Entertainment: God-level choice starting from being a baby daddy!

Chapter 182 Night 1!The sound of wind and rain at night!

Chapter 182 First Night!The sound of wind and rain at night!
"The third uncle squatted on the ground, touched a handful of soil, put it under his nose and smelled it, shook his head, walked a few more steps, touched it again, and said, "The burial is too deep, you have to shovel it to see "

We connected the threaded steel pipes and the head of the shovel. Uncle San stepped on the ground with his feet to show a few marks on the ground, indicating that this is the position for the shovel. Uncle put one hand on the steel pipe and felt the situation below. When he hit 13 knots in total, Uncle San suddenly said: "Yes!"

We pulled up the shovel section by section, and finally brought out a wave of soil. Dakui took off the head of the shovel and walked to the edge of the fire to show us. My third uncle and I saw that our faces turned pale at the same time. The stuffy oil bottle also let out an ah.It turned out that the soil, as if soaked in blood, was dripping with blood-like liquid! "


"Fuck! Blood Corpse Tomb!"

Hearing this, Shen Xiangyang screamed, and everyone remembered the dangerous tomb of blood corpses that Xiao Mo talked about at the beginning.

"Oh my god! We've come across the tomb of blood corpses so soon! Wu Xie and the others won't be in danger, right?"

Liu Yifei propped her chin with both hands, and there was a worried expression on her beautiful face at this moment.

Xiao Mo ignored him, smiled and continued to talk vividly.

"Third Uncle smelled it before sniffing it, and frowned. Third Uncle and I have read the records about blood corpses, but the specific situation cannot be deduced accurately from my grandfather's notes, but Since there is blood in the mud, the tomb below must be very important.

I looked at my third uncle, wanting to see how he would make a decision. He thought for a while, lit a cigarette, and said, "No matter what, dig it out first."

While Pan Zi and Dakui did not stop, Dakui shoveled a few more times, and then gave the shovel heads to the third uncle. The third uncle smelled each shovel head, and started to connect the shovel holes on the ground with a trowel. I saw that they were busy locating, and after a while, the outline of the ancient tomb was drawn on the ground.
Probe hole positioning is the basic work of Tufuzi. Generally speaking, whatever the top looks like, the tomb below must be like this. Few Tufuzi will make a mistake, but when I look at this outline, I feel something is wrong. There is no underground palace in the Warring States tomb, but there is obviously one underneath, and it has a brick roof, which is really unusual.

The third uncle measured with his fingers, finally determined the position of the coffin, and said: "The bottom is the brick roof, I can't get it down with a shovel, so I can only mark the approximate position based on experience. This underground palace is too weird. I don't know." The bricks there are thin, so we can only drill in from the back wall according to the experience of the Song tomb. If it doesn’t work, we have to start all over again, so we have to be quicker.”

My third uncle and the others have been drilling burrows for more than ten years. The speed is extremely fast. Three whirlwind shovels flew up and down, and they went down 78 meters in one fell swoop. Because it is in this wilderness, there is no need to make soil, we just Turn the mud outside, and after a while, Dakui shouted from below: "It's done!"

Dakui has already dug a large area under the robbery hole, and cleared out a large brick wall. We turned on the miner's lamp and went down inside. Pokerfing saw Dakui knocking on the brick wall with his hand, and hurriedly held him down." Don't touch it." The poker bottle's eyes were extremely sharp, and Da Kui jumped in fright.
He stretched out two fingers, put them on the wall, and felt along the cracks of the bricks. After touching for a long time, he stopped and said, "There is an anti-theft interlayer inside. When moving, all the bricks must be taken out. You can't push it in, let alone smash it!"

Pan Zi touched the wall and said, "How is it possible, there is not even a crack, how could it be possible to squeeze these bricks out?"

Confused, he touched a brick, and with a sudden exertion, he pulled the brick out of the wall. This earthen brick is so strong that it takes only two fingers to pull a brick out of the wall. Know how much strength is needed. These two fingers are really a big deal.

He put the brick on the ground carefully, pointed to the back of the brick, we saw a dark red wax wall behind it, and said: "This wall is full of vitriol used in alchemy. If it is broken, these organic The strong acid will be poured on us in an instant, and the skin will be burned immediately."

I swallowed, and suddenly thought of the skinless monster that my grandfather saw, and I was very shocked. Could it be that it was not a blood corpse?But the great-grandfather who was doused with acid?Didn't grandpa's guns hit great-grandpa? "


"Porky Oil Bottle asked Fat Kui to dig a 5-meter vertical well, and then he took out an injection needle and a plastic tube from his bag. He connected the tube to the needle, and then put the other end into the deep well. In the pit. Pan lit the fire and burned the needle red, carefully inserted the oil bottle into the wax wall, and immediately, the red alum acid flowed from the other end of the pipe into the vertical well.

Soon, the dark red wax wall turned white, and it seemed that everything inside had been wiped out. Poker-Face nodded and said, "Okay!" We immediately started moving bricks.Soon, a hole was made on the wall that could allow a person to pass through. The third uncle threw a fire pocket into the hole, followed the light of the fire, and observed the environment inside. "


Hearing this, the barrage in the live broadcast room was extremely active.

[Eternal Light]: "Damn! Is this still a human finger? Insert it directly into the wall to get a brick!"

[Cherish the person in front of you]: "Wow! My little brother is amazing! Sisters, I have a weird idea, if..."

【Shu Yan dirty woman】: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

[A Drop of Rain Qiuqiu]: "Damn it! This is not the car for kindergarten! Are you in a hurry to get off now?"

[Cold time and sick heart]: "I seriously suspect that you guys are messing around! And I have sufficient evidence!"


The direction of the live broadcast room was instantly distorted by some filthy girls. The little brother's super high finger skills made everyone think about it. Fortunately, the super tube shot in time, and the bad atmosphere in the live broadcast room stopped.

Everyone continued to look forward to listening to Xiao Mo's storytelling excitedly.

"At this time, Da Kui pulled my clothes behind me and pulled me aside.

He is usually quite straightforward, I felt strange, and asked him what was wrong, he pointed to the opposite wall, the shadows of us casted by the miner's lamp, and said softly: "Look, this is your shadow, right?"

I said angrily, "Why, are you even afraid of shadows now?"

His complexion was not very good. Hearing what I said, his mouth trembled a bit. I thought to myself, no way, is he really afraid to this extent?He waved his hand to tell me not to speak, and then pointed to those shadows: "This one belongs to me, this one belongs to Pan Zi, this one belongs to the third master, and this one belongs to my little brother, have you seen them all? Add yours There are 5 in total, right?"

I nodded, and suddenly seemed to have discovered something. Dakui swallowed, pointed to another lonely shadow that was not with us, and asked almost crying, "Then whose shadow is it?"


When Xiao Mo spoke so eeriely, everyone collectively gasped in fright.


"Oh my god! How could there be an extra shadow?"

"Do you still need to think? It must be a ghost!"


Just when everyone wanted to listen to it, the rain fell from the sky.

"Yeah! It's raining!"

"Everyone get into the house!"

"Fortunately, we have built a shelter!"


Xiao Mo and the others quickly ran into the shelter. Xiao Mo, who was about to talk about it again, shook his head and said:

"Since God's will is so, let's stop here today. If you want to know what will happen next, let's listen to the next chapter to break it down!"

"Good night everyone!"

After Xiao Mo said that, he greeted everyone to get ready for bed and rest.

It's really getting late now, Dili Gerba and the others didn't say anything more, and after saying good night to each other, they lay down and went to sleep.

I heard the sound of rain all night.


(End of this chapter)

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