People are in the wasteland, start with Zanpakutō

Chapter 61 8 degrees of space, giant energy absorption!

Chapter 61: Octave Dimensions, Great Energy Absorption!

At this moment, the crowd was in despair. Out of hundreds of people, only a dozen or so could show their heads, and the rest were already lying under the weak water.

But at this moment, Liu Min suddenly noticed that the water surface had submerged slightly.

If the calf could be completely submerged before, it can only submerge half of the calf now.

Seeing this, he quickly shouted:

"Lin Yu, the water is sinking, let's help the old man!"

As soon as he finished shouting, Sima Kong shouted:
"Don't come here!"

"I can vaporize the body, how about you?"

"Pay attention to your surroundings, I can still hold on!"

Having said that, Simakong kept waving the Zanpakutao in his hand, and the black flame continued to burn, blocking Ruoshui.

Under the water, one can vaguely see small waterspouts continuously drilling into the "Octave Space" as the center.

Wu Zhi on the side bit his tongue with his teeth to prevent himself from passing out.

After an unknown period of time, he felt that the water level had dropped to a certain extent, and the outer circle of his back was above the water surface.

If you can raise your head, you can pop out of the water.

It's a pity that the hair has been wet with weak water, and it can't be lifted at all.

As the water level dropped, screams came from around:


"I can't breathe!"

As for the distance, Simakong still felt exhausted, the speed of swinging the knife gradually slowed down, and the black flames around his body had also dimmed.

Suddenly a wave hit and threw him to the ground.

The weak water that lost its hold was poured in again.

A large amount of weak water caused the water surface to rise again. Wu Zhi was submerged again before he even had time to take a breath.

But as the water surface rises, the small tornado under the water becomes larger and larger, and the "octave space" is absorbed faster and faster.

Liu Min and Lin Yu were lying on the mountain wall, their eyes widened.

I saw that the water level was dropping at a speed visible to the naked eye. Even if there was no obstacle, the incoming weak water could no longer keep up with the speed of absorption.

Even the weak water on the other side of the canyon is directly pulled over.

3 minutes later
The weak water in the entire canyon is almost dry, except for a small water ridge in the deepest part.

Sima Kong was sitting cross-legged on the ground at this moment, and the black mask on his face had turned into black smoke and dissipated.

He attached the golden flame to the surface of the body to evaporate the small amount of weak water around the body.

After the weak water evaporated, Sima Kong took off some of the wet clothes on his body, stretched his muscles and bones, and walked towards Wu Zhi.

At this time Liu Min was squatting aside, seeing Sima Kong approaching, she quickly gave up her seat and whispered:

"It's a good thing you're here, old man, otherwise no one will be able to evaporate this weak water."

Sima Kong waved his hand, knelt down and tapped Wu Zhi twice.

In an instant, golden flames ignited around Wu Zhi's body, and faint water vapor emitted.

But as soon as Sima Kong left, the golden flame naturally went out.

Sensing this situation, Sima Kong turned back again, wondering:

"Huh? There is no aura in this kid's body?"

"Weird! Liu Min, use your aura to help him later, if there is no aura to burn, the golden flame won't last long!"

After speaking, Liu Min stretched out his hand and placed it on top of Wu Zhi's head, wrapping his body around with spiritual energy.

After the flames burned again, Simakong went to the other team members to light the fire one by one.

Half an hour later
After the catastrophe of Ruoshui, there were nearly a hundred people who survived, but now there are less than 30 people left.

Sima Kong sighed heavily, and waved towards Liu Min and Lin Yu.

The three of them found a place where no one was there, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

At this time, most of the weak water on Wu Zhi's body has been evaporated, and after taking off his clothes, he can move freely.

Although the internal organs were damaged, it was not fatal when nourished by Liu Min's spiritual temperature.

It's just that I don't know where the weak water that was sucked into the body went.

Most of the nearly 70 people who died were caused by the inhalation of weak water in the body, which could not be discharged, and the internal organs were directly crushed.

Wu Zhi stood up slowly, looked at the sanitary napkin beside him, and reached out to pick it up.

But with a little force with both hands, a small amount of weak water was directly squeezed out.

He was so scared that he quickly stopped, not knowing what to do for a while.

Octave Space is also very inhalable!

It won't crush the storage space!
Obviously this concern is unnecessary, and the system directly gives a prompt:
[Storage space: unlimited space. When an object is too heavy, it will fall infinitely on its own! 】

Wu Zhi patted his forehead, and from the corner of his eye, he turned aside his blind eye, only then did he remember that there was still this coward.

Immediately walked over.

As soon as he got closer, he found that the bandage around his eyes was emitting steam, and Wu Zhi reached out to untie it.

Before reaching out, I heard Liu Min's voice:

"He's fine, his eyes are very strange, as long as he's not crushed to death, the weak water in his body can't help him!"

Hearing this, Wu Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, feeling a little tired, and sat down on the ground again.

Then Liu Min handed Zanpakuto over and asked in a low voice:
"You dropped the weak water?"

Wu Zhi nodded dully, just about to explain.

But Liu Min was the first to say:

"Another heirloom?"

Helpless, Wu Zhi had no choice but to give up, and nodded awkwardly.

Then Liu Min said:
"I would ask too many questions, after all, you saved everyone's life."

"It's just that I want to know where all the weak water has gone. You drank it all?"

Wu Zhi pointed to the sanitary napkin on the side, poked it with Zanpakutō, squeezed out some weak water in an instant, and asked:

"Don't you know about sanitary napkins?"

"Eight-dimensional space, great energy!"

Liu Min rolled her eyes, unwilling to take the next step, and changed the question:
"I want to see how you take it back!"

"I'm afraid this thing can crush people to death!"

In an instant, Wu Zhi's eyes lit up. The sanitary napkin has absorbed so much weak water. Can we just throw this thing out after a fight?

At this moment, Sima Kong's voice came:
"Everyone! Assemble!"

Hearing the sound, Wu Zhi smiled twice, and waved his hand at the "Octave Space" on the ground.

I saw that the eight-dimensional space disappeared out of thin air, as if it had never appeared before.

But Liu Min narrowed her eyes and shook her head.

After a while, more than 30 naked men and women gathered together, but everyone escaped from death, and it was not embarrassing.

When everyone gathered, Sima Kong slowly said:

"The task is completed, thanks to everyone!"

"Although we have lost most of our brothers and sisters, the task is considered complete."

"I hope that when we go back, we can all gather in the survey corps. After all, there is only one left in our corps."

While talking, Simakong directly took out the previous box, opened it, and there were hundreds of energy stones inside.

Seeing the box, Wu Zhi felt a little familiar at first.

But when he saw what was in the box, his eyes widened.

At the same time, Liu Min on the side frowned, and secretly said: I was fooled!

(End of this chapter)

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