Chapter 188 Lunch break time!

After returning to the camp, Xiao Mo and the others began to cook a lobster feast.

This is their most luxurious breakfast.

Splendid lobster!Tridacna shellfish!
Everyone's mouth was full of oil, and it was so delicious that they couldn't stop.

[My silly little sister]: "Woooooo... how can I eat so well! Poor thing, I can only eat steamed stuffed buns!"

[Beautiful Fireworks]: "Damn it! What a waste! Such a big Splendid lobster is just grilled and eaten like this! My heart hurts so much!"

[Designed but not eh]: "I estimated that the silent gods and the others will eat at least 10,000+ in this meal!"

[Lin Lin's little follower]: "My mother! I don't understand the world of the rich! Envy has torn me apart!"

[Yihong Qingquan]: "Are there any brothers who organized a group to go to Nuatu? We caught a big lobster and we became big!"

[The left and the right are still inside]: "Wake up, brother upstairs, if you have the money to go, you might as well find a factory and work hard!"


The envy of the audience in the live broadcast room, the barrage filled the entire screen, and the picture was once invisible.

Xiao Mo and the others finished the super deluxe breakfast, it was only after 1 o'clock, the sun was shining, and everyone was not ready to go out.

Everyone lies in the shelter and prepares for a lunch break.

But how can everyone fall asleep without being too tired?

In the small shelter on the other side, Dili Reba sticks out her head and shouts at Xiao Mo:

"Brother Mo! Brother Mo! There's nothing to do here, it's so boring, why don't you continue talking about "Tomb Raiders Notes"?"

"That's a good proposal! I support it with both hands and feet!"

When Sun Yizhou heard it, he immediately agreed in a funny way.

"Haha! Xiao Mo, come on, come on, we all want to hear it!"

"Brother Mo! Public opinion cannot be violated!"

"Xiao Mo, please start your performance!"


Everyone sang together, and quickly moved Xiao Mo.

Xiao Mo shook his head and smiled wryly, so he had no choice but to start storytelling.

"The book is next!"

"There was an eerie clucking noise in the hallway."

"The fat man raised the short gun with only one glorious bullet, and motioned to Poker Fing, as if to mean: How about we fight with it? Poker Fing waved his hand, disagreed, and then let us follow his example, Covering his nose, he covered Pan Zi's nose with one hand and turned off the miner's lamp with the other.

Immediately, we were plunged into absolute darkness, with nothing but the ghastly rattling sound of my own beating heart.During this period of time, all my attention was on that voice. I heard him getting closer, and a very strange stench appeared in the air.

I was so frightened that I almost suffocated. As the voice became clearer and clearer, I felt like a death row prisoner waiting to die. Suddenly, in a trance, the voice suddenly disappeared!My heart trembled, did it find us?

After a full 5-6 minutes, an extremely eerie but clear "cluck" suddenly appeared beside us, so real, my God, it was almost right next to my ear!Immediately, my scalp exploded, and I pressed my mouth desperately to prevent myself from screaming. My clothes were almost soaked in cold sweat.

These few minutes are really tormented, my mind is blank, I don’t know whether the one waiting for me is dead or alive, after about 30 seconds, the voice finally started to move to the distance, I sighed psychologically, I Grandma finally had a chance.Suddenly, there was a "plop", and I don't know which bastard farted at this time.

The voice suddenly disappeared. At the same time, the mine lights came on, and I immediately saw a huge strange face almost sticking to my nose. Two eyes without pupils stared directly at mine. Terrified, Liejie retreated a few steps. At this moment, Poker-Face yelled, "Run!".Fatty looks clumsy, but in fact he is very flexible. He rolls over on the spot, picks up Pan Zi, and runs away. I follow behind him, cursing: "Damn fat man, did you fart!"


"That little hand, with five fingers all the same length, and an extremely thin arm, was exactly as Pan Zi described it. It was very scary. The fat man kept gesturing to me, telling me not to move. I was actually not very scared. If a People encounter too many unexpected things at once, but they will become calmer, and I feel like I am being pranked at this time. Suddenly I feel very bored, and I really want to grab that hand with one hand and bite it hard."

"Of course reason still told me to stay there and not move. The fat man used Pan Zi's gun to pick that hand, trying to pick that hand off my shoulder. As soon as the gun was stretched out, the hand was like a snake. The gun was wrapped around the gun, and it was pulled back directly. The fat man was willing to let go, his big butt shook, and he was pulled into the river with that hand.

I hurried up to help, the fat man alone had a lot of strength, and with me, he could only draw with this thin arm. Seeing that we couldn't hold on any longer, Pan Zi raised his hand and threw the saber to Fatty, the fatty cursed, the knife cut fiercely from bottom to top, and scraped off a piece of skin on that hand.The one with the severed hand let go suddenly, and fled wildly into the darkness. The movement made me think that it looked very much like a snake.All of a sudden, the fat man and I couldn't bear it, and we both fell on our backs.

The fat man jumped up like a fat pig, and after chasing it, it turned out that there was a very deep pointing seam there.He squeezed hard inside, although the inside was quite spacious, but the entrance was too small, and his figure couldn't climb in at all. He waved his hand in frustration, and angrily broke the stone bricks with his hands. Unexpectedly, the stone wall It looked very strong, but he broke it off so easily. He hurriedly said, "Look, there is a big hole here!"


"When Wu Xie dimly realized that he was standing still, he suddenly felt extremely nauseous and dizzy. He wanted to open his eyes, but found that there seemed to be a layer of sand in front of him."

"Wu Xie took a few deep breaths, gradually regained his senses, and his eyes gradually became clear. At this moment, he found that he was hanging upside down on a branch of that giant tree. Under his head, there was the The stone platform of a mysterious corpse."

"He looked carefully and couldn't help being surprised. It turned out that there was not only one corpse lying on the stone platform, but beside the corpse he saw, there was also a young female corpse. The corpse was covered with white clothes. Sha, with her eyes closed and her face serene, looks a bit handsome, and there is no sign of decay on her body. If you don't look carefully, you think she is sleeping. And the male corpse lying on the side , wearing a bronze mask with a fox face, covered with tight armor, with his hands on his chest, holding a purple gold box in his hand."

Wu Xie glanced at the armored corpse several times, and always felt that there was a place that made me feel uncomfortable. When I looked carefully, I found that the eyes of the corpse inside were opened through the eyeholes of the bronze mask. Two blue eyeballs are staring at him coldly! "


Everyone was taken aback.

"Mom! This is too scary!"


(End of this chapter)

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