Chapter 64 Chen Zhuan Joins
Wu Zhi never expected that the new team member would be Chen Zhuan.

After I came back, I also tried to inquire, but it seemed that there was no such person.

This is a thigh, and its life is related to my own. It needs to be hugged, and it needs to be hugged hard.

And Chen Zhuan looked at the two of them dully, feeling like dying in his heart.

And Liu Min didn't hesitate, and asked directly:

"Come with me, there are not enough people now, join my sixth team!"

Chen Zhuan's expression shrank slightly, he moved to the corner twice, and said with a mournful face:
"Captain Liu, uh, no, brother, I don't want to go, I just want to stay here!"

Liu Min was also ready for a protracted battle, sitting directly on the pile of weeds beside him, and said slowly:
"Don't, don't call me big, don't call me big brother!"

"Don't say I'm unsatisfactory. It's okay not to go. I just don't know what will happen to you if he dies!"

After speaking, he appeared directly behind Wu Zhi, and put his right hand at his throat.

At this moment, Wu Zhi's face was full of question marks, what kind of routine is this?

He didn't react until he felt his right foot seemed to be kicked.

He pretended to block with one hand, raised the other hand and shouted at Chen Zhuan:

"Brother Chen, save me, save me!"

"I don't want to die!"

Chen Zhuan raised his eyebrows, and looked at the two acting in front of him with the eyes of a mentally retarded person.

Seeing this, Liu Min pouted, and after releasing Wu Zhi, complained:

"What the hell kind of idea did you come up with? You can think of such a bad idea."

After speaking, he walked back to the weed pile and lay down in a comfortable position.

Wu Zhi was left standing there blankly.

At this time, Chen turned around and said:

"Brother, let me go, look at me, I'm already useless!"

"Joining the sixth team is also a hindrance, I really do."

As he spoke, he began to take off his clothes.

Seeing this, Liu Min waved her hand to stop:
"Okay, stop pretending, you want to show us that you don't have muscles anymore?"

"No more, just practice!"

After hearing this, Chen Zhuan stopped and was about to cry. He shouted helplessly:
"No, I'm such a waste!"

"I'll hold you back later, in my heart..."

In the end, before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Liu Min again:
"Don't talk nonsense with me. If you are willing to join, I will ask the old man to take out the remaining ambergris!"

"This thing should have a great effect on that little snake!"

"Besides, now Wu Zhi and your life are tied together, and you have to die if he dies!"

Having said that, Liu Min stopped and raised an eyebrow at Wu Zhi.

After receiving the signal, Wu Zhi also spoke to persuade:
"Old Chen, it's not that you are meddling in your younger brother's business!"

"The captain is right. If I die and you can't live, then what will Auntie do?"

"Although my aunt may be hundreds of years old, she is still young. Look at her in that basin."

"Any fish will eat him up. It's all for your own good. Listen to my brother."

10 minutes later
Chen Zhuan's wailing came from inside the thatched cottage:
"A sin!"

The three walked out, Liu Min and Wu Zhi had smiles on their faces.

Chen Zhuan, who was following behind, had a sad face. Only the little snake in his sleeve could give him a sense of security.

At this time, Fengmu was squatting in a corner, stroking the inner wall of the fortress with his hands, and slowly said:

"Captain, I just noticed that there seems to be something wrong with the wall"

Hearing this, Liu Min walked over suspiciously, and also knelt down and stretched out her hand.

The moment he touched it, he frowned and muttered to himself:

"How is it possible? How come there is no energy flow here?"

Feng Mu suddenly said:

"Captain, do you want to tell the back-up people about this? If the enemy finds out, I'm afraid they can directly break the inner wall..."

Liu Min interrupted directly with a wave of his hand, and whispered:
"Don't worry, no one will come here at this time, so go back first!"

After saying that, the two stood up and left.

Wu Zhi walked behind, comforting Chen Zhuan all the way.

three hours later

Directorate General of Investigations.

Liu Min sat on the sofa in her office, looking up at the three people in front of her.

Wu Zhi continued to comfort Chen Zhuan.

And Chen Zhuan was crying and didn't know if he heard it, but kept repeating in his mouth:

"The less trouble, the better!"

In this way, comfort the soul in your hands.

As for Feng Mu, he stood straight to the side.

Liu Min shook her head and sighed, there was no way, who made this team by herself, so she had no choice but to say:

"There's still enough manpower. I'll give you three days to go and recruit someone for me."

As soon as he finished speaking, Fengmu's trumpet-like voice sounded:
"Captain, what are your requirements? Do you want to be powerful, handsome, or ugly?"

Liu Min took out his ears and glanced at the three of them:
"Bring me the person first!"

Then he directly urged the three to leave.

Feng Mu walked at the front with his head held high.

Wu Zhi went in the middle, Chen Zhuan was last.

Suddenly closed his eyes and shouted:
"Don't let our dear captain down, I hope that in three days, each of you will bring ten people back!"

After speaking, he hurried downstairs.

After leading the people away, Chen Zhuan took out his ears and asked doubtfully:

"Has he always been like this?"

"Is it so loud?"

Wu Zhi nodded, took out his ears, and explained:

"He's deaf!"

Now Chen Zhuan was no longer calm:
"He's deaf, so why is he yelling so loudly? If you have the ability..."

While talking, he suddenly stopped, took a deep breath, and muttered to himself:
"The less trouble, the better!"

Wu Zhi had a headache when he heard it, as if he was chanting scriptures. If he hadn't seen Chen Zhuanmeng's appearance before, he would have known it was a thigh.

Otherwise, Grandpa would have quit.

At that moment, Wu Zhi said goodbye and walked downstairs.

As soon as I went downstairs, I found a mummy-like person standing at the gate.

When he saw the grenade in the man's hand, Wu Zhi already knew the identity of the man.

It was the weird guy in the ward who didn't know what he was doing here.

Without waiting for a response, the man walked directly towards here, staring at Wu Zhi firmly.

As soon as I got close, it was a bear hug:
"My dear friend, I haven't seen you for many years, I miss you so much!"

(End of this chapter)

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