Chapter 87
It was not convenient to bring ordinary meals in the prison of the Criminal Department, so Wang Chuan and Chen Lian bought some dry food and fruits, and then went to pick up clothes to bring to Sister Ping.Little girl Chen Lian was so attentive that she was afraid that Sister Ping would be uncomfortable in prison, so she chose soft cotton and loose-fitting clothes.Of course, she now spends the money she needs to wear to buy things for others. She is too embarrassed to choose expensive ones. She only looked at a slightly cheaper one and wanted to find out the price.

The little girl's way of bargaining is simple and practical, her eyes are watery, she is cute and pitiful, and if she speaks a few words softly, the stall owner will be overwhelmed.Wang Chuan paid the bill and Chen Lian took the things and left, but they were still thinking about whether they should write down the expenses and then ask Capt. Liang to reimburse them.

"I really didn't expect that you would pretend to be pitiful with others and play such a small-minded thing."

When walking to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, Wang Chuan laughed and said to Chen Lian.

Chen Lian shyly said: "My husband is laughing at my family again. My family usually goes out to buy vegetables. With such a shape, the vegetable seller and the aunt will always give me some money, or buy more vegetables from my family. The money I want to meet my husband is all If you can save some of your hard-earned money, you can save some, and try to learn how to fake this shape. If your husband doesn’t like it, I’ll just stop doing this in the future.”

Naturally, Wang Chuan didn't care. He touched Chen Lian's head with a smile, and said, "What's the matter? My little Lianhua knows that thrifty housekeeping saves me money. I like it too late. And your way of bargaining is better than others. Too much. Ordinary people can’t learn it.”

"Mr. sir, please don't mess up my family's head."

Chen Lian hurriedly pressed Wang Chuan's hand on her head, and said worriedly, "My hair is messed up, and seeing Sister Ping in a while, it would be so embarrassing."

However, the little girl was at Wang Chuan's house with limited conditions, and her hairstyle was simple and uncomplicated, not too complicated.It's a little messy, but it's not too much trouble to clean up.

It's just that there is no small bronze mirror along the way, Chen Lian can't check her own image, she is always worried that her hair is not done well, and she keeps playing with her little head.No matter how many times Wang Chuan told her that it was okay, she didn't care.It wasn't until she reached the gate of the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice that the little girl saw the guard guarding the gate, and her two little hands stopped.

Wang Chuan and the jailer were already familiar with each other when they came here often to deal with cases and detain people. After explaining their purpose, the jailer opened the door and took the two of them in, heading towards the prison where Sister Ping was.

"Who is Sister Ping locked up with?"

In the dark and damp corridor, Chen Lian was a little frightened and clutched Wang Chuan's cuff tightly.Wang Chuan simply grabbed Chen Lian's little hand and asked the jailer by the way.

The jailer replied: "All the people in the gate over there are from the Yicui Building, and there are two maids from the Jiaofang Division. The rest of the maids who committed minor crimes were released two days ago."

"That's it."

Wang Chuan nodded.From this point of view, Lu Xuan, who was interrogated by himself that day, has probably been released.After all, looking at the situation, she was not too involved in the case.The Secretary of Jiaofang didn't know if she would be held accountable.

As for those people who will be killed in a few days, I guess if they are not locked up there, I won't be able to meet them.Wang Chuan breathed a sigh of relief.Those people who know their own destiny exude a heavy death aura all over their body, which can be felt from a distance, and they are easily affected by it.It would be great if we could avoid contact with those people.

Turn around the corner of the corridor and you will arrive at a prison area.There is an area outside the prison with tables and stools for the guards on duty to sit.

There were two jailers sitting on the stool, drowsy in the silent and dim environment.Seeing someone coming in, the two jailers were shocked.

The jailer who brought Wang Chuan in explained the situation to the two jailers, and one of the jailers told Wang Chuan to ask Wang Chuan and Chen Lian to go to the prison to escort the person later.

The bottle of sister came with the jailer, even though it was far away in the dark, it was still radiant.Wang Chuan saw her beautiful face and smiling, her steps were light, her waist and hips swayed lightly as she walked, as usual, although her hair was a little messy and couldn't be tidied up properly, and her prison clothes were simple and casual, patched, but depending on the situation, she was in this prison. Sure enough, Zhong was doing pretty well, much better than the others.

"It's not good!"

Wang Chuan silently mourned for Liang Tutou in his heart for a second.

"Yo, fast catcher Wang, Xiao Lian'er, it's really surprising that you guys came to visit this servant's house."

Before she came to her, Sister Ping's soft and seductive voice had already floated from afar.As soon as the voice came out, it seemed that there was only Sister Ping left in the prison.

Fortunately, Wang Chuan has been on both sides of the Qinglong River all year round, and has experienced battles for a long time. He has already seen Sister Ping's posture before, so he can deal with it without changing his face.Wang Chuan said: "This is not what I want to come." When he was speaking, he suddenly paused and gave Sister Ping a look. There are some words that are inconvenient to say outside, and Sister Ping should be able to understand with her cleverness.

But regardless of whether Sister Ping understood it or not, Miss Chen Lian made a mistake anyway.

"Sister Bottle."

After Wang Chuan finished speaking, Chen Lian couldn't help but stepped forward and called out.

"It's been so long since I've seen you, little Lian'er, you look more and more radiant."

Sister Ping stepped forward, pinched Chen Lian's little face, glanced lightly at Wang Chuan, and teased, "It seems that you are deeply nourished after entering Wang Chuan's shutter, tsk tsk tsk, but I'm really envious of Sister Ping."

While speaking, Sister Ping fished in the dark with her hand, and she didn't know what she got, and said: "The slave family is talking with Catcher Wang and Catcher Wang's wife for a while, shouldn't it matter? Please, my lords, stay away for now. .”

The three jailers retreated unnaturally.

Wang Chuan mourned for another second in his heart for Butou Liang.

Originally, Wang Chuan still had some questions to ask on behalf of Catcher Liang, but now it seems that there is no need to ask them at all.Sister Ping relies on her flirtatious and flirtatious skills, no matter where she goes or in any environment, she can get along like a duck to water.Worrying about her is really unnecessary.

So Wang Chuan simply sat on the side without saying a word, listening to Chen Lian and Sister Ping talking.Chen Lian gave Sister Ping all the food and clothes she brought.Sister Ping thought that the food she got in prison was good, and she was not uncommon for the dry food and fruit sent by Chen Lian, so she put it aside and didn't look at it much.On the contrary, it was the clothes, she put them on as soon as she got them, she liked it very much.

Sister Ping did not change her bad habits. When talking to Chen Lian, she put on new clothes and secretly gave Wang Chuan a wink.Fortunately, with Chen Lian by her side, Sister Ping did not dare to be too presumptuous.

However, as soon as Sister Ping put on her new clothes and put on her prison clothes, her untied hair was messy and swaying, which really made her look quite unique.Wang Chuan couldn't help but think of some short movies.Sister Ping's outfit is really similar to her performances in those short movies.

Sister Ping deserves to be Sister Ping, such simple new clothes and prison clothes can be worn so sexy, it's no wonder that Liang Tutou is fascinated by her.

Wang Chuan sincerely admired it.

"Tap tap."

There was a sound of footsteps, and a jailer quickly ran over and shouted, "Hurry up, Mr. Yang, Mr. Yang is here. Let me call you."

"Captain Yang?!"

Wang Chuan frowned slightly, and asked, "The chief arrester is here at this time, what's the matter?"

"do not know."

The jailer said, "But Mr. Yang brought a lot of arrests here, there must be something urgent."

 Thanks to the lazy Ying Long for the reward.Whether it's comments or debates, everyone likes this book, and I'm honored.I hope to see book friends discuss this book and like this book, but I hope everyone will not quarrel.Last but not least, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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