Chapter 191 Sail to Sea!Shi trolling!

Xiao Mo ignored everyone's jokes, and urged them in a funny way:

"Okay, okay, go to sleep, there is a big event tomorrow! Remember to wake up early tomorrow!"

When everyone heard this, they thought that tomorrow's big event was full of anticipation. Without Xiao Mo saying anything, they lay down and went to sleep obediently with excitement and anticipation.

The audience in the live broadcast room were confused and curious.

【Happy every day】: "What's going on tomorrow? Did I miss something?"

[Love and Hate for 11 Years]: "No! I've been in the live broadcast room for a whole day, and I haven't heard them explain what they're going to do tomorrow!"

[Silent Fan—Gaiguai Longdidong]: "Ahhh! I'm so looking forward to it, what kind of event is it?"

【If you're fine, it's fine】: "Are you going to have a deserted island party?"

[Rarely confused]: "I think the desert island concert is reliable!"


Just when all the netizens were discussing excitedly, Xiao Mo and the others were already wandering freely in their dreams with a smile on their faces.

The night passed like that.


Early the next morning, without Xiao Mo calling, everyone had already woken up consciously.

After packing up the things, everyone is ready to go.

The program team prepared two fishing boats, and Xiao Mo and the others were divided into two groups, AB and AB.

Xiao Mo, Liu Yifei, Dilly Reba and Shen Xiaoyang are in Group A.

Wu Qilong, Li Yapeng, Sun Yizhou and Xing Aowei are in Group B.

"OK! Let's go!"

Xiao Mo stood at the bow and shouted.

"Wish us all the best!"

"Jungle family! Go ahead! Yay!"


With everyone's high-pitched cheers, the two sea fishing boats sailed quickly to the distance.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw this scene, and some smart people had already guessed what activity Xiao Mo and the others were talking about last night.

【Wang Zijie Feiyan】: "Huh? Are you going to go fishing early in the morning? Don't you mean activities?"

[Bounce Blind Karaka]: "Is it to prepare ingredients as an activity?"

[Flying down three thousand feet]: "I don't think so, have you noticed that these two boats are different from the boats that Mo Shen and the others used to fish?"

[My heart is flying]: "I know! If I'm not wrong, they are planning to go fishing in the sea!"

[Little Fishing Master Mr. Deng]: "Haha! This one is good, this one is good! I don't know if they can catch big fish!"

【Bai Qi Xiao Fei Heng Jiu】: "Ah? So this is the event! I thought..."


Xiao Mo stood at the bow of the boat, looked at the camera and said loudly:

"Audience friends, are you wondering where we are going now?"

"Have some smart viewers already guessed it!"

"That's right, we are now sailing out to sea, ready to go fishing! Today our goal is tuna!"

Xiao Mo talked a lot, because the speed of the boat was very fast and the sea wind was strong, so his voice had to be loud to be heard clearly.

"The fishing method we use is trolling! Some people may not know what it is, so let me explain it to you."

"Troll fishing is the process of attaching a rod to the stern of a boat and using a floating artificial bait to lure the fish. This method is often used to catch large fish in the Pacific Ocean!"

"Wish us luck!"

After Xiao Mo finished speaking, he waved to the camera, and now they have reached the sea fishing area.

Shen Xiaoyang was a little seasick at this time, and his mental state was not good, so he lay on the boat and didn't want to move.

Fortunately, sea fishing does not require many people, so Xiao Mo told him to take a good rest.

Liu Yifei looked at the endless sea and said excitedly:

"It's the first time for me to go fishing in such a sea by boat! Wow! It feels great!"

Tilly Reba on the side also looked strange, looking around on the boat.

"We're sure to catch a big fish today! As big as this!"

Tilly Reba opened her hands and gestured in front of her chest.

"Ha ha!"

Xiao Mo looked at her and smiled and said:

"That's right! Sea fishing actually depends on luck! We have you two little fairies in our group, and we will definitely catch big fish!"

Liu Yifei and Di Lieba immediately laughed happily when they heard this.

For a moment, the sky and the earth turned pale, and a hundred flowers contended.

At this time, Sun Yizhou on the opposite boat shouted loudly:

"Xiao Mo, do you want Bibi, we will definitely catch someone who is bigger than you!"

"Cut! Who is afraid of whom, haha, stop the air force!"

Xiao Mo accepted Sun Yizhou's challenge with a smile.

"This kind of fishing method is to fight for character, I think you... tsk tsk!"

Xiao Mo clicked his tongue twice, and deliberately shook his head to show that he didn't like them.

"Impossible! Our character is good!"

Sun Yizhou immediately retorted.

Li Yapeng also said:

"We speak with strength!"

At this time, Wu Qilong looked at Xiao Mo and his fishing rods in the stern in surprise and said:

"Hey! Mo, why do you have so many fishing rods?"

Sun Yizhou, Li Yapeng and Xing Aowei also poked their heads out to look.

"I'll go! You guys are too thieves!"

"We only have a few, you have so many!"

Seeing their dispirited and hopeless expressions, Xiao Mo was overjoyed.


Tilly Reba and Liu Yifei even laughed wildly.

The audience in the live broadcast room were also laughing.

[Aren’t you]: “Haha! I can’t stop laughing! Brother Long and his team only have two! Silent God and the others just have eight! Hey!”

[Princess Taiping Airport]: "Ouch! Haha! No more, I burst into tears from laughing!"

[Omurabi has no water]: "Hahaha! Sun Yizhou is such a treasure! Why don't you first look at the strength gap between the two sides?"

[Yun Shen doesn't know where to go]: "Hohohoho! It's so funny! Look at their unlovable expressions! Haha!"


After laughing for a while, realizing that the strengths of the two sides are not equal, Sun Yizhou said that the challenge is invalid, so they don't want to compare with such shameless people.

Xiao Mo's speechless shaking of the head is also funny, who told you not to see the situation first, it's not my fault.

Then, Wu Qilong and his group chose one direction to set off first, and Xiao Mo and the others also started sea fishing in another direction.

The boat galloped across the sea, setting off waves and waves.

Liu Yifei grabbed the handrail, looked at the bait at the stern and asked curiously:

"Brother Mo, it means that big fish will swim up and eat that bait?"

Xiao Mo nodded while adjusting the fishing rod and said:
"Yes, that's right, you see the bait jumping on the sea surface, like a small fish in the sea, and then attracts the big fish to chase and bite the bait!"

Looking at the artificial bait that does not live in the sea and jumps out of the sea from time to time, Liu Yifei and Di Lieba screamed again and again.

"Wow! Really!"

"This is too much like a small fish in the sea!"

"Ahh! I saw a big fish!"

"So big, so big! There are really big fish!"

Suddenly Dilly Reba and Liu Yifei screamed excitedly, pointing to the sea and couldn't stop exclaiming.

Just now, an unknown big fish jumped high in the white waves at the stern.

Xiao Mo also saw it, and with a smile on his face, he said happily:

"It's bass, haha! Looks like we're about to get something!"


(End of this chapter)

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