People are in the wasteland, start with Zanpakutō

Chapter 6 Initial Explanation: Pisces Theory!

Chapter 6 Initial Explanation: Pisces Theory!

Hearing this, the stranger shook his head and jokingly said:
"It's too late now, what I want is for everyone to surrender, of course you can also leave alone, it's just these people"

He stopped in the middle of speaking, and Liu Min clicked his tongue.

And the eyes of the people around have also changed, becoming murderous.

After a few seconds of stalemate, under the displeasure of the other person, someone finally moved.

I saw a person holding a long sword in his hand, rushing out and shouting:
"Captain, I'm sorry, I just want to live!"

Liu Min closed her eyes helplessly, sighed heavily, and shook her head at Wu Zhi.

Wu Zhi understood what he meant and nodded.

At this time, several people rushed towards Liu Min.

Seeing this, Liu Min instantly disappeared in place, her figure flickering like a ghost.

In the blink of an eye, the five rushing people had collapsed to the ground.

Just as Liu Min's figure appeared, three more people rushed over, using the same technique again.

The attack was very light, just simply knocking the opponent unconscious with a knife.

1 minutes later

Except for Wu Zhi and some disabled people who could not move, everyone was knocked to the ground by Liu Min.

The stranger quickly clapped his hands and applauded:

"Hahaha, okay, it's so beautiful, so now you all die together!"

Before the stranger could finish his sentence, Liu Min's figure disappeared instantly.

When it reappeared, it was already behind the other person, holding a long knife in his hand at some point.

The sword slashed down, and as the long sword slid down, there was obviously no object blocking it, but a burst of fire was wiped out in the air.

But at this time, the blade suddenly broke, and the front half of the blade flew out.

Liu Min found that the long knife broke, disappeared in an instant, and appeared in front of Wu Zhi.

Cold sweat dripped down his forehead, he had never fought against this strange person before, and now he can't see through the fight at all
opponent's ability.

The alien was a little irritated, his raised orchid fingers trembled, and he shouted in a sharp voice:
"All have to die!"

After speaking, all the strange beasts roared, and the sound was like thunder from the nine heavens, deafening.

Seeing this, Liu Min looked at Wu Zhi behind him, and the two looked at each other and nodded.

Liu Min picked up two long knives from the ground, crossed them behind her back, closed her eyes, and let out a heavy breath.

In the blink of an eye, Liu Min appeared in front of the other person, and first drew his left knife.

The long knife cut down, sparks appeared out of thin air again, and the long knife in his left hand broke.

At this moment, Wu Zhi took a sharp breath and shouted:
"Now, all stand up!"

The voice was so loud that Wu Zhi spat out blood again.

But the effect still existed, all the strange beasts stood on two feet at the same time and stopped in place.

Yiren and Liu Min were the same at this time, they froze.

Unlike Liu Min who knew the rules a long time ago.

It can be seen through the pupils of the mask that Yiren's eyes are full of shock at this time, and he has never seen such power.

In 0.3 seconds, Yiren recovered but still didn't recover.

In 0.5 seconds, Liu Min recovered and stabbed out with his right knife.

A master's move is fleeting.

At the moment Liu Min made a move, the foreigner was barely able to react, and had no choice but to turn around.

But it was too late.

The long knife pierced straight into the heart, piercing it instantly.

Seeing this, Liu Min held the knife with both hands, and swiped it hard to the left, trying to cut it in two.

Just as the long knife slid an inch to the left, Yiren's soles of his feet suddenly stretched out with earth thorns, stabbing towards Liu Min.

In desperation, Liu Min had no choice but to give up, gave up the long knife, and disappeared in the same place in an instant.

Wu Zhi felt a daze in front of his eyes, and Liu Min appeared in the blink of an eye, so he asked in a low voice:
"team leader?"

Liu Min looked solemn, sighed lightly and did not respond.

At this time, the strange man suddenly laughed maniacally, and pulled out the long knife on his chest, but no blood flowed out.

Then he took off the mask from his face.

The appearance is a bit delicate, and the expression on the pale face is a bit crazy. There are no whites in the eye frames, and the entire eyeballs are black ink, giving people an extremely gloomy feeling.

The other person was a little surprised at this time, he didn't expect that an inconspicuous ant could deflate him.

But at this moment, the hole in his chest was healing rapidly, returning to its original state in less than two seconds.

The stranger said jokingly:
"Interesting, interesting!

Before the words fell, Liu Min's figure disappeared directly in place.

There was a playful smile on Yiren's face, and he instructed Yishou to kill Wu Zhi, while he was looking for Liu Min's trace.

Dozens of strange beasts rushed over at the same time, Wu Zhi didn't dare to use [Stand Up] because the opponent was unprepared for the first time.

And it's not hard to see that the Yiren recovered faster than Liu Min, and if he used it casually, he might harm himself.

In desperation, Wu Zhi drew out the Zanpakuto, ready to die.

In the blink of an eye, a strange beast had rushed over, Wu Zhi swung his knife and slashed at the strange beast.

The alien beast opened its big mouth and bit down on the Zanpakutō. Another alien beast jumped up from behind and rushed towards Wu Zhi.

Seeing this, Wu Zhi fell to the left and let go of the Zanpakuto that was bitten.

Holding the ground with his left hand, he kicked out with his right foot, and the pounced beast was kicked away.

Thomas made another spinning movement on the ground, using the inertia brought by the rotation.

Grabbing the Zanpakutao in the mouth of the strange beast, and sweeping it hard, the strange beast was split into two.

Just after two of them were dealt with, the remaining three beasts had already arrived in front of them.

Wu Zhi rolled backwards twice, preparing to cast Zanpakutō's first solution, even if it was only for two seconds, it would be enough for the time being.

"Roar, snake."

Before Shi Jieyu could finish speaking, suddenly several strange beasts sprang out from the left and right sides.

However, his intuition told Wu Zhi that Shewei Wan couldn't deal with so many strange beasts within two seconds.

Suddenly caught in a dilemma, and there are countless strange beasts approaching around.

From the corner of his eye, Wu Zhi noticed that Liu Min hadn't shown up yet, so he shouted in desperation:

"Now, all stand up!"

When the skill was activated, all the strange beasts around stopped, and even those who jumped in the air fell to the ground and got up to stand.

It seems that there is an invisible big hand controlling all the lives that hear the words.

But at this moment, the Yiren showed a smile, because Liu Min was standing upright in front of it.

In 0.3 seconds, Yiren turned his head and punched out, and the air was even blown out of ripples.

In the blink of an eye, Liu Min flew backwards, her chest sunken.

On the way of flying backwards, something faintly flashed in the air.

Although Liu Min was seriously injured, he still felt something and twisted his body in the air.

His feet were instantly torn apart, and a large piece of flesh fell off.

If it wasn't adjusted in time, the whole leg might have to be cut off.

The stranger laughed loudly, applauded and said:
"Hahaha, thanks to you little guy, it's awesome, let me leave you with a whole body!"

Having said that, the Yiren turned his face aside again, biting the nails of his right hand, wondering what he was thinking.

At this time, Wu Zhi was already stunned in place, looking at the deep hole that Liu Min smashed aside, feeling a little at a loss.

But the strange beasts didn't wait for him. The moment the control time ended, dozens of strange beasts roared and rushed over.

Hearing the sound, the stranger not far away frowned, raised his orchid finger and shouted angrily:
"Shut up!"

As soon as the sound came out, the strange beast that had just jumped up was cut into two pieces and fell to the ground in an instant.

The blood of the alien beast drenched Wu Zhi's body, which was cold and biting to the bone.

The alien in the distance shook his head, looked at the gray sky, and muttered to himself:
"Forget it, let's end it quickly, we have to go back!"

After saying that, a black sphere formed by the condensation of different sources condensed in his right hand.

The sphere seems to have consciousness, beating on the palm of the hand.

The alien smiled charmingly and threw the ball.

The black ball is like a black hole, sticking to the ground and flying, swallowing everything it passes.

At this time, Wu Zhi was completely stunned, turning his head to look at the flying black ball, remaining indifferent.

The system also gives a prompt:

【Please host to escape as soon as possible】

At this time, Wu Zhi was still in a daze, and the biting cold wind could not wake him up.

Suddenly, Liu Min's weak voice came from next to his ear:

"Run! Run!"

Wu Zhi, who heard the voice, instantly woke up.

He thought that Liu Min was already dead, and it was impossible to escape here with his own strength.

But now that Liu Min is not dead, it means there is still hope, but this hope is a bit unrealistic.

Besides, fleeing, I'm afraid I can't do it with my own strength.

There is no time to wait, and the black balls are only ten meters away from each other at this time.

Zanpakuto, I still have Zanpakuto!

Wu Zhi gritted his teeth and stood in front of Liu Min, holding Zanpakudao tightly with both hands.

"The wave is my shield; the thunder is my blade! Pisces!"

At the beginning of the release, Zanpakuto was full of streamers.

When the light dissipated, the Zanpakutō split into two.

Shaped like a shark's fin, the handles are connected, one side absorbs energy attacks, and the attack can be bounced back from the other side through the linking part of the handle.

After a brief consideration, Wu Zhi finally chose Pisces Li.

It's just that I don't know if I can absorb the black ball and bounce it back with my own ability.

In the blink of an eye, the black ball has come to the front.

Wu Zhi raised his left hand and pointed the tip of the knife at the black ball.

I saw that when the black ball touched the tip of the knife, it turned into flowing water and was sucked into the tip of the knife.

2 秒

1 秒

Seeing that Shijie is about to be released, and the black ball has only been absorbed by no more than one third.

Wu Zhi felt severe pain in his left hand, his muscles began to collapse, and blood seeped out directly through his pores.

But he still persisted, his eyes were red, the corners of his mouth had been bitten with blood, and he murmured to himself:
"Not enough, not enough!"

"Reiki, I need Reiki"

In the blink of an eye, Wu Zhi felt that the Zanpakuto was about to end, and the sense of powerlessness emerged again.

Suddenly a hand grabbed his ankle, and a warm current flowed from the ankle into the dantian.

The gloomy Pisces suddenly regained its light.

The stranger in the distance had a look of surprise on his face.

As early as the beginning of understanding, it noticed it, but it didn't stop it. When the beginning of understanding was about to end, it felt bored again.

But now it became interested again, and looked at Wu Zhi who was insisting not far away with a playful look.

With Liu Min's aura, Pisces absorbs it more quickly.

Wu Zhi turned to look at Liu Min and whispered:

"Captain, I need to move quickly behind that strange man later."

At this time Liu Min's expression was disastrous, and a large amount of blood continued to flow out of his chest, but he still nodded slightly.

Three seconds later, Yiren looked at the black ball that was about to disappear, yawned slowly, and unhurriedly condensed another black ball on his right hand again.

At this time, feeling that the black ball was about to be absorbed, Wu braked his right foot to hint to Liu Min.

Liu Min received the cue and opened his eyes suddenly, several black lines appeared in the air and penetrated into his eye sockets.

Suddenly, Wu Zhi seemed to be in a daze before his eyes, and a strange person had appeared under him.

And he himself instantly moved to the top of the stranger's head.

Time waits for no one, point the right knife of Pisces at the stranger
The three characters gritted their teeth, and as the Pisces mobilized, the black ball shot out from the tip of the knife.

Compared to before, the black ball is larger and faster.

The stranger only reacted when the black ball was launched, and turned his head in disbelief:

"how is this possible!"

The black ball hit the alien, causing a huge explosion.

The shock wave instantly sent Wu Zhi and Liu Min flying.

Wu Zhi fell heavily to the ground, his internal organs had already been displaced, and his left hand was almost useless.

And Liu Min fell to the ground, her own injuries were extremely serious, and she passed out immediately after receiving the shock wave.

The air was full of dust, and it was completely impossible to see the current situation of the alien.

A gust of wind blew by, and the dust flew with the wind.

I saw a deep pit on the ground, probably dozens of meters deep.

Just when Wu Zhi felt relieved.

Suddenly a figure came out from the deep pit, it was a strange person.

(End of this chapter)

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