Chapter 153 Build a Shelter!Snake meal!
"Hey? I said Brother Yang, you didn't light the fire?"

Sun Yizhou sat slumped on the ground, looked at Shen Xiaoyang who was at the side and asked weakly.

"Hey! Don't mention it! I don't think it's going to work! Look at my hands!"

Shen Xiaoyang stretched out his hands for everyone to look at, indicating that he was not lazy and really tried his best.

"my God!"

Wu Qilong exclaimed, and then said worriedly:
"Without the fire, the snake meat will be uneatable, and it will spoil soon! What should I do?"

Xiao Mo had already finished the tools for drilling wood to make fire, and said with a smile:

"Brother Long, don't worry, I'll try!"

As he spoke, he found some dead leaves, kneaded them into powder, and put them on some haystacks.

After preparing these, Xiao Mo is ready to start.

He stepped on the wooden board with one foot, then clamped the drill pipe with both hands, and rubbed the drill pipe vigorously from top to bottom.


The speed was very fast, and I went back and forth like this five or six times, and I saw green smoke rising from the wooden board.

"Wow! There's smoke!"

"Brother Mo, come on!"

Seeing this, Liu Yifei and Di Lieba shouted excitedly.

Others also gathered around excitedly.

Xiao Mo remained unmoved and continued to rub quickly.

The smoke from the wooden board is getting thicker and thicker, and everyone can clearly see the red sparks where the wooden board touches the drill bit.

"Yes, yes! Come out!"

At this time, Shen Xiaoyang was more excited than anyone else. He had spent a long time trying but failed. No one knew better than him the difficulty of making fire by drilling wood.

The others looked at Xiao Mo nervously, not daring to make a sound for fear of affecting him.

Xiao Mo rubbed it a few times quickly, then stopped and put the drill pipe aside.

Carefully pick up the wooden board on the ground, and then gently pour the spark seeds from the drill hole on the dead leaf tinder just prepared.

Xiao Mo's movements were very gentle, like caressing a newborn baby.

Everyone looked nervously at the ball of dry leaf tinder in Xiao Mo's hand without blinking.

Not even breathing.


Xiao Mo blows on the spark very gently, but don't use too much force at this time, or the spark will be blown away.

Xiao Mo blew a few more breaths, and slowly, the crushed dead leaves were ignited by sparks, emitting bursts of thick smoke.

A single spark can start a prairie fire!

The fire was getting bigger and bigger, and finally the dead leaves in Xiao Mo's hand were all burned.

Xiao Mo hurriedly put it on the ground, and quickly put some small dead branches on it.

Soon, the fire was growing stronger, and he put some large dead logs on it.

At this time, Xiao Mo finally breathed a sigh of relief, the fire is not afraid of going out now.

Seeing the raging flames, the crowd cheered excitedly.

"Oh yeah! Haha! We're on fire!"

"Brother Mo is amazing!"

Tilly Reba and Liu Yifei clapped their hands happily and cheered, they both looked at Xiao Mo adoringly.

Shen Xiaoyang gave Xiao Mo a thumbs up and praised:
"I'm convinced! I'm convinced! Xiao Mo, you are too good!"

Li Yapeng: "Xiao Mo is doing well!"

Wu Qilong: "That's amazing!"

Xing Aowei: "666!"

Sun Yizhou: "As expected of the patriarch! My admiration for you is as endless as the water of the Yellow River or..."

When the fire was lit, everyone was overjoyed and sat around the fire one after another. One or two couldn't help but pick up the dead branches and leaves on the side and mess with it.

For the next life in the wilderness, each of them is full of confidence, and everyone has a smile on their face.

They chatted and laughed.

The audience in the live broadcast room were also very happy for everyone.

[Ling Tian Zhan Zun]: "6666666! The silent god is too 6!"

[Sister's pulling you are not worthy of learning]: "I feel that the silent god is too omnipotent, why can he do everything! This man is too perfect! I love it!"

[Silence fan-Yun'er]: "Ahh! It's hot, it's hot! Silent God is so handsome! I really want to have a monkey with him!"

[Heart Stealing Thief]: "Ahh! Me too! I really want to fencing with the Silent God!"

[Wandering around the world]: "There's something wrong with you, the water friend in front! You're a big boss in women's clothing?"

[Qiuyue lie]: "Wow! Everyone is sitting by the fire talking and laughing, the smiles on their faces are so bright! This scene is so warm!"


After a simple rest, everyone's fatigue was swept away, and it was time to start building shelters.

"Because we still have two girls here, we can't sleep with us big men!"

Xiao Mo smiled, and then said:

"So my idea was to build two shelters, a big one and a small one!"

Everyone has no problem with Xiao Mo's proposal.

"Exactly! Nothing wrong!"

"Okay, agree!"

"Support! Just do it!"


For Xiao Mo's care, Liu Yifei and Di Lieba were very grateful. They both felt that Xiao Mo was so warm and caring.

"Hee hee! Thank you Brother Mo!"

"Thank you all!"

The two laughed and thanked everyone.

"Come on, let's get started!"

With Xiao Mo's greeting, the shelter project officially started.

Because of the large number of people, Xiao Mo and the others planned to build a rectangular shelter.

After planning on the ground, four foundations were marked.

Xiao Mo sharpened the roots of the four logs used to make pillars, and then picked up one that was as thick as an adult's arm to a marked foundation position.

Grab the wood with both hands, and insert the sharpened end into the ground.


A dull sound sounded, and the wood was easily inserted into the soil by Xiao Mo.

Seeing this scene, Li Yapeng and the others who were probably trying to find a way to dig a hole were stunned.


"Xiao Mo, are you still human?"

Shen Xiaoyang walked over in amazement, tentatively pushed against the pillar, and remained motionless.

"Hey! I can't believe it!"

Unbelievable, Shen Xiaoyang intensified his efforts, and finally even used all his strength, but the pillar still remained motionless.

"My god! Xiao Mo, you are not pretending to be a robot, are you? What a lot of effort!"

Xiao Mo smiled and did not speak, and inserted the remaining three logs firmly on the ground one by one.

It numbs everyone.

who I am?where am I?What am I going to do?
"Don't be dazed, everyone, come and help!"

Looking at the crowd who were doing nothing, Xiao Mo shouted angrily.

"Oh! Come, come!"

Next, everyone started to make the roof. First, some vines were used to complete the frame structure, and then a small piece of wood was cut according to the length.

The next step is to tie the small wood to it.

At this moment, Xiao Mo said to Xing Aowei and Sun Yizhou:

"Yizhou, Aowei, go over there and get some banana leaves, and use them to make the roof later."

"no problem!"

"Leave it to us!"

Sun Yizhou and Xing Aowei took the machete and left.

Xiao Mo and the others were on the roof of Bangfang, while Liu Yifei and Tilly Reba were helping to pass the wood.

As the saying goes, there is strength in numbers!

It didn't take long for the frame structure of the roof to be finished.

The entire shelter is a trapezoidal structure with a high front and a low back, so that the slope of the roof is very effective in preventing rain and not easy to leak.

At this moment, Sun Yizhou and Xing Aowei also came back carrying a large pile of banana leaves.

"Xiao Mo! Have you seen enough of this?"

Xing Aowei threw the banana leaf on the ground, panting slightly and asked Xiao Mo.

Xiao Mo nodded, and then said:
"Well, it's ok, it should be enough!"

"Now let's build the roof!"

Everyone continued to work, spreading out the banana leaves and covering them layer by layer from bottom to top.

In this way, the rainwater will flow down and will not leak.

Considering the sea breeze, Xiao Mo and the others went to cut some weeds to spread on it, and then used some big logs to hold it down.

In this way, there is no fear that the roof will be blown away by the sea wind.

And just like that, the first shelter is freshly baked.

Everyone looked at their masterpieces and kept nodding, with smiles on their faces.

"Haha! Not bad not bad!"

"This is our future house!"

"Now you don't have to be afraid of the rain!"


Although the shelter does not look very beautiful, it is strong and can keep out the wind and rain.

[Almost heart-beating]: "Hey! Congratulations to the Jungle family for their proposal of a luxury villa! Haha!"

[Thousand City Yixue]: "The God of Silence directly inserts wood? Fuck, Fuck, Fuck!"

[Hee hee is chasing the light]: "I'm kneeling! The God of Silence is really hammered by aliens!"

[A Midsummer Night's Dream]: "Calm down, calm down! As a kung fu master, Mo Shen's operation is very reasonable!"

[It's finally difficult to miss]: "The special code is reasonable! How can it be reasonable?"

[Let's share the unhappiness]: "Everyone is so united! Everyone is doing something, such a jungle family loves love!"


The audience in the live broadcast room saw the shelter that Xiao Mo and others worked together to build, and felt happy for them.

Xiao Mo and the others took a short rest and started working again.

This time, a small shelter was built for Liu Yifei and Tilly Reba.

Familiar with the road, and this time the scale is much smaller, and soon, another small shelter was successfully completed.

Because they were afraid of rain, Xiao Mo and the others built a rainproof shelter on the fire.

After finishing these, the next step is to make a bed in the shelter.

Because it is in the wilderness, there are many snakes, insects and poisonous ants, so these beds should be kept away from the ground.

But it's also very simple, just tie two pieces of wood to the posts on both sides, and then use one piece of wood to build on it.

Then spread some leaves on top, so that the soft and comfortable bed is ready.

"Wow! Rainbow! There's a rainbow!"

Suddenly, Dili Reba excitedly pointed to the direction of the sea and said to everyone.

A bright rainbow floated over the sea.

"Wow! It's so beautiful!"

Sitting by the fire, Liu Yifei was amazed at the rainbow in the sky.

Xiao Mo said with emotion:
"Only when we come to the wilderness and get close to nature, can we see such beautiful scenery!"

Afterwards, everyone did not speak, and sat by the fire, looking at the sea and admiring the beauty of nature.

At this moment, they seemed to have a little connection with nature.

The torrential waves, the gentle sea breeze, the seabirds in the sky, and the plants and trees here are all so harmonious and beautiful.

Here, there is no work trouble, no trivial life, no intrigue, and everyone feels more relaxed than ever.

After a busy afternoon, everyone except Xiao Mo was very tired. At this time, sleepiness struck, and then they went to rest in the shelter.

At this time, Xiao Mo was going to find some seasoning in the jungle to cook snake meat.

"Yo, good luck!"

Not long after entering the jungle, Xiao Mo found a few wild onions and immediately dug them out with a knife.

Going on, I soon found several lemongrass, wild ginger and a lemon tree.

Topped with lemon fruit.

These wild lemons are very small, and they are sour.

Xiao Mo couldn't help but tasted one, his whole face twisted together.

The audience in the live broadcast room were overjoyed and out of breath from laughing.

Xiao Mo picked some wild lemons and prepared to go back.

On the way back, I came across a coconut tree full of coconuts.

"Dear audience, now I will teach you a method, how to pick coconuts in the wild."

Xiao Mo looked at the camera with a smile and started teaching.

"First untie the shoelaces, then tie the laces of both feet together, like this!"

Xiao Mo showed his two feet to the camera, just like the shackles of ancient prisoners.

Then Xiao Mo came under the coconut tree, hugged the trunk with both hands, put his feet directly on the trunk, and strangled the trunk with the shoelaces in the middle.

"You see, just like me, the laces in the middle increase the friction for us very well, so that we can climb up very easily."

As Xiao Mo said, he bent his body and kept climbing with his hands, his feet kept moving, like an ape, he quickly climbed to the top of the tree.

[Muming Jiangshang]: "666! Brain: Learned! Hands and feet: Learned!"

[Haven't said good night for a long time]: "Mo Shen! You really think highly of us! Crying... you can't learn series!"

[Song of Song Song]: "My God! Silent God is faster than monkeys!"

[Flowers are blooming and birds are singing]: "How do you think Moshen's brain grows? This wilderness knowledge is too rich! He can make fires, build shelters, and know all kinds of wild plants at a glance. It is a proper way to survive in the wilderness Master!"

[If I Had You]: "Grass! The box office of "Iron Man" has exceeded 50 billion! What a god-like man!"


Xiao Mo picked four coconuts, and then returned to the camp with a full harvest.

The next step is to start making snake meat feast.

Xiao Moti slid the python to the beach, peeled off the snake's skin, and cleaned it several times.

He didn't throw away the internal organs, but buried them somewhere far away.

There was a lot of snake meat, and Xiao Mo cut it into large pieces with a knife, and then skewered them with sharpened branches.

Then smear the minced green onion and ginger, put the snake meat next to the fire and roast it.

It seems that there is a lot of snake meat, but it is all snake bones. In the end, only a dozen pieces of meat were cut from such a python.

Soon, the snake meat was roasted, and the fat came out, making a sizzling sound.

A strange fragrance mixed with the fragrance of onion and ginger permeated the entire camp.

Not far away at the program base, director Li Hao and others smelled the scent of snake meat and swallowed unconsciously.

"Xiao Liu! Get ready! We have dinner too!"

Li Hao yelled, and soon Xiao Liu, who was in charge of logistics, began to distribute self-heating lunch boxes.

Naturally, Li Hao was the first to get the boxed lunch, but smelling the craving aroma in the air, and looking at the self-heating fish-flavored shredded pork lunch box in his hand, he suddenly felt that the boxed lunch was not delicious.

"Woooo...I really want to eat..."


(End of this chapter)

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