Quick Fishing Guide

Chapter 89 Talking Hearts

Chapter 89 Talking Hearts
Long Butou was benefited from Wang Chuan when he was in Chenggu County, and he had the detailed information of Miss She Wei from Yizimen. Now he is embarrassed to use Wang Chuan more, and when he took notes, he also snatched the pen and paper from Wang Chuan and came by himself. Do.

Only Long Baotou was present and recorded the contents of the interrogation.The other two head catchers stood on the left and right sides of the Taoist priest, each with their arms wrapped around each other. In the dim light, their unkind gazes could clearly be felt.

Wang Chuan stood behind Long Butou and observed in secret. The escaped Taoist priest had long been stripped of his Taoist robe, with only a large prison robe on his upper body, and his trousers were ripped into holes. He was squatting in the middle of the prison with his head down and lifeless, Tu Xingsun, who suddenly found that his ability to drill holes disappeared inexplicably, could not tell that he was a Taoist priest at all.

"Who is the last name? Where is the person from?"

Long Butou asked routinely.

The man was like a clay sculpture, squatting on the ground motionless.

The catcher next to him kicked him to death, and said in a cold voice: "Speak, don't treat me like a dead person. You are still two days away from death."

"Anyway, I'm going to die, so why should I waste my saliva?"

The man got up from the ground, crouched there again in a ball, and said in a muffled voice.There was no life in the voice.

The kicking catcher immediately rolled up his sleeves and was about to take action, saying in a cold voice: "Anyway, it's just death, but before you die, I will let you taste what life is worse than death. If you don't talk to me properly this time, I'll let you try it." Mr. Yang lifted the ban with just one sentence, which gave his colleagues too many advantages. The chief couldn't wait to find out the results and was very impatient.

Wang Chuan hurriedly pulled him back, and said in a low voice: "Catcher Quan, calm down, let the subordinates come down and try." Although Chief Arrester Yang ordered everyone to be punished, under the previous emperor's order, if the incident is violated, President Yang will be punished. No matter how responsible the arrest is, those who have participated in it may not end well.Now that I am questioning this fake Taoist priest together with the three head catchers, even if I don't do it, other people do it, I am an accomplice, and when the time comes, I will still be counted.Therefore, if there is another way, it is best not to let Quan arrest the head and execute the sentence.

Catcher Quan glanced at Wang Chuan, feeling somewhat distrustful.But he still chose to listen to the little catcher and let him try.

Wang Chuan sat down cross-legged in front of the man and asked: "Taoist, if you are going to be executed in two days, do you know who will be executed with you? Who is the executioner who will behead you?"

"Who will be beheaded with me, and whose head will be cut off, how would I know? You gentlemen of the six sects, why bother to ask me knowingly?"

The fake Taoist priest lowered his head and spoke in a muffled voice, but there was obviously a hint of despair and anger in his tone.He took Wang Chuan's question as an excuse to see him specially.

Wang Chuan smiled and said: "You are wrong. I only participated in part of your case and another case in Yicui Building, and I didn't know much about most of it. So who I really don't know who was questioned and who was not. But I think you should be able to figure out who should be questioned and who shouldn't be questioned and killed. As for the executioner, this matter will be on the spot when the time comes Sure, no one can know now. But I have a good relationship with some executioners, and I can help you say hello and choose a better executioner."

"Is there a difference?"

The fake Taoist still didn't raise his head.

"Of course, the difference is huge!"

Wang Chuan explained, "The executioner's skill is related to how neatly you decapitate your head. To give you an analogy, there is an executioner living in Xuanwu District in the inner city of the capital, and there is another executioner in the south of the city. The executioner in Xuanwu District has superb skills, The technique is superb, the knife is lifted and dropped cleanly, and the head is separated with one blow, which is guaranteed to be painless; as for the one in the south of the city, it can decapitate people into Ling Chi, and when the knife is struck, it is as if it is not a knife, but a saw. The neck is not a neck, but an iron tree, and it will take a long time to be cut by the saw. But speaking of it, the executioner in Xuanwu District started too quickly, and the common people seemed not satisfied. Usually everyone is more If you like the one in Chengnan, if you want to experience the technology of the one in Chengnan, I can tell him on your behalf and let him personally execute you."

"Humph! Humph!"

The fake Taoist lowered his head and sneered.Wang Chuan couldn't see his expression, but he could still hear a trace of fear from the trembling and slightly paused sneer.Under the drooping head, the fake Taoist's neck shrank unnaturally.

"Doubt my ability?"

Wang Chuan smiled and said, "If it were originally, there were so many people waiting to be beheaded, it would be difficult for me to help you. But now in your two cases, many people in the court have someone to help speak up, and they escaped. . Now the only ones who are being punished are those of you who have no one to talk to. When the executioner is more relaxed than originally planned, I will be able to help you operate from it. There is absolutely no problem in fixing the executioner. What do you think?"

"Huh...huh...heh! Hehe!"

The fake Taoist shuddered all over, his neck shrank again, and the sounds he made became more and more unnatural.

"What, are you afraid?"

Wang Chuan smiled "hehe" and said, "Don't worry, I'm just teasing you. If there are few people, the Ministry of Criminal Justice may not call the executioner. After all, the executioner's craftsmanship is too poor. Although ordinary people love to watch it, the Ministry of Criminal Justice feels ashamed." Ah. The executioner in the south of the city has been out of work for a few days, and he is ready to apply for the job of slaughtering pigs. I’m afraid you won’t be able to hire him even if you want. At that time, I will help you find a more skilled executioner. If you can hire the one in Xuanwu District, Just invite the one in Xuanwu District, what do you think? The one in Xuanwu District was originally prepared for our big boss, but the big boss has a strong foundation, so he escaped this section in a daze, and there are probably fewer people who will grab it. At that time, I can’t help you speak.”

The fake Taoist suddenly raised his head, his eyes glared at Wang Chuan, the eyes were bloodshot, and he couldn't tell what the eyes were.As soon as he met Wang Chuan's eyes, he suddenly lowered his head, as if he didn't want others to see his eyes.

Wang Chuan narrowed his eyes slightly, pondered for a while, and said, "Taoist, don't worry. As the people of the Six Doors, we keep our word, and if we say we want to help you, we will help you. Come on, I am not the only one who misses me. If you can enjoy the treatment of the executioner in Xuanwu District, it can be regarded as a favor from that person in the court. If he wants to avoid the execution this time, you still can't enjoy the clean and tidy As for the sword technique. I'll inquire carefully about who that person is in the middle of the court. If I find out, on the anniversary of his death in the coming year, let him burn a stick of incense for you."

The fake Taoist priest was silent for a long time, then suddenly sneered and said, "Don't be joking, sir. How could a high-ranking official in the court know who I am? You don't need to be careless with me. The six of you have been investigating this case for so long. The right minister of the Ministry of Rites You Xuxing, can you still find it?"

(End of this chapter)

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