Chapter 172 Drama performance!parting!
Xiao Mo called everyone to start packing their luggage, it was getting late, they had to leave as soon as possible.

After living for a few days, everyone was a little reluctant to part with Sakarava.

The folk customs here are simple, and the villagers are friendly and enthusiastic. I really don't want to leave so soon.

But the show had to be recorded, and they had no choice.

While packing up his things, Sun Yizhou looked at the camera and said with reluctance:
"Their whole living conditions are quite unforgettable to me!"

"If you can……"

Li Yapeng said directly: "Stay here!"

"Ha ha!"

Sun Yizhou immediately succeeded, the reluctance on his face just now disappeared, and he smiled embarrassingly.

Xing Aowei looked at the children playing carefree outside the grass shed, and said with emotion:

"They don't have any games to play, they just get together..."

Seeing the innocent smiling faces of the children, no one said a word, and the sadness of parting welled up in their hearts.

At this time, Xiao Mo suggested:
"How about we make a script together?"


Tilly Reba happily applauded.

Liu Yifei on the side also pursed her lips and nodded.

"Okay! I thought about it too! I did think about that idea!"

Li Yapeng looked at Xiao Mo, a little surprised, the two thought of going together.

"This is good! Make a good memory for the kids before you go!"

Wu Qilong followed suit, and then the others also stopped to pack their things, expressing their strong agreement with this proposal.

"Xiao Mo, you arrange it!"

"That's right! Brother Mo! You are such a world-class director, what do you think we will act in?"

Xiao Mo thought for a while, and then said:

"How about we play that or something, Romeo and Juliet?"

"Hmm! Good!"

"Okay! That's it!"

As for the world's classic dramas, everyone has no problem and will follow Xiao Mo's arrangement.

"Everyone still remember the story? I'll just talk about it briefly."

Worried that everyone would forget the story line, Xiao Mo decided to remind everyone again.

""Romeo and Juliet" is an early tragedy created by Shakespeare. It is written that Romeo and Juliet fall in love at first sight and become lovers. But because the two families are feuds, they cannot be combined. With the help of the priest, the two held a secret wedding. Once Romeo was exiled to avenge his friend by stabbing someone to death. Juliet drank the priest's medicinal wine to "fake death" in order to avoid her parents' forced marriage. Due to the delay of the messenger, Romeo mistakenly thought that Juliet was really dead and committed suicide beside her. Juliet woke up Come, grieved, and ended his own life. This work reflects the conflict between the humanist ideal of love and feudal oppression, praises free love, and criticizes the unreasonable marriage system. Romeo and Juliet The protagonist has become a famous example in world literature of the struggle for love's freedom."

Xiao Mobalabala said that he wanted a plot, and then said:

"Of course, the original version is a bit long, so let's just make a simplified version."

Xiao Mo quickly entered the director mode, took out a pen and paper and began to write a simple plot.

"Cissy plays Juliet, I play Romeo, Reba plays Rosalind."

Xiao Mo wrote and drew on the paper, confirmed that he still had the roles of Liu Yifei and Dilly Gerba, and then looked at Li Yapeng and Wu Qilong.

"Brother Peng, Brother Long, you will play Romeo's father and Juliet's father."

Then Xiao Mo looked at Shen Xiaoyang and the three of them were a little bit in trouble, the main characters were all there, how should we arrange it?
"Why don't you? Brother Yang, you three act as little soldiers?"

"Soldier? No problem!"

The three of Shen Xiaoyang readily agreed.

After deciding on the role, Xiao Mo thought about it and decided to invite some children to participate.

Then he came to the nearest one with an interpreter, and told his purpose of coming. The children thought it was fun and agreed immediately.

"Follow me, walk together! 121!"

Xiao Mo shouted slogans like he was leading soldiers, followed by a group of small soldiers back to the hut.

"My troops are coming!"

"Haha! These kids are so cute!"

Tilly Reba looked at the neatly lined up children with a smile.

Wu Qilong was stepping on some branches into wooden sticks of the same length, and then distributed them to the children.

This is their weapon.

There are six children in total, so there are three Shen Xiaoyang and two for each of them.

After a simple rehearsal, Xiao Mo invited the villagers of the Sakarawa tribe to come to the small river, and their performance was about to begin.

In the first act, Romeo and Juliet have a tryst, and then Li Yapeng proposes:

"Little Mo, you guys can play freely, you can sing, and everyone can't remember the lines, anyway, just that's the meaning."

Liu Yifei and Xiao Mo were sitting on the ground, close to each other, at first glance, they looked like a golden couple.

Liu Yifei is pure and charming, a fairy, Xiao Mo has a handsome face, a slender figure, and looks like a nobleman.

Liu Yifei looked at Xiao Mo affectionately, the latter looked at each other affectionately, and then began to sing affectionately and sweetly.

"My heart sings a song for you,

The lyrics are so sweet,

But I'm shy and I don't have the courage,

Say I love you to you,

Why are you still silent,

Could it be that you don't understand my heart,
No matter how you express it,
I'll tell you I do,

thousands of words

Only one word can,
confess my heart,
In thousands of words,
Just one word,
Can make us cuddle up to each other.

I love you you are my Juliet~

I would like to be your Romeo~

happy every day,
Romantic every night~”


The sweet singing made Liu Yifei fall for her, and she forgot to speak. Seeing this, Xiao Mo tossed his hair pretending to be narcissistic, and then asked:
"Philiye, long time no see. Am I more handsome than before?"

Hearing this, Liu Yifei turned her head quickly, making a funny appearance of vomiting.


Seeing this funny scene, everyone onlookers burst out laughing.


"Can you two stop being so funny? Haha!"

"Ouch! I laughed so hard! You are now princes and princesses! Pay attention to your image!"



Xiao Mo refused to accept it, and said directly to Wu Qilong and Li Yapeng:

"The two of us are in a relationship, what are you fathers doing here!"

"Haha! Unfilial son!"

"Ouch! Brother Mo, you're going to kill me laughing!"


Mermeo in the rebellious period directly made everyone laugh.

Next, there was constant laughter, and everyone's performance received laughter and applause from the villagers.

Soon the show was over.

After Xiao Mo and others gave some special gifts to the villagers, they put on their backpacks and prepared to leave.


"Goodbye everyone!"

"I will miss you!"


The time spent by the Sakarava tribe and the jungle family is beautiful and short, but these happiness are precious in everyone's heart!
I believe that all this will be treasured in each other's memory forever.

Xiao Mo and his group waved their hands and left slowly.


(End of this chapter)

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