Chapter 93
A group of arresters followed Mr. Yang straight back to the Six Gates, and it was already past noon.There was a quarrel between two parties in the courtyard, and the colleague on duty today was in the middle to mediate.Chief arrester Yang led such a large group of vicious arresters in quickly, and the group of noisy people suddenly became dumb, and they didn't even care about the quarrel, and ran away in desperation.

Chief arrester Yang directly ordered the door to be closed, and ordered the canteen to cook, and he took several arresters to the meeting hall.The attendant then sent the huge stack of confession books in, and then turned around and came out.

Wang Chuan and his colleagues waited for the results of the review of the confession by Mr. Yang and the other arresters, and waited for the next order. At the same time, they also waited for lunch to be ready in the dining hall.

After a busy morning, the meal time was over, and now all the colleagues' stomachs were gurgling, one after another, and they didn't have the energy to speak.Wang Chuan chatted with people in the crowd, and unknowingly wandered to the entrance of the canteen, occupying a favorable terrain.As long as lunch is ready, as soon as the door of the dining hall opens, they will go in first.This is the advanced experience gained from going to school to eat and commuting to work in the subway for many years in the previous life. Compared with the people in this world, it is still far behind.

The progress in the meeting hall was very slow. The big pot of rice in the canteen was ready first, and the bosses in the meeting hall hadn't come out yet.Mr. Yang's attendants went in to invite Mr. Yang and others to eat first, and then Mr. Yang drove them out.

When the arresters saw this, they rushed into the dining hall immediately.Sure enough, Wang Chuan took the lead and served the rice first.

There are many people in the door today, and the canteen also called the cook from the tavern next door to greet them, so the food is quite up to the standard of the tavern next door, which is very good.Wang Chuan's appetite was so great that he ate two bowls in a row. After the meal, he sat in the dining hall, chatting leisurely with others, and waiting for the results in the meeting hall.

After about half an hour, the door of the meeting hall opened.The arresters went to the canteen to eat in a hurry, and Mr. Yang ordered: "Long catcher, you take the lead to replace Quan catcher and they come back to eat. The others will disband on the spot and go back to rest quickly. If there is any situation later , give me all on call, don’t be ambiguous. This operation is top secret, brothers must not leak the matter—even relatives and friends. Do you understand?”


The crowd responded.

Mr. Yang gave orders, and hurried out the six doors, not knowing who to look for.

Since Mr. Yang ordered him to do so, Wang Chuan went home to rest obediently.No matter what the next action is, he really needs a good rest and recharge his batteries.

Chen Lian had already eaten at home.After staying in Wang Chuan's house for such a long time, Chen Lian has already grasped the rules.As long as it's meal time and Wang Chuan hasn't come back, it's designated not to come back to eat.But her habit of eating alone was still formed under Wang Chuan's coercion.To nurture her, Wang Chuan doubts that one day when he returns home, he will see a starving little girl.

"Sir, are you back?"

The little girl ate late because she was waiting for him, and she just cleaned up the dishes and wiped her hands.The little white hands were still slightly stained with water, and shone brightly in the mid-afternoon sun, and the bright and clean wrists made people want to take a bite for no reason.

Without hesitation, Wang Chuan closed the door.Only Chen Lian's startled voice could be heard in the room: "Oh, Mr. Xianggong!"

Watching the execution in the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice for a long time, Wang Chuan also felt depressed while his heart was refreshed, and the cruel and miserable picture and sound lingered in front of his eyes for a long time.After all, Wang Chuan is not a pervert, and he cannot accept the inhuman scene with ease and joy. The lynching scene is really like a whip of thorns. At that specific moment, although it made him think clearly, it also drove him crazy San value.He desperately needs to vent back to san.

So at this moment, Chen Lian's allure became more and more powerful.

Therefore, there is no need for Long Butou to worry that Wang Chuan will embark on the path of abusive lynching.How can a six-door catcher who just wants to catch fish have such a chaotic mind?As a normal person, who would take such a perverted thing as a way to vent?

When the san value was replenished, Wang Chuan fell into a deep sleep.

The capital city in the dream is strange and bizarre, white powdered medicine is floating all over the sky under the sky, blown by the wind, it seems that countless flours are thrown out by bombers, and the whole world is reduced to a vast ocean of white powder.The children who didn't even have full hair ran happily, shouting one by one that I want to go to heaven, I want to go to earth, I don't want to be a human being. When they got close, Wang Chuan suddenly saw those children's bodies with a growth Such a big head.On the heads, the faces of Huang Yuanwu and the second generations of the Eight Great Sword Sects complement each other, savage and crazy in the heavy rain of white powder, with the small heads and bodies swaying wildly, the picture becomes more and more distorted and weird.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!"

A group of familiar and unfamiliar strange people rushed towards Wang Chuan with their teeth and claws open. Wang Chuan woke up in shock and wiped off the cold sweat, only to find that the sky had completely darkened at some point.

"Sir, what's the matter with you?"

Under the light lit on the table, Chen Lian had already rolled up her sleeves and was preparing dinner. When she heard the movement on the bed, the little girl hurriedly turned her head and asked.

"It's okay, it was just a dream."

Wang Chuan got up in his clothes, opened the door to the courtyard, and took a deep breath.The air at night is exceptionally refreshing and refreshing.

"No one came to see me this afternoon?"

Wang Chuan asked Chen Lian again.

"No, my lord."

Chen Lian said while busy, "Are you going out later?"

"No one is looking for me, why should I go out?"

Wang Chuan smiled and said, "Counting the days, I will be on duty tomorrow. I will not come back at the six gates all day, so you don't have to wait for me tomorrow."

"The servant knows."

Chen Lian finished the dinner, put out the soup, and said, "If my husband is not satisfied with the food, I will make it for you tomorrow."

"No need, just take care of yourself."

Wang Chuan helped bring the rice bowls to the table, and said with a smile, "When I have free time, I will go to Mrs. Liang's house to play cards with Mrs. Liang, and win her some money for my husband."

Chen Lian shyly said: "My husband always laughs at my family every now and then. My family is at Mrs. Liang's place. How much money can I win by playing for only a few cents? It's not enough to buy a book for my husband."

Ah!This little girl doesn't talk about winning or losing, but only about the size of the game. I really don't know how confident she is in her own gambling skills.

Wang Chuan laughed again when he heard this, and said, "Yo, this makes you dislike Mrs. Liang's small house? Do you want me to take you to the gambling house someday, so that you can win a hand?"

"Xiang Gong!!!!"

Chen Lian's cheeks were flushed, and she stamped her feet in embarrassment, "I won't tell you!"

Wang Chuan smiled more and more happily, rubbed Chen Lian's small head with his hand, and said, "Okay, let's not talk much, let's eat."

The autumn wind blows softly, the night is as cool as water, and the food is delicious.The little girl's delicacy and charm suddenly swept away the last haze that permeated Wang Chuan's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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