Since ancient times, talented people have been born in the Red Chamber

Chapter 1000 We did this bank, we must do it! (Part 2)

Chapter 1000 We did this bank, we must do it! (Second more)

Chapter 1009

The more he saw the content, the more shocked Wan Bin became. Yes, he never thought that the institution called a bank that Wang Yang conceived was actually a professional lending institution.

Moreover, it also takes into account the function of savings, but the loans issued by this bank are divided into commercial loans, industrial loans and agricultural loans, and the interest rates of each type of loan are different.

But there is one thing, that is, the interest rate of the loan is really low, um, pitifully low.However, once the bank becomes a lending system recognized and certified by the government.

Then its scale and volume, just thinking about it with your toes is scary. Even this bank can only be opened in these six states on Shaanxi North Road.

But the problem is, the government approves it, and when the loan interest rate is not high, it is the only institution that can take charge of the loan, tsk tsk tsk...

Wan Bin seemed to have heard the sound of the copper plate falling to the ground like a rainstorm.

Wang Yang sipped the wine and held the delicious food while admiring the change in Wan Bin's expression.From the shock at the beginning, to the shock later, then the eyes and expressions turned into emotion, and then, there was a kind of greed and possession that is indescribable in words.

Seeing such an obvious and undisguised change in his expression, Wang Yang knew that he had successfully used this plan to convince Wan Bin, a veteran driver of the mall.

"We have done this bank, we must do it, dear brother, oh no... Mr. Wang, this bank must be run by Wan. First, who can dare to say that he can win hundreds of thousands or millions of coins at once?" Do principal?
Secondly, I, the Jiangxi Wan family, am well-known in the Jiangnan area, and I value business ethics the most, but I am far better than those people who are unjust for profit..."

"Brother, calm down first, calm down... Hurry up and have a sip of wine first." Wang Yang didn't expect to say it straight after watching this stuff. Although Wang Daguan was very pleased with this reaction, the problem is that things can't be done. so urgent.

After Wan Bin drank two glasses of fine wine in a row without knowing what to eat, and looked at himself eagerly with his unusually big eyes, Mr. Wang put down the cup and chopsticks in his hand.

"It seems that Brother Wan is very interested in this bank? Moreover, if this first bank in the Song Dynasty is handed over to others, I would really not worry about it."

"Haha, that's necessary, don't worry, you can't go wrong if you leave it to Brother Yu." Wan Bin heaved a sigh of relief, and the smile on his face became more and more enthusiastic.

"But, brother, have you read the plan clearly? Banks must be supervised by the China Banking Regulatory Commission, which is the Preparatory Committee for Dasong Financial Institutions that is currently being established."

"Of course there is no problem with this. It's just that what does Da Song Finance do? Will it affect our bank's business?" After Wan Bin nodded, he rolled his eyes and asked Wang Yang in a lowered voice. road.

"No, it will only conduct a regular audit of your accounts within each fiscal year, and two unannounced audits to check whether the bank has any violations, such as unauthorized increases in lending rates, or , handing out agricultural loans to businessmen, etc..."

After pondering for a while, Wan Bin nodded in agreement. "It makes sense. After all, commercial loans have the highest interest rate. Thinking about it, if there is no supervision and verification, maybe such a thing will really happen."

"In addition, although this financial institution preparatory committee is an official organization, they do not belong to the government. In other words, the government and them are not subordinate to each other. This committee will be directly responsible to the court, and its staff will also There will only be court appointments or selections..."

"However, if the Banking Regulatory Commission you mentioned has internal problems, or if they collude with the bank and do something secretly, then what should we do? After all, dear brother, didn't you say that they have no control over the government?"

"Although the supervisory censors of the Song Dynasty and the government are not under the jurisdiction of the Banking Regulatory Commission, once such a problem occurs, it is illegal, and the government will naturally punish it. The sentence should be sentenced and the fine should be fined... "Wang Yang laughed and shrugged.

"That's why the finance bill needs to be drafted before the banks are established as lending institutions."

"Brother, I wonder if you are willing to join the Dasong Financial Institution Preparatory Committee with my younger brother. I need someone to help me draft this bill, and I also need you to try to gather a group of them. Talented men come..."

"I, too, joined the preparatory committee of this financial institution?" Wan Bin first showed a look of surprise, but then shook his head again. "Wan still thinks it's interesting to do business that can make money."

"Of course there is no problem, but before the bank is established, you can draft a bill with me first. After all, you need to have an identity to be able to do things."

After listening to Wang Yang's explanation, Wan Bin breathed a sigh of relief, and naturally patted his chest and promised Wang Yang that he would write a letter tonight, and then try to get the Jiangnan Wan family to send a group of accountants who are proficient in finance as soon as possible.

In addition, this guy didn't give up and asked about Wang Yang's establishment of a bank.Since the other party was so interested, Wang Yang naturally couldn't refuse, so he explained the general structure of the bank he planned to establish in the six states of Shaanxi North Road.

"Because this is the first bank, everything is experimental. Maybe there will be some adjustments after a period of trial operation, but some things can be determined."

"If you want to set up a bank, capital is the key. It must be at least 100 million before you can be qualified to set up a bank. Moreover, private banks will only open business in North Shaanxi Road for the time being."

"It's a good thing that the threshold for entry is set higher, but I'm afraid that if the threshold is too high..."

"It doesn't matter, private banks are not only wholly-owned, but also joint-stock banks, which are established with joint investment by everyone."

"But what if someone borrows a loan here and absconds without repaying it?" Wan Bin asked a very crucial question.

"So there will be a dedicated person to review whether the other party has fixed assets or other properties. When the other party lacks the ability to repay, then these assets and properties will be sold by the government. Compensation will be paid to the other party After the debt is owed to the bank, the remaining income will naturally have to be returned to the debtor."

"It seems that the most important thing about this loan is to review the loan, whether the other party has the capital, and whether they can afford to repay it. These all need someone to specially investigate."

"Yes, so, in the financial law, there are also crimes related to financial fraud. For example, the other party deliberately deceives the auditors, saying that a certain house is his fixed asset, and then using it to obtain a loan from the bank."

"But in fact, the house deed was actually forged by him in collusion with the clerk under the government. In this way, this person and the clerk constituted a crime of financial fraud. Not only must the loan be recovered in full, but And severely punish the two of them..."

(End of this chapter)

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