Entertainment: God-level choice starting from being a baby daddy!

Chapter 151 Login to Python Island!Elected patriarch!

Chapter 151 Login to Python Island!Elected patriarch!

Tilly Reba scratched her head, then asked Liu Yifei beside her:

"Sister Fei, have you heard of this person?"

"No, there is no image at all!"

Liu Yifei was also at a loss.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for an unknown person to be able to write such a good poem.

So Liu Yifei guessed to herself:

"I think this poem was written by Brother Mo. He's making trouble with us, and even made up an unfounded Gorky."

The others also thought the same, and looked at Xiao Mo strangely, not believing what he said.

Seeing everyone's expressions and hearing their mutterings, Xiao Mo smiled helplessly, and didn't bother to explain.

Well, no one will believe me when I tell the truth this time!It seems that in the future, this Wen Chaogong will be completely convinced!

At this time, the audience watching the live broadcast also came back to their senses from the shocking verses of "Haiyan". When they heard Xiao Mo Hudou's Gorky come out, they didn't believe his nonsense.

[The Law of Really Fragrance]: "What Gorky? Is there such a person? I've never heard of it! Silly God, just fool me!"

[I'm Brother Feilong]: "The whole poem is rough in style, majestic in momentum, thick in color, full of emotion and pride, and stirs people's hearts! It has a strong artistic appeal!"

[Wandering around the world to her]: "However, I am uneducated! Fuck the world! I regret that I didn't study hard at the beginning, and now I don't even know how to post barrage!"

[Walking River Ferryman]: "Haha! Brother, you are not alone! Come, come, let's call 6666 together!"

[Boss Li sells fish]: "I, a person who has not read much, can also hear the spirit of unyielding resistance expressed in poetry! It makes people's blood boil!"

[Looking for Tan Dengyao Nanjiang County]: "As a liberal arts student, I have to say that this song "Haiyan" by Mo Shen is a unique classic masterpiece in the history of poetry! The artistic level is too high!"


[Tik Tok] In the live broadcast room of the platform "Our Law", when Xiao Mo recited the poem "Haiyan", the number of online users in the live broadcast room soared from 2 million to 8 million.

It directly broke the highest number of online players when Xiao Mo played "League of Legends" live broadcast last time.

Ma Lei, the general manager of [TikTok], looked at the 8 million online users in the background, and smiled directly on his face.

"Okay! Great!"

【Douyin】The platform once again achieved such excellent results in the field of live broadcasting, and finally established its position as the leader of the live broadcasting platform.

Those fighting sharks, wolf teeth, all have to stand aside.

"Xiao Liu! You must always pay attention to the dynamics in the live broadcast room, and you must not make mistakes!"

"There are also those rhythmic sailors, don't show mercy, they are all blocked by me!"

Ma Lei explained a few words to his subordinates, and left happily.


On a big boat of the program group.

"Director! There are 8 million people in the studio!"

A staff member excitedly reported to Li Hao.

Hearing this data, everyone on board was boiling.

"Yo hoo!"

"Ahh! 8 million! My God!"

"Oh yeah! That's great!"

"Successful! We succeeded!"


Although Li Hao was also extremely excited, he hurriedly appeased everyone and said:

"Don't be too happy, everyone, it's just the beginning, don't be careless, do your job well! Don't make mistakes!"

Li Hao's words calmed down the excited crowd, and they patted their chests with confidence and promised:
"Director! We know it!"

"Don't worry, director!"

"We will cheer up!"


Coincidentally, when Xiao Mo had just finished reciting "Petrel", the wind and rain on the sea stopped, and the dark clouds quickly dispersed.

Seeing this scene, the Jungle family cheered happily.

"Okay! No more rain!"

"Haha! Stop it! Stop the rain!"

Wu Qilong joked to Xiao Mo:
"It seems that Xiao Mo's poems have magical powers! They beat back the storm! Haha! As long as it rains in the future, we will let Xiao Mo export it!"

"Hahaha! You can have this!"

"Brother Mo! With you here, we are afraid that it won't rain!"

When the others heard it, they immediately burst into laughter, teasing Xiao Mo one after another.

Xiao Mo shrugged helplessly at them.

"Sigh~ I didn't expect that I would lose my identity so soon after hiding it for so long!"

"That's right! I am the Rain God! I can command the wind and rain!"

Xiao Mo said that he was still very middle-aged and pointed at the sky with one hand on his hips and the other with his sword finger.


Seeing Xiao Mo's funny appearance, everyone covered their stomachs and burst out laughing.

Tilly Reba's smile trembled wildly, pointing at Xiao Mo's out of breath smile and said:
"Ouch! Haha! Brother Mo, you are too funny!"

Shen Xiaoyang cupped his hands to Xiao Mo suddenly, and then said with a mysterious face:

"I'll go! I didn't expect you, Xiao Mo, to have this identity! Disrespect and disrespect! In fact, I was distracted!"

When everyone heard this, they burst into laughter again, even Xiao Mo was not spared, he broke his kung fu directly, pointing at Shen Xiaoyang and couldn't stop laughing.


"Missed? Brother Yang, you are awesome!"

"Haha! This burden shakes so well!"

"Yangzi! As expected of you!"


After a burst of laughter, everyone's boat came to the front of the four islands and slowly stopped.

Xing Aowei looked at the island in the distance ahead, and said in surprise:
"Isn't it for us to walk over here?"

"No way! It's so far away? The show crew won't be so cruel!"

Wu Qilong on the side took the words, and quickly looked at the director's boat coming behind him.

Seeing everyone worried, Xiao Mo had no choice but to say:
"Probably not, maybe there are some tasks to be assigned?"

As soon as he finished speaking, director Li Hao's voice sounded on the boat behind him.

"Before entering Survival Island, we have one more task."

Sure enough, Xiao Mo hit the mark.

Li Yapeng complained bitterly.

"Is there still a mission here? What kind of mission is there here?"

Li Hao pointed to the four islands ahead.

"Can you see the four islands ahead?"


"I see!"

"There will be the same survival item under the four islands! But not every island has it, and some may be empty!"

Li Hao continued:

"Now you have a chance to choose, which island to choose?"

Hearing Li Hao's words, the members of the Conglin family discussed in low voices.

"Haha! Which one shall we choose?"

Xing Aowei looked at everyone and asked.

"1, 2, 3, 4, which one shall we choose?"

It was difficult for everyone to make a choice for a while.

Xiao Mo stood up and carefully looked at the four islands.

With his eyesight far beyond that of ordinary people, he could clearly see that there were yellow floats in the water in front of islands 1 and 4.

No. 2 and No. 3 have nothing.

At this moment, Shen Xiaoyang said:
"I think choose number 2, this island looks the biggest!"

"Okay, Brother Yang, I just believe in your feelings!"

"Then choose number 2!"

Xing Aowei and Wu Qilong echoed from the side.They couldn't see anything, so they decided to take a gamble with Shen Xiaoyang.

At this time, Li Yapeng objected:
"He's right, let me add."

"It's hard to say that the first and fourth are empty. It's possible to choose one of the middle two. They have nothing!"

"In terms of this probability, I think the probability of having items from 1 to 4 is relatively higher."

Xiao Mo looked at Li Yapeng, and he guessed right.

So Xiao Mo said:
"I think brother Peng is right! I also think the probability of number 4 is higher."

As a result, the Jungle family was divided into two factions, and for a while they didn't know how to choose.

Xiao Mo directly interrupted the debate among the crowd, and proposed:

"Okay, everyone, stop talking, let's vote with a show of hands!"

"If you choose number 2, please raise your hand!"

Brush brush!
Only Shen Xiaoyang, Wu Qilong and Xing Aowei raised their hands.

Xiao Mo said again:

"Then those who choose island number 4 please raise your hand."

Xiao Mo said that he raised his hands first, and then Liu Yifei, Dilly Reba, Li Yapeng, and Sun Yizhou all raised their hands.

5: 3!

"OK! Then the minority obeys the majority, we will choose number 4!"

Seeing that everyone had no objections, Xiao Mo said to the director.

After the selection, everyone started to go to the No. 4 island.

Soon approaching the island, everyone saw the yellow floats on the sea.

"Oh! I see! There is something!"

"Haha! Really!"

"Floating there!"



Everyone was very happy to see the buoy, which showed that they made the right choice.

Then the boat slowly approached the buoy. Sun Yizhou stood at the bow and successfully grabbed the pole of the buoy. Then, with the help of Li Yapeng and Wu Qilong, he successfully picked up the yellow box.

"Good! Pull it up!"

"Open it up and see what's inside?"

Then everyone opened the box expectantly, and inside was a jungle knife.

"Wow! It's a machete!"

"Great! This knife is very useful!"

"Haha! Congratulations on getting a weapon!"



After getting the items, the Jungle family was very happy.

After a brief celebration, Xiao Mo and the others set off for the first survival place.

Soon they came to Python Island.

Li Hao introduced the island to everyone.

"This island is the Python Island of Gascar. The reason why it is called Python Island is because its shape resembles a python swallowing an elephant, so it is called Python Island!"

After listening to Li Hao's explanation, Liu Yifei and Di Lieba patted their large breasts and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It scared me to death, I thought there were a lot of pythons!"

"Hee hee! Really, it looks like it from here!"

Everyone looked in the direction that Dili Reba was pointing at, and it was true that the shape of this island was too much like a python swallowing an elephant.

On both sides of the island are snake heads and snake tails, and the high bulge in the middle is in the shape of an elephant.

"Okay, let's go then!"

"Let's go! We're going ashore!"


Soon Xiao Mo and the others disembarked and came to the island.

At this time, the live broadcast shot some pictures around the island. At the same time, the director team also sent drones to take a full-scale shot of the island.

The boundless blue sea, the lush and lush jungle, and the pristine white sandy beach make it look like a fairy-tale wonderland at first glance.

Let the audience in the live broadcast room be amazed.

[Cream crush]: "Wow! It's so beautiful! It's like a fairyland on earth!"

[God Demacia]: "The program team has a heart! Add chicken legs to the photographer!"

[It's so small, it's sunny]: "This island seems to be rich in supplies, and the silent gods will definitely be able to develop well!"

[You old sixth]: "It's so beautiful! I really want to go! The sea is so clear!"

[It's Hanhan Jiaao]: "Finally on the island! Haha! Looking forward to their performance!"


"Finally touched the ground!"

Shen Xiaoyang stepped on the beach, his sullen brows stretched out. After sitting on the boat for so long, he felt a little dizzy.

When Liu Yifei got off the boat, sand got into her shoes, she felt a little uncomfortable, and stomped her feet cutely.

"Oops! It's all sand, hate hate hate!"

Tilly Reba on the side had already taken off her shoes and socks, revealing her snow-white and tender feet, and her red nail polish was dazzling in the sun.

"Haha! Sister Fei, quickly take off your shoes, the sand is so comfortable to step on!"

Hearing this, Liu Yifei immediately disregarded her fairy image and took off her shoes and socks, revealing her slender feet with smooth skin like fat.

There was no nail polish on her feet, which looked pure and elegant.

The two girls threw their backpacks on the beach, held hands and started having fun on the beach.

For a moment, the entire Boa Constrictor Island resounded with the laughter of the two of them like silver bells.

Xiao Mo and the others sat on the edge of the beach and watched the two, admiring the beautiful scenery on the sea.

After a while, depending on the rest, Xiao Mo yelled at Liu Yifei and Tilly Reba who were not far away:

"Sissy! Reba! Let's go! We have to go forward and find a suitable place to build a shelter!"

"I'm coming!"

"Brother Mo, wait for us!"

The two girls waved to Xiao Mo, and then ran over bouncingly.

Xiao Mo shook his head amusedly, then took their backpacks one by one and left first.

"Let's go!"

Just a few steps away, they harvested the items prepared in advance by the program group on the beach.

A bag of fresh water and props for drilling wood to make fire.There is also a wooden sign that says self-reliance.

Everyone continued to move forward, and soon they found a place that was very suitable for building a shelter under the leadership of Xiao Mo.

Everyone put down their backpacks and began to discuss the next thing.

Li Yapeng directly suggested:

"I think we should have a patriarch far away, so that we can lead everyone better!"

"what do y'all think?"

"Yes, I agree!"

Wu Qilong raised his hand in agreement.

"I agree!"

"I agree too! The leader is still very important!"


No one has a problem with that.

So Li Yapeng continued to propose:

"I think Xiao Mo is suitable to be the patriarch, what do you all think?"

Before Xiao Mo could refuse, everyone agreed unanimously.

Xiao Mo was left speechless, and complained to everyone with a wry smile:

"I said, why don't you ask the person's opinion? Isn't this too hasty?"

Tilly Reba made a face at him.

"Hee hee! Brother Mo, those who can do more work!"

"Haha! That's right, we believe in you!"

Liu Yifei also chimed in.

In a short period of time, the two girls have become intimate, like best friends.

"Xiao Mo, you can be the patriarch. If there is anything you can arrange, I will absolutely cooperate!"

Li Yapeng said with a smile.

Others also joined in.

"That's right! We all listen to you!"

"You make bold arrangements!"

"Tell us to go east, we will never go west! Tell us to chase dogs, but we will never chase chickens!"

"Ha ha!"


Although Xiao Mo's grade is the youngest among all the male members, his background, his status, his grades, and his popularity flow are the top among them.

So he came to be the patriarch, and everyone obeyed him.

Seeing that everyone recommended him to be the patriarch, Xiao Mo couldn't resist his kindness, so he nodded in agreement.

"Okay, thank you for your trust! Then I will be ordered in the face of danger!"


(End of this chapter)

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