Chapter 89 All parties prepare!

Above the wilderness, a gust of wind blew past and stirred up the yellow sand all over the sky.

After a night of running around, the four people who escaped from the fort came to a desert.

At this time, the surrounding area is full of yellow sand, and you can't see the end at a glance.

Tian Shui walked in the front with the only grenade left in his hand.

Fengmu used all his abilities to find the scavenger camp as soon as possible.

And Liu Min carried the unconscious Chen Zhuan to the rear.

Suddenly closing his eyes, he stopped in his tracks, put his hands on his temples, and frowned.

This made Tian Shui even more nervous, holding the grenade tightly in both hands.

Liu Min walked over and asked in a low voice:

"found it?"

After a while, Fengmu's legs suddenly softened, and he sat down on the ground, panting heavily and said:

"Well, southwest, twenty kilometers away!"

Hearing this, Liu Min nodded, and asked Tian Shui to carry the seal behind his back, and continued to move forward.

Seven hours passed, night fell, and there was no light in the entire wilderness.

At this time, the few people were only a few hundred meters away from the scavenging camp. If they hadn't encountered several strange beasts on the way, they might have arrived long ago.

"Straight ahead, inside the valley!"

Just after saying this, Fengmu fell asleep on Tian Shui's shoulder.

And Liu Min shook her head, glanced at her surroundings, and said anxiously:
"time does not wait!"

After the words fell, several people quickened their pace.

After walking for about 10 minutes, the two finally came to a valley.

Liu Min put Chen Zhuan on the ground slowly, and ordered:

"I'm going to find the entrance. If there is a situation, just light your grenade. I will be back as soon as possible!"

When Tian Shui nodded, Liu Min disappeared.

Another 3 minutes passed, but nothing happened.

Liu Min's figure also came out of the night, he waved to Tian Shui, then picked up Chen Zhuan and led the way.

Several people circled the valley and came to the other side.

I saw Liu Min put two fingers of his right hand together and pointed towards the mountain wall.

Spiritual energy burst out from the fingertips, and the originally intact wall began to collapse, revealing a hole.

After the entrance of the cave appeared, Liu Min walked in with Tian Shui.

As soon as they entered, seven or eight people came out, and their strengths were about four to five levels.

When they saw someone trying to enter the camp, several people showed fierce expressions, took out their weapons and rushed over.

But after running two steps, he froze on the spot, the weapon in his hand fell directly to the ground, and someone shouted in horror:

"Super, extraordinary?"

I saw that Liu Min still released his aura, suppressing them so that they couldn't move, and then drove straight in with Tian Shui.

After the figure disappeared, his voice echoed in the cave:

"Tell you boss, I like to be quiet. Of course, if you want to see the cemetery, you can also come to me!"

When the figure dissipated, several people still did not dare to move.

On the other side, inside the Flying Wing Fortress.

Sima Kong was sitting in the backyard exercising his muscles and bones, when he heard a knock on the door, he went to the front hall and opened the door.

With the creaking sound of the wooden door, Gu Changsheng outside the door was full of compliments, he put his hands forward, and shouted:

"See Lord Sima!"

But Simakong seemed to be this kid, so he lost interest immediately and closed the door again.

But Gu Changsheng refused. He directly pressed his hand against the door and shouted:
"Master Sima, there is a big event, there is a big event!"

"The little one didn't have any objections last time, why aren't you happy, my lord?"

And Sima Kong shouted impatiently:
"I'm very busy, I don't have time to listen to your nonsense!"

"None of the information you gave last time was true, and I was scolded by my apprentice!"

"Why, you still want to come this time? Get lost while the old man still has a good temper!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't care about it, and directly poured the spiritual energy towards the door.

Seeing the golden flames burning on the gate, Gu Changsheng naturally didn't dare to resist forcefully, so he had to withdraw his hand and move out of the way.

As the door closed heavily, Sima Kong was ready to rest.

Gu Changsheng outside the door looked helpless, turned his head and spread his hands towards the corner of the street, shouting:

"There's nothing we can do! Come on!"

Sima Kong, who had just sat on the bed, rolled his eyes and murmured to himself:
"It doesn't matter who you are, I can't open the door!"

"If you do it again, Liu Min will really turn against me."

Then he closed his eyes and leaned against the head of the bed.

After about 3 minutes, a voice sounded outside the door:
"Captain, come out, it's really a big deal!"

Hearing this, Sima Kong suddenly opened his eyes, always feeling that the voice was extremely familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was for a while.

After a while, the voice outside the door sounded again:
"Oh, the team, it's me, Lin Yu!"

Lin Yu?

At this time Sima Kong walked straight out of bed and opened the door.

After the door opened, Lin Yu was standing at the door, and Gu Changsheng didn't know where to hide.

Lin Yu smiled wryly and said:

"Captain, something is wrong!"

"Liu Min and the others were forced to defect!"

Hearing this, Sima Kong's pupils dilated, and he hurriedly asked:
"Caught? Is Liu Min okay?"

Lin Yu shook his head, his eyes dodged a little:
"No, no, Liu Min successfully ran out!"

"that is.."

Sima Kong's temperament was a little impatient, so he scolded after such a smear:

"What is it, tell me!"

"Did he have a broken leg? Or was he seriously injured?"

Then Lin Yu told the general story he had heard, especially when Wu Zhi helped Liu Min escape in great detail.

Hearing Sima Kong sigh repeatedly, he didn't know whether he was sad or happy for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yu said:
"Wu Zhi will be executed in six days, and Liu Min will definitely save him."

"You also know his character. He regarded Wu Zhi as his disciple, and he was rescued by him."

"I'm afraid I can even give up my life!"

In an instant, Simakong stood up from the bed and shouted:

"No, absolutely not!"

Suddenly, Lin Yu exhaled heavily, and said in a trembling voice:

"Captain, I know something else."

"You must be very clear about my origin, and I won't hide it anymore."

"I already know who planned that incident 15 years ago!"

After Gu Changsheng's lies last time, Simakong only held a credible attitude towards this matter, and asked doubtfully:

"who is it?"

Lin Yu closed her eyes and said softly:

"Your teacher!"

Black Iron Fortress.

The whole fortress was in an uproar, and the calls for Wu Zhi's immediate execution became louder and louder.

However, the top management of the fortress insisted on six days before the execution.

Claims to draw out deeper enemies.

In this way, people continued to march every day in the next few days.

Until the day before the execution, Flying Wing Fortress suddenly announced.

Three days ago, the new supernatural was born, and Sima Kong is now about to return to the Black Iron Fortress.

And this incident made the hearts of the people in the Black Iron Fortress sink.

After all, Wu Zhi is Liu Min's subordinate, and Liu Min has already defected, but as his master, how could Sima Kong not know about this?

So people can only keep praying in their hearts, heroes are always heroes.

In the early morning of the seventh day, there were 8 hours left before the execution of Wu Zhi.

Above the wilderness, a jeep was speeding continuously, heading towards the black iron fortress where it had been parked for many days.

In the car, except for Wu Zhi who was imprisoned, the six investigation teams were all present.

Feng Mu, who was driving the vehicle, suddenly froze for a moment, then turned around in doubt and shouted:
"Team Lin is here!"

Hearing this, Liu Min frowned and asked:
"What is he doing here?"

The rest of the people naturally didn't know and shook their heads.

About a minute later, a purple arc flashed outside the car, and Fengmu slammed on the brakes.

Liu Min gestured to stop, and got out of the car alone.

As soon as he got out of the car, he saw Lin Yu walking over.

Lin Yu pointed to the distance, and the two went together.

When he was several hundred meters away from the car, Lin Yu said:

"Are you going to save Wu Zhi?"

Liu Min glanced at it, and instead of answering directly, asked rhetorically:
"Is something wrong?"

Lin Yu shook his head and said slowly:
"You can't go!"

(End of this chapter)

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