People are in the wasteland, start with Zanpakutō

Chapter 1 Plug-in account, all stand up

Chapter 1 Plug-in account, all stand up

On the barren land, there are countless corpses, including human beings and giant monsters.

Suddenly, the corpse of a young man on the ground opened his eyes suddenly.

He looked around in confusion, panting heavily, and there were corpses all around him.

The thunder sounded, making the young man tremble in fright.

Looking up, there was thick black smoke floating in the air not far away. ·

The teenager was a little confused, his mind went blank.

Suddenly he curled up, holding his head and moaning.

After an unknown period of time, the pain in the brain subsided, and a strange memory emerged in my mind.

The boy muttered to himself:

"Wu Zhi? Then I will be called Wu Zhi!"

He was a good young man in the 21st century. He fell asleep and came to this world as soon as he opened his eyes.

According to the memory of the former master, this world is extremely dangerous.

The ground is full of monsters called alien beasts.

Most human beings were expelled by monsters and could only hide in the four fortresses to survive.

There are still a small number of humans left wandering in the wilderness.

Having read countless novels, I never thought that such a thing would happen to me.

Wu Zhi sighed, not knowing what to do next.

Suddenly, a few lines of text appeared in front of my eyes:

[Universal lottery has started]

[Congratulations on getting the gift package for newcomers: Spirit Points*100, Free Lucky Draw*1, Ability Points*10]

Looking at the system in front of him, Wu Zhi was overjoyed. He never thought that he would have such a thing as a system.

After 10 minutes, he had figured out how to use his system.

The most important thing is the lottery draw, which needs to consume 500 spirit points.

And the spiritual points are obtained by killing strange beasts. As for how much to give, I haven't tried it yet.

There is also the ability point, 100 spirit points can be exchanged for a little ability point.

And the function of ability points is to strengthen oneself, you can specialize in one thing, or you can be all-round.

As long as one item meets the requirements, it will break through to the next level.

For example, from level zero to level one, one ability needs to reach 50, and when Wu Zhi's power reaches 50, he will break through.

After figuring out the system, Wu Zhi immediately rubbed his hands and called the system out.

Issue an order: Draw a lottery!
The moment the order was issued, a disc appeared in front of his eyes.

The disk is divided into five pieces, marked with grades: S, A, B, C, D
And there is a pointer in the center of the disc that is spinning crazily.

After three seconds, the hands began to stop slowly.

Wu Zhi held his breath, stared at Yuanpan in front of him, and said silently in his heart: S, S, S, give me S!
[Congratulations for obtaining a D-level passive skill: "All stand up"]

[All stand up: Shout out "Now, all stand up", any life that hears the voice must stand on both feet and cannot move for a maximum of 3 seconds. During this period, they cannot move. The stronger the opponent is, the weaker the effect will be. 】

Wu Zhi immediately stood up straight, don't ask why he draws cards standing up, it's just a hot man.

Suddenly, the roar of a strange beast came from a distance, scaring Wu Zhi to leave the place quickly.

The rain is still falling, and the surrounding area is full of barrenness, with only dead trees on the ground.

Under the washing of the rain, the smell of blood on his body has faded a lot.

A gust of cold wind passed by, and Wu Zhi shivered from the cold.

At this time, there was a scream from the left, which made him quicken his pace a little.

He had just run two steps, but suddenly stopped, with embarrassment on his face.

Because a system prompt appeared in front of my eyes:
[Main task [-]: Save the old hapless Xu Yan, and live together to reunite with the big army! 】

[Rewards: ability points*3, free lottery*1, combat skills*1! 】

[Remaining time: 24 hours! 】

【The host please use the ability points as soon as possible to complete the task! 】

【Spiritual Power: 10】【Strength: 10】【Speed: 10】【Endurance: 10】

[Free ability points: 10]

Wu Zhi was suddenly caught in a dilemma. With his current strength, it was too difficult to survive in this wilderness full of strange beasts.

At this time, there was not much time to hesitate, because there was another scream in the distance.

Immediately, he chose to add five points to [Strength] and [Speed], and then walked in the direction of the screams.

Wu Zhi's steps were very light.

This world is too dangerous. You can feel the terror of alien beasts just from your memory, not to mention that he is too weak.

Two minutes later, the screams in the distance stopped.

Wu Zhi felt that something was wrong, and seeing a dry forest in front of him, he hurriedly quickened his pace under the cover of the dry forest.

Walking through the dry forest, there was a plain in front of him, but Wu Zhi froze in place at this moment.

I saw a mess in front of me, the ground was full of blood and crushed internal organs.

But in the next second, Wu Zhi's pupils tightened and his face turned pale.

A rhinoceros-shaped beast was in front of it. It was covered with black scales. Its head had sharp horns nearly one meter long. It was five meters long and two meters high.

The rhinoceros was currently gnawing at the corpse of a human being, while another human was trampled under its feet.

Wu Zhi didn't dare to make any sound at this moment, and the former master was just a recruit, who was killed the first time he saw a strange beast.

Suddenly, the rhinoceros beast stopped eating, raised its head sharply with human intestines hanging from the corner of its mouth, and instantly locked onto Wu Zhi behind the dead tree.

But Wu Zhi shuddered for an instant, froze in place, and his mind went blank.

The rhinoceros beast was not in a hurry to kill the new prey, but looked at the other person stepping on it, showing a human-like smile.

With a little force on the left front hoof, the comatose person woke up instantly and let out a miserable cry.

The right leg has been completely broken.

Just after waking up, the man found Wu Zhi behind the tree, and shouted with all his strength:

This sound woke Wu Zhi up, and his standby brain restarted. Without the slightest hesitation, he turned around and ran into the dead woods.

The rhinoceros beast didn't chase after it, and continued to eat, and the two preys were enough for it to have a full meal.

5 minutes later
A corpse has been devoured, leaving only the remains of bones.

The rhino beast opened its mouth wide, and was about to eat another fresh prey.

At this time, a gunshot rang out.

But the bullet didn't hit the beast, but hit the ground not far away.

This shot was fired by Wu Zhi who had already gone away.

Not long after he ran, the system gave a reminder that the survivor was Xu Yan.

And the roars of several strange beasts came from in front of him. After thinking for a long time, he looked at the [Battle Skills] on the reward.

[Battle skills: Obtain the fighting skills of the deceased strong man, and some habits of the other party will be attached! 】

This is the hope of living!

I finally made up my mind, since I would die no matter what, it would be better to try my best to turn my bicycle into a motorcycle.

Then returned to this place again.

A pistol and a long knife were also recovered from the body of a companion during the period.

After arriving, they hid in the distance to observe, waiting for the right opportunity.

But there was no suitable opportunity for left and right. Seeing that Xu Yan was about to be eaten, he had no choice but to shoot.

Seeing that the shot was missed, Wu Zhi cursed a few words, touched his numb right hand, and suppressed the fear in his heart.

I will die standing up!
Coming out from behind the tree, he cried out:

"You son of a bitch, fuck me if you have the ability!"

Naturally, the strange beast couldn't understand this, but it was obviously a little angry when it was interrupted from eating.

With a roar, his limbs exploded with astonishing speed.

The distance between the two sides shortened instantly.

The long knife is unsheathed.

Wu Zhi's hands holding the long knife even trembled a little.

At this time, the rhinoceros beast had come to him, and he saw the sharp horn approaching.

Wu Zhi's pupils constricted, he raised his long knife and shouted:
"Now, all stand up!"

As soon as the words fell, the rhino's forelegs pushed upwards and stood up on two limbs.

Small eyes, big confusion.

But Wu Zhi wanted to chop him off with a knife, but found that he couldn't move either.

Immediately realized that this is too fucked up, no one can move.

The sound was not low, and Xu Yan, whose right foot was broken in the distance, also heard it.

The moment he heard it, his eyes widened, his body was completely out of control, and he braced himself to stand up.

But his right foot was broken, and as soon as he stood up, he fell to the ground again.

After the fall, the body was still uncontrollable, and he stood up with force, but just stood up, and fell to the ground again.

In the blink of an eye, three seconds passed, and the control time was over.

With the brain of a strange beast, it is completely impossible to understand the situation just now.

But Wu Zhi seized the opportunity, and the moment the rhino climbed down, he slashed down with all his strength.

The long knife cut on the scales of the rhinoceros, and it broke instantly.

Wu Zhi's eyes widened, and he backed away while smiling awkwardly.

The rhinoceros was completely enraged, and the prey in front of him actually attacked him, so he raised his head and pointed it at it with a sharp horn.

Wu Zhi retreated quickly, but he bumped into a tree trunk just after taking two steps back.

There was no way out, and the sharp corner was coming, so he shouted again in desperation;

"Now, rise up, all!"

Two people and one beast led them to stand in place again.

The rhinoceros roared angrily, and it stood up uncontrollably even though its prey was right in front of its eyes.

And Wu Zhi tried to explain:

"Brother Alien Beast, I didn't do it on purpose, or let's discuss it."

Before he finished speaking, the control time ended again, and he shouted again in desperation:
"Now, rise up, all!"

At this moment, Xu Yan couldn't take it anymore, and shouted:

"Brother, my leg is broken, I don't want to stand anymore!"

As soon as he finished shouting, he fell to the ground, only to hear the tormenting voice again.

Wu Zhi has no choice but to use it a little bit, otherwise he will be eaten in the next second.

The scene was very embarrassing at one point and lasted for a full ten minutes.

I could only hear Wu Zhi shouting continuously, his voice was a little hoarse.

And the worst one was Xu Yan, who wanted to survive at the beginning, but after falling down and getting up again and again.

At this time, I thought that when the time came, I would commit suicide in an instant, and I never wanted to hear the words "all stand up" again in this life.

Suddenly, the sound of vehicles came from a distance.

Wu Zhi was so overjoyed that he even forgot to keep shouting.

The rhino's tortured eyes were red, and the moment it hit the ground on all fours, it raised its sharp horns and stabbed at it.

The sharp horn pierced Wu Zhi's shoulder in an instant, and the tingling pain spread throughout his body in an instant, and he fell to the ground with a scream.

The rhino seized the opportunity and pushed over again,

The sharp angle was right in front of us, but fortunately Wu Zhi shouted again: "Now, everyone stand up!"

As soon as the words fell, Wu Zhi stood up directly from the ground, and the injured wound screamed again.

And the rhino roared angrily, which was too torturing, no, it was torturing a beast.

The worst was Xu Yan, who was about to commit suicide when he stood up again and let out an angry roar.

The sound of two people and one beast alarmed the jeep in the distance.

Behind Xu Yan, a jeep was galloping towards him, and there was a figure on the roof.

Wu Zhi quickly shouted:

"Help! Help!"

(End of this chapter)

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