Quick Fishing Guide

Chapter 95 Division of Labor

Chapter 95 Division of Labor
Wang Chuan was slightly surprised.Because the six gates in Qinglong District are located next to the six gates, although the out-of-office team in Beijing only has jurisdiction over local affairs, which is not much different from other local yamen, but it is backed by the headquarters of the six gates and has different resources.If there are major cases, it can be handled more efficiently than other yamen.The big treacherous people avoid this place, so in the area under the jurisdiction of the six doors, major cases rarely happen.I didn't expect that I just got on duty today, and I received two incidents, one fake murder and one real murder.

"You take the two parties to the gate. I'll go to Yanfeng Lane to have a look."

Wang Chuan ordered.

"Hey... Hurry up, what will we do if you leave us? We can't be left alone!"

The short and fat woman yelled and grabbed Wang Chuan's trouser leg.

The handyman next to him "staggered" and drew his knife, put it on the short and fat woman's neck, and said angrily: "The door over there has been wiped out. You are still screaming about such a trivial matter. You don't know what's going on! Let go, let me go again!" Call to cut off your hands!"

The short and fat woman shrank her hands and muttered: "Six doors killed people..." The orderly stared, with a knife on her neck, and the short and fat woman shrank when she was frightened, and dared not speak again. Pull it up from the ground and take it to six doors.The tall and thin woman was also taken away.The middle-aged man who went to the door to report the crime followed, but he didn't dare to speak.

Wang Chuan looked around, and said, "Fengshou Lane and Fenghua Lane do not belong to the same village, so we might as well ask the two villages to come to mediate. Please, whoever has the skills, please go and invite the two villages to come to the six gates and arrange Make peace between the two women."

"I'm going right now."

"Don't worry, catch, we will definitely notify you."

All the people responded one after another.

Wang Chuan bowed his hands to all the people and went to Yanfeng Lane.

Yanfeng Lane is on the edge of the land under the jurisdiction of Liufanmen, and after this lane, it belongs to the land under the jurisdiction of Qinglong District Yamen.When Wang Chuan arrived at Yanfeng Lane, the murderous mansion had already been guarded by handymen, and the onlookers surrounded the house in a big circle, completely blocking the house.

"Borrowed and borrowed."

Wang Chuan separated from the crowd and walked to the front.A large open space was cleared out by the handymen in front of the house.There were traces of blood dragging at the door, extending about three feet outside the door, and then stopped abruptly.There are incomplete bloody handprints on the door, and a long path has been drawn, so it looks incomplete.

"Catcher Wang."

"Brother Chuan."

"Brother Wang."

When all the servants saw Wang Chuan, they all shouted.

Wang Chuan nodded, went to the door and looked into the courtyard.A dead body in the courtyard lay across the door, and the internal organs of the abdomen were dragged out, forming a line with the blood outside the door. Blood was splashed everywhere, sticking to the ground and dried up.Half of the dead body showed its head at the door of the house, and half of the dead body was in the room. The face was facing the door, with ferocious pale eyes turned outward, which made people feel palpitations.

The air smelled a little foul, and flies were already flying around.Wang Chuan frowned and asked, "Has anyone ever gone in?"

A handyman said: "Only the people who just came from our door and the reporter went in and looked around, and then they all backed out. Other than that, no one else went in."

Wang Chuan nodded, and said: "That's good, take a good look at this place first. Send two people to find Xiao Xiaorang, the left-hand scholar, and the other one to go back and see, which serious crime team can be found, please Let them come over here." The serious crime teams are usually dispatched by Mr. Yang, but today Mr. Yang has taken people out, and there are not many people left in the door. I don't know if there are any serious crime teams left at this moment. He and the handyman can only guard the scene first, luck.


The two handymen responded, then separated from the crowd and ran out.

Wang Chuan ordered the servants to clear the crowd outside, and sealed the whole house, including the doors and walls.Belonging to the field team in Beijing for many years, Wang Chuan is mostly in charge of small matters under his jurisdiction, but he is actually not good at major and important cases.Especially this kind involving professional knowledge.The so-called specialization in the art industry, such a major family extermination case, should be the responsibility of the serious crime team.Even in other yamen, there are also specialized personnel in charge.The yamen in various places could not solve it by themselves, so they reported it to the higher-level yamen.Extraordinarily large-scale cases, for the treacherous and evil people who have caused harm to the world, cannot be handled by government offices in various states by themselves, and will eventually be handed over to the serious crime team at the headquarters of Six Doors.

There are so many multiple crime teams in the door, but most of them work outside the country all the year round, which is why.

Wang Chuan sent someone to invite the serious crime team to see the seriousness of the case and the serious crime team needed to take action.Xiao Xiaorang, the remaining calligraphy student, was invited to come because Xiao Xiaorang's level of fine and realistic drawing is even higher than that of his professional colleagues.After seeing Xiao Xiaorang's methods, not only Wang Chuan, but also many colleagues in the Six Doors would hire Xiao Xiaorang to draw on-site drawings after a major case happened in Beijing.

"Brother Wang Chuan."

After waiting for a long time, Wang Chuan saw Long Tuotou rushing quickly with his subordinates.

"Dragon catcher."

Wang Chuan cupped his hands towards Long Butou and his subordinates, and asked, "Didn't you go out with Mr. Yang?"

Long Butou said: "Last night, Boss Yang left us to rest at home, so that we could take over today. But I didn't expect another big case to happen here. Boss Yang just brought someone back. Hearing about this, he simply let us come over and take over. Chief arrester Yang led the colleagues who acted last night to stay for a while, and they all went to the chief arrester Yang's mansion. I think you still have something to do in the door, so go back quickly."

"It's hard work to catch the head."

As Wang Chuan said, he left the handymen to Long Butou to help, and rushed back to the six doors by himself.

As soon as he arrived at the door, Wang Chuan heard noisy voices.He strode into the door, but saw a few handymen who brought people back sitting at the door, helplessly watching the people in the courtyard quarreling.

The people in the courtyard didn't say much, but the momentum was quite loud.The two women, one tall, one short, one fat and one thin, pointed at each other and raged furiously. The middle-aged man who came to report to the police stood beside the short and fat woman, echoing him from time to time. His aura seemed a little stronger than before. some.There is also a middle-aged man standing in the middle who seems to be trying to persuade a fight, but it has no effect.Talk to the left and right, but the two parties ignore him and only care about arguing.

The middle-aged man said without moving his hands: "You beat my wife down, and you still say you didn't hit her?"

The thin and tall woman bumped into the middle-aged man with her hands on her hips: "Were you there at the time, are you just talking nonsense? Which dog eye of yours saw me hitting someone? She obviously poured it herself, fuck me!"

"You did it! You did it!"

The short and fat woman stopped in front of the middle-aged man, also put her hands on her hips, bumped into the tall and thin woman and spat at each other.The skills and movements of the two are exactly the same, just like the same hero with different skin solo.However, the designer is too careless, and the skin model collision system has changed too much.

"What are you arguing about! What are you arguing about? Listen to me, don't make any noise!"

The middle-aged man who was persuading the fight pushed himself between the two middle-aged women while talking, trying to separate the two women.But the two women simply ignored him and continued to rage with their hands on their hips.

"what's going on?"

Wang Chuan frowned and questioned.

A handyman said: "Catcher Wang, Fenghua Lane Village is saying that it is enough for Fengshou Lane Village to come forward, and he doesn't need to come again. Fengshou Lane Village is saying that he is busy with something, so let his son come over to help mediate .Please take care of the king quickly."

"...Damn it!"

Wang Chuan cursed helplessly, so he had no choice but to step forward.But before he came to the front, he suddenly saw the middle-aged man who persuaded the fight slap himself on the face.


The applause was so clear and sweet that both women froze for a moment.

"Don't take my face as a face, do you?"


The middle-aged man slapped himself again, "Don't take my words seriously, right?"

 Thanks to the lazy Yinglong and the rainy dusk for their rewards.These few days I was sick and had an IV drip, and the chapters were all coded out with one hand, and I suddenly felt that my skills were superb, hahahaha!

(End of this chapter)

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