands in detail. Sure enough, when they understood the contents, everyone showed a shocked expression on their faces.

"Give these things to them so early, will it..." He left the group of guys to read materials by the iron stove.Wan Bin dragged Wang Yang to the other side of the room, sat down and whispered.

"It doesn't matter, these things will be shown to them sooner or later. Moreover, they have all been selected by His Majesty. Everyone can be regarded as a talent with excellent character and learning. I believe they will definitely be able to do something. It's a great ambition for a career."

"Although the financial industry is not a government institution, what these people have learned is not the Four Books and Five Classics, but miscellaneous arithmetic. When they come to a financial institution, they can really make the best use of everything and make the best use of their talents. .”

After Xu Chang and others came into contact with these materials for the first time, their first thought was novelty, and their second thought was shock.

Unexpectedly, Wang Yang and His Majesty actually wanted to do something big, even now, they would only try it out on Shaanxi North Road.But what if the trial is successful?It is inevitable that it will be promoted to the whole country.

Although this financial institution does not belong to the government, the local government cannot regard the financial institution as a place where they can intervene.

Just like what Mr. Wang wrote in the materials, professional things must be done by professionals, which eliminates the possibility of government interference. At the same time, they must be double supervised by the government and the Song Dynasty supervision system to prevent the financial system Internal corruption.

It has to be admitted that Wang Yang and Wang Wushan are worthy of being a pillar of the world. Such a bold idea and creativity not only solved the problem that the common people had nowhere to borrow money in the past, but also prevented illegal usury among the people to the greatest extent.

However, they still had a lot of questions. They just remembered Wang Yang's previous explanation, calmed down, and after reading these materials, they began to ask Wang Yang for advice.

Naturally, Wang Yang would not be stingy, listened carefully to their doubts, and gave detailed answers to their questions one by one.

"Lord Wang, I feel that if the Preparatory Committee of the Great Song Financial Institution can really be completed, it will benefit both the country and the people, but what do we need to do?"

"Here, of course, there are a lot of tasks that need to be done by you. For example, in the financial system, there must be a supervisory agency, the China Banking Regulatory Commission. In addition, there must be a financial reserve agency. Both of these agencies are state-owned."

"After all, to set up a bank, they need to pay the bank reserve. The so-called bank reserve means that a certain percentage of property needs to be handed over to the China Banking Regulatory Commission at the beginning of the bank's establishment to ensure depositors' withdrawal needs..."

"Moreover, in order to prevent the bank from lending too much, resulting in insufficient savings, resulting in depositors being unable to withdraw..."

It took nearly a full day for Wang Yang to communicate with these 15-year-old young officials. In the end, everyone agreed to stay and become a member of the Dasong Financial Institution Preparatory Committee.They will contribute their meager efforts to this brand-new cause and become the pioneers of this era.

All they need to do is to set up a framework, set up various supervision and supervision departments of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, and establish standard entry and exit accounts.In addition, under the personal guidance of Wang Yang, they all began to learn the debit and credit bookkeeping method to be applied to the banking system.

Fortunately, they are all strong in mathematics, and the debit and credit bookkeeping method is not difficult. More importantly, the debit and credit bookkeeping method can clearly mark economic transactions.

In addition to these, it is trying to find loopholes, to find loopholes in the financial law, so as to improve this new bill as much as possible before the implementation of the financial law.

After more than 20 experienced accountants called by Wan Bin arrived in Hongzhou, the progress of the work suddenly accelerated a lot.

The Emperor Zhao Xu has been paying close attention to the construction and preparation of financial institutions on North Shaanxi Road, making the communication channel from North Shaanxi Road to Bianliang, Tokyo more and more frequent.

Almost every day, urgent letters of [-] miles would be dispatched to the capital from Shaanxi North Road, and letters from the capital would also be sent from the palace to Shaanxi North Road.

The Empress Dowager Gao Taotao wanted to stay out of the matter at first, but when the emperor Zhao Xu often came to her door with problems, Gao Taotao felt more and more that with the deepening of the problems and the construction of this financial institution, she finally found out Getting out of this thing is not easy.

I even understood that it would be fine if this so-called finance only appeared in North Shaanxi Road, but if it is really implemented nationwide, then it is very likely to change the current economic situation in Song Dynasty.

"Although the Ai family can't fully understand, at least they can feel why Wang Wushan is so cautious. Moreover, the Ai family can also see that if the banking industry can really be done, it may be the world All businesses will become customers of the bank..."

"In this way, this bank will inevitably become a daunting behemoth. If there is no supervision, I'm afraid it's hard to say what will happen."

"The emperor's grandmother was right. At first, my grandson thought that Wang Wushan was making a fuss out of a molehill. He kept trying to confuse me. It would be best to allow him to set up a state-owned bank on North Shaanxi Road first. Let the private banks appear."

(End of this chapter)

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