Entertainment: God-level choice starting from being a baby daddy!

Chapter 134 The Lone Brave!The whole network burst into tears!

Chapter 134 The Lone Brave!The whole network burst into tears!

With Xiao Mo's passionate and even roaring shouts, everyone was moved, and some people felt ashamed of what they had done before.

What the hell am I doing?
What I pay attention to every day is entertainment stars and fan circle idols.

Which star character design is being discussed overturned again?Which celebrity's private life has been hammered again?How much was the anchor fined for tax evasion?

All day long, he pretends to be a keyboard warrior, blaming Fang Qiu on the Internet and pointing out Jiangshan.

Never cared about those who worked hard behind the scenes!
who is it?Allows you to study safely in the classroom!

who is it?Allows you to lie on the bed and scan [Tik Tok] with peace of mind!
who is it?It can keep you away from danger, and you can happily go shopping on the street!

Who is it again!Can you live away from hunger and cold, and have such a stable living environment?


It's them!It's these unsung heroes!

Everyone who heard this song, no matter who they were, had tears in their eyes.

How can the years be quiet and good, it's just that someone is carrying the weight for you to move forward!

100 million!
200 million!
300 million!

In just a few minutes, Xiao Mo's [TikTok] short video is rising at a rocket-like speed.

The comment area is even more lively.

[Educated Chocolate Cake]: "Singing has an inspiring power, just like these heroes rushing to the forefront, supporting our sky!"

[Little Sausage Together]: "This song made me cry! "The Lonely Brave" who said that the one covered in mud is not a hero! It's really too hot!"

[Orange Porridge Head]: "Every time I watch the heroic sacrifice in the movie, I feel very sad. Heroes are heroes! But their lives are also their lives! They don't exist for dedication! They exist for faith!"

[NO.18 on the computer]: "I burst into tears for no reason! The lyrics are so sympathetic! Salute to those unsung heroes!"

[I'm a Little Monster]: "My father is a firefighter, who died in a fire last year... When he was young, every time he went home, he was very dirty. At that time, I hated him very much, no I would like to be hugged by him, and I will never have another chance to be hugged by him in the future!"

[It's too difficult to name the grass]: "Use the most ordinary life to reorganize the broken light in the world, thank you for having you, regardless of the wind and rain, and bravely move forward!"

[Trendist Eddie Peng]: "The song "The Lonely Brave" by the Silent God is so well written! It's also sung so well! It's the first time I've heard such a resonant song! It's indeed the silent god!"

[School two teenagers are more happy]: "After listening to this song! I want to study hard and become a fast catcher in the future!"


Zhao Guohua is an anti-drug detective in his thirties.

Today he was at home on vacation, and accidentally saw Xiao Mo's [Tik Tok] short video.

"You walk alone in a dark alley, I love the way you don't kneel~
I love you, I have persisted in despair, and I refused to cry~
Love your tattered clothes, but dare to block the gun of fate~
Love that you are so similar to me, the gaps are the same~
Go, match, this ragged cloak~

Fight, fight, with the humblest dream~

To the sobbing and roaring in the night~

Who said that those who stand in the light are considered heroes~”


Hearing Xiao Mo's powerful and inspiring singing voice, Zhao Guohua's eyes were flushed, and he stared at Xiao Mo singing in the mobile video without blinking.

The singing directly hit his soul, making his soul tremble.

When Xiao Mo's sentence "Who said that standing in the light is a hero!" fell.

Zhao Guohua, a man with strong bones, burst into tears like a bank bursting.

Smiling faces flashed in Zhao Guohua's mind, all of his sacrificed comrades in arms, scenes of thrilling arrests and the tragedy of comrades who failed undercover being thrown into the sea...

Listening to this song, he couldn't hold back anymore, and couldn't help crying aloud.

How many people know and can think of them who are unknown?Ordinary them!Not perfect them!

them!He is the real hero!
Why should they stand in the light?They themselves are the light in the night!

In China, there are countless people like Zhao Guohua. They are either police officers, soldiers, medical staff, or fire fighters...

At this time, they were all moved by the song "The Lonely Brave Man", and the tears flowed down their faces wantonly.

Xiao Mo's song touched the softness in their hearts.

Many people think that the current society is safe, harmonious and stable.

However, I don't know how many unknown heroes can have such a stable society with their sweat, flesh and blood, and even their lives.

Some people went into the den of thieves incognito, endured the spurning of others, and helped the police to smash criminals, but they couldn't justify their names after death!
Some people rushed into the monstrous fire scene and were engulfed by fierce flames in order to save others!
Some people endured the harsh environment of wind and rain, freezing and freezing weather, and stood firm on our national borders!

Some people wear white battle robes, fight against the god of death, save lives and heal the wounded, and faint from exhaustion!
Some people engaged in fierce firefights with drug dealers in the dark night, and some people fell down in the hail of bullets!
some people……


The reason why everyone can live under the light is because someone blocks the darkness from where you can't see!

How can the years be quiet, it's just that someone is carrying the load for you!

Although Xiao Mo didn't mention the name of "Lonely Brave" in this song.

But everyone who hears this song will involuntarily substitute their own thoughts.

The image of this "lone brave man" varies from person to person.

He could be a street cleaner!

He can be an ordinary father!

He can be a catcher serving the people!

He can be a fire fighter rushing to the sea of ​​fire!
He can also be a scientific research worker who has gone far to the Northwest and silently dedicated to the country!

At the end of the video, Xiao Mo and Deng Shiqi stood up together and bowed deeply to the camera.

Four bright red characters also appeared on the screen: "Salute to Heroes"!
In front of the screen, how many people's eye sockets became moist again.

They more or less thought of a certain figure beside them.

They have paid silently for the family and the society without complaint.

They are alone, enduring the unbearable loneliness of ordinary people, but they never stop their steps!
They are lone warriors!
They are even more heroes!

They all deserve the highest respect from everyone!
A song "Lonely Brave" is spreading in an unstoppable state on the Internet.

Countless netizens followed the song and came to Weibo to find the source.

[Huaxia Bukuai.com V]'s official Weibo account was immediately exploded by raging netizens.

It almost caused the Weibo server to be paralyzed directly!
This group of lovely netizens tapped the screen with red eyes, trembling hands, and vented their emotions that had nowhere to be released through comments.


(End of this chapter)

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