Chapter 98
"Gourd Baby" is a good story.The main line is clear, the structure is simple, the characters are bright and interesting, and justice defeats evil, which is enough for children to look forward to.Moreover, the background of this story is easily accepted by children in this world, and there is no need to specially modify it.

Compared with other stories, this story is easier for Wang Chuan to recall and more worry-free to tell.

Wang Chuan told the story while recalling it, very roughly.After all, it had been two lifetimes, and no matter how simple and clear the story was, he couldn't remember many details.But even so, the crude story was enough to hook the crying little child.

The grandfather was taken away, and the big baby was born out of nowhere, who can become bigger and smaller, with infinite strength.It was so miraculous that the boy forgot to cry, his eyes were fixed on Wang Chuan listening to the lecture, and the clear water on his nose was about to hang to his mouth, but he didn't realize it.


The child sneezed, and the coolness of the autumn night made the thinly clad boy shiver with cold.

"It's really... I was so fascinated by it that I forgot to care about him."

Sister Zhang hurriedly found a Zhang Pazi to wipe the child's nose, and said worriedly, "The clothes in our door are too rough. This kid has eaten the loose poison, and his skin is weak, so he can't wear our clothes. If he stays here for a while, I'm afraid." It's going to be frozen."

Wang Chuan stopped the story and said, "Why don't you take him to the dining hall. It's warmer there."

But the child flinched, but tentatively said: "My lord... I can hold it back, I want to continue listening..."

Wang Chuan was helpless, rubbed the kid's head, and said, "Go over to the canteen, I'll go over there and tell you."

Only then did the child agree, and was dragged off his seat by Sister Zhang and led to the dining hall.

The dining hall has been cleaned up, but the fire has not been extinguished, adding some heat to Nuo Da's room.

After all, the weather is not too cold these days, and this bit of heat is enough to drive away the coldness of a group of children.

Only now did Wang Chuan understand that the effect of Xiaoyao San will not only damage people's skin and erode people's spirit, but also greatly damage people's immunity.Normally, although this kind of weather is a little bit cold, how can it directly cause people to catch a cold?Even if it is a child, running around shirtless, there should be no major problem, unless sweating a lot and being blown by the wind, it is easy to catch cold.

The child sat among the young children and regained some energy.Compared with normal children's eyes, the two eyes lack aura, but the eyes that stare at Wang Chuan looking forward to the story are still ready to come out.

Wang Chuan fulfilled the child's wish, sat down in the dining hall, and asked, "Where did we talk just now?"

"The big baby failed and the goblin was caught."

The child didn't speak, and Sister Zhang spoke first.She seemed more interested in the story than a child.

Wang Chuan smiled and said, "I tell this story to children. Why are you so interested in it, Sister Zhang?"

Sister Zhang also smiled and said, "I also have a boy in my family. After listening to you, I can go back and tell my boy."

Wang Chuan: "..."

Plagiarism!This is Chi Guoguo's plagiarism!
Since Emperor Huidi, there has been a theory of copyright protection in the literary circle, and the blow has been strong, but the effect has not been too great.Not to mention this set of six doors.Wang Chuan still has nothing to do with Sister Zhang plagiarizing the story results he plagiarized from another world.

But anyway, I don't plan to do anything with this story. In this world background, "Gourd Baby" and other stories aimed at young children can't make any big waves.Wang Chuan let Sister Zhang listen and remember.

The eldest child was arrested and the second child was born.With a clairvoyant glance and a windy ear, what a scout!Then he was blinded by the snake spirit's tricks.Next, the third baby jumped out, invulnerable to any weapon, and broke the knife with his hands, which caused the children to cry out in surprise.

Only then did Wang Chuan realize that the attention of the children in the dining hall was drawn to him, and he sat side by side with the kid in the side hall at the beginning, which was called a devotion.

Wang Chuan suddenly felt that it was time for him to change his routine.Going on like this, I really don't know when it will end.Seeing that it was already so dark, he was still in a hurry to sleep.Tomorrow is the time for the big criminal in Beijing to be executed. I am afraid that I will be sent to Shenwu Square with all my colleagues to maintain order. If I spend more time tonight, I will not have much energy tomorrow.

So Wang Chuan began to recall the details, slowed down the progress of the story, and poured a lot of water.The shape of the three babies, the scene they are in, the shapes of the snake spirit and the scorpion spirit, and the skills and tricks used are filled with a lot of language.As a result, not only those children, but also Sister Zhang and other colleagues in the dining hall were drowsy.

"Look at the vine, it's long and thick. Look at the gourd hanging on the vine, it's big and round. Especially the fourth gourd, it's already twice the size of the five gourds. You see it's connected The root of the gourd vine...Look at its mouth...Look at its upper part...Look at its small waist...Look at its lower part...Look at its bottom...Look at it This color..."

After Sanwa's weak butt was exposed and beaten, and then captured, he began to talk about Siwa.Wang Chuan intensified and poured water crazily.In an online novel, Wang Chuanguang's description of Siwa's gourd would take up an entire chapter.

How do these children who have not received much education understand this?Listening carefully one by one, they all gradually closed their eyes as if listening to a lullaby.

The female colleagues in the logistics team found quilts and blankets, and carefully carried a group of children on top, and let the young children sleep.Wang Chuan let out a long breath, and finally freed himself from it.

"Don't tell me you can't make it up."

Sister Zhang glanced at Wang Chuan contemptuously, as if she had already seen Wang Chuan's innocence.

Wang Chuan grinned and said sensiblely: "Sister Zhang is also tired after staying here? Hurry up and rest first. If you want to continue talking to your children in the future, just ask me."

"Then trouble you."

Sister Zhang said with a smile, "I'll cook for you someday. My skills are as good as your storytelling skills, but they are both excellent."

Wang Chuan naturally expressed his expectation.After that, both of them left the dining hall.

The door of the canteen was gently closed, and only a few female colleagues were left inside to take care of the young children, and a few people were left at the door to watch the door, so that when unexpected guests came to the door, or other accidents happened, they could be dealt with in an emergency and wake up others.Everyone else is looking for a place to sleep.

Naturally, Wang Chuan knew that the whole guard in the door was to guard against the black hand behind the hijacking by the six doors.Looking at this battle, the power behind the scenes should be quite large, and I don't know who is the number one person in Beijing.

But no matter what, there are so many people guarding the gate, not the emperor or the commander of the imperial guards, whoever comes will not cause any big waves.Wang Chuan took a deep breath of the autumn night air, lay down on the small bed in the side hall to rest, and continued to be on duty along the way.

 Thanks to Alisa and lazy Yinglong for their rewards.Because the capital has been changed to such an extent, I didn't think about the beef noodles.This is the S7 I was looking at recently, so I just wrote it down.

(End of this chapter)

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