Chapter 51 Rescue!

after an hour.

Over the wilderness, hundreds of cars are driving rapidly.

Each car has a different number printed on it.

At this time, Wu Zhi was sitting in the back row, propping his chin with his hands and complaining:

"Captain, there are only three people in our team, and you want to come?"

Before Liu Min could respond, the driver of the car shouted loudly:
"What do you know! The captain is worth ten thousand! The two of us are delivering food!"

Wu Zhi rolled his eyes. Along the way, Feng Mu was like a licking dog, licking every sentence and every word.

What a shameless person, he immediately shouted:

"Fart! Why is one worth ten thousand, captain, eternal god!"

At this moment, Liu Min clicked his tongue displeasedly, a little impatiently:

"Or sew your mouth shut?"

Wu Zhi could only obediently keep his mouth shut.

Ke closed his eyes and shouted straightforwardly:

"Captain, don't talk about your mouth, it's fine even if you want it."

The chatter continued and the voice was so loud that Wu Zhi immediately covered his ears and thought about this mission.

According to Liu Min, this mission is mainly to rescue the second team that is besieged by other fortresses.

Wu Zhi didn't know the specific reason, so he simply put it down, leaned on the seat, and looked at Liu Min, the co-pilot.

At this time, Liu Min's face was gloomy, and she looked out of the window with a frown, wondering what she was thinking.

This car was specially customized for Liu Min. The co-pilot's seat was removed and a device for fixing the wheelchair was installed instead.

It was another two hours in a blink of an eye.

Suddenly, Fengmu stepped on the brake lightly and slowly stabilized the car.

Liu Min on the side poked his head out to look outside, and asked suspiciously:

"what happened?"

This time, the sound of closing the book is extremely low:

"someone is coming!"

Hearing that, Wu Zhi also quickly stuck his head out and looked out the window. There was nothing but the vehicles of the investigative corps passing by, so he asked:
"You wear a bandage, how did you see that!"

After finishing speaking, he wanted to continue speaking, but saw Liu Min press a button in front of the co-pilot.

There was a sound of electricity coming from the radio, and a voice came out:
"Captain Liu, what's the matter?"

Liu Min said coldly:

"Close the eyes and sense that there are enemies ahead, let's change the course!"

After speaking, the radio echoed and cut off the call.

At this time, Liu Min still opened the car door, and a flat plate slowly stretched out and landed on the ground.

He drove the wheelchair down, and when he landed, seeing that Wu Zhi in the car did not respond, he said slowly:

"You wait here to die!"

Hearing this, Wu Zhi quickly reacted, got out of the car, walked to Liu Min, and pushed him forward.

After Fengmu got off the car, he took two steps forward and stopped.

Suddenly Liu Min asked:

"How? How far away?"

Closing eyes paused for two seconds, then turned around and said:


Wu Zhi frowned, 3?

Immediately after closing the book and opening again:


Suddenly, the ground began to tremble slightly.

Wu Zhi was stunned for a moment, and asked incredulously:
"Why, are you counting down to death?"

At the same time, a car stopped aside.

A bald man in the city bureau robe came down, approached Liu Min, bent down, and whispered something in his ear.

Liu Min's expression began to change, from haze to surprise, then smiled, and asked in a low voice:


Seeing that bald head nodded, Liu Min smiled and said:
"Leave it to our Sixth Team here. You can continue to move forward. If asked, just say that Sixth Team is blocking enemy harassment!"

The bald head bent down, glanced at Wu Zhi and Feng Mu, who were on the left and right, nodded with a smile, and turned to get in the car.

Looking at the vehicles in the distance, the smile on Liu Min's face gradually froze, and he sneered:

"You can really use people as gunmen!"

After speaking, he waved to Wu Zhi, and when he approached, Liu Min raised his eyebrows:

"Boy, I have a mission for you. Thousands of people will come over later. Stop them!"

"Fengmu and I still have some things to do, you stay here until we come back!"

Wu Zhi's eyes widened, how many thousand people?I come to stop?
Just as he was about to open his mouth to explain, Liu Min's figure disappeared instantly, along with Feng Mu.

Feeling a little confused, he looked around.

At this time, it was on the plain, and there was nothing around it except the vehicles.

And the vehicle that had been following behind had disappeared without a trace.

A breeze blew Wu Zhi's sleeves, and he sighed softly, just about to curse.

In the distance, the sound of closing eyes was transmitted like a trumpet:
"Wu Zhi, the captain told you not to curse, and told you to use your thing to stand up and carry it!"

"We'll be back soon!"

Hearing the sound, Wu Zhi quickly suppressed the swear words that had reached his throat.

Now that that's been said, what should I do? Let's show it off!

He sat on the ground and looked ahead.

3 minutes later
At this time, the shaking of the ground became more and more intense, and a group of moving black objects appeared in the distance.

Seeing this, Wu Zhi patted his butt, narrowed his eyes and looked ahead.

I saw a group of convoys rushing in the distance, probably thousands of vehicles.

Just when the distance was less than 1000 meters, the convoy accelerated suddenly.

Wu Zhiqi sank to his dantian, put his hands next to his mouth to act as loudspeakers, and shouted:
"Now! All stand up!"

For a moment, Wu Zhi stood obediently on the spot by himself.

And the vehicles that lost their drivers in the distance began to lose control, collided left and right and huddled together.

But Wu Zhi was afraid that there would be an expert on the other side, so he didn't pause at all, and started shouting again:
"All rise!"

There was another sound, and the slower vehicles also heard the sound and lost control.

It hit the vehicle in front of it directly and flipped over.

But the shaking of the earth did not stop at all, it was still shaking one after another.

Suddenly a huge figure appeared in the distance, probably 50 meters high, resembling an elephant.

Wu Zhi gasped for an instant, and quickly increased his voice:

"Now, all stand up!"

Then he didn't dare to breathe, and kept shouting.

The elephant let out a loud cry, and its huge pupils showed a little puzzlement, its forelimbs were lifted upwards vigorously, and it stood directly on the spot.

The elephant standing in place is nearly [-] meters high.

Wu Zhi was so frightened that he didn't dare to stop, and when he stepped on it, there was no ashes left.

After shouting several times in succession, the elephant could not get used to standing on its feet and fell directly to the side.

In an instant, several cars were crushed, and a burst of flames lit up, followed by an explosion.

There was a scream in the distance:
"Help! Who can tell me what happened!"

"I don't want to stand!"

"My leg is broken, don't let me stand!"

But the reply to them was still: "Now! Everyone stand up!"

The continuous release made Wu Zhi feel a little puzzled. Although his strength had increased, he felt that the continuous effect of [all standing] did not decrease in the slightest.

But he didn't dare to try a little bit, so he could only keep shouting.

Just as he finished shouting, a sudden gust of wind swept by, blowing up the weeds on the ground.

A piece of weed fell into Wu Zhi's mouth, causing him to cough.

At the same time, a stream of light flew from a distance.

Fortunately, Wu Zhi came to his senses and quickly shouted:
"Now! All stand up!"

As soon as the words fell, a man appeared in front of his eyes, with hatred hidden in his eyes.

And the dagger in his hand was already hanging on Wu Zhi's neck.

(End of this chapter)

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