Chapter 75

"Amitabha, the lamp grass thanks the benefactor for giving the name."

The novice boy immediately accepted his new setting, sang a Buddha's name, and clasped his hands together.


Wang Chuan drew a cross on his chest and asked, "Is there anything else?"

The novice boy bowed slightly, and said: "Master said, the benefactor only needs to give me the name of the Dharma. The little monk's inner demons will naturally be relieved gradually. There is no need for the benefactor to help you with other things. The benefactor is busy with work, please go on your own way. The little monk also needs to give me the Dharma name." Follow the master to consecrate others, and leave now."


It's been a long time since I've heard this long-suffering word.The last time I heard it, it seemed that it was the Yicuilou case in Huajie, and Yu Chunfa mentioned it.But that's just a mention. You must know that in the capital, the saying of consecration by mages has long been banned and cut off.

The consecration of Buddhist masters and Taoist retreats have their own origins.Daomen Powder Medicine has already been mentioned, so I won’t mention it for now.The consecration by a Buddhist master came from the chaos in the fireworks industry in the past.

As we all know, there is a sect in Buddhism that practices Huanxi Zen.Regardless of the true cultivation method of Huanxi Zen, the name alone makes people dream about it.In order to expand their business and attract customers, those fireworks industry arranged one or two tricks and changed one or two postures, pretending to be Buddhist Joy Zen, and later you and I, and made up different schools, such as Southern Joy Zen, Northern Joy Zen, etc. Zong Huanxi Zen, Mahayana Huanxi Chan, Hinayana Huanxi Chan, Tantric Huanxi Zen, Authentic Huanxi Chan, etc., etc., you are fighting with each other, making the world atmosphere messy and messy, which is very ugly.

Emperor Taizu couldn't stand it anymore and ordered the Buddhist righteousness to cooperate in rectifying the chaos in Huanxi Chan.As a result, after a series of crackdowns and rectifications, the effect was basically ineffective.

At that time, the leader of the Buddhist Futon Association, Master Zhizhi, saw that this was not the solution, and put forward the correct program that it is better to block than to clear up, and to rectify, it is better to guide. strategy, with official approval.

Since then, Buddhism and the government have promoted the method of mages consecrating fireworks prostitutes. Only women who have been consecrated by the mage and approved by the government can open the door for business. The rest who pretend to be happy are all illegal and criminal. , There is also a litter according to the end.

Under such rectification with great efforts, manpower, and investment from all over the country, the overall industry atmosphere of the fireworks industry is clean. In addition to exorcising ghosts, fortune-telling, and transcendence, there is an additional item in the business of Buddhist monks. Prostitute consecrated.

But Buddhist monks have this way and lack of control. As time goes by, there are many more flies and dogs in the fireworks industry.

There are Buddhist disciples who are depraved, who use the consecration to hang around the land of love and moon, and who do not abide by the rules and regulations, and there are temples who buy shares and collude with brothels, monopolize business, suppress others, and so on, and so on.The old chaos was gone, and the new chaos appeared again. Emperor Taizu was furious again, and the abbots and abbots of the Futuan Society were also heartbroken.So a vigorous rectification movement related to Buddhism began. Many monks and temples closed mountains, faced walls, received precepts, and retired.The government also issued an official document and posted notices in various parts of Shenzhou, announcing that it is illegal for a mage to consecrate.The rectification lasted for a year, and the situation finally improved. The matter of consecration by the master has become a taboo, and the reason for the joy of Zen has never been mentioned again.

The consecration of Master Wang Chuan's original Dao has become forbidden in the Shenzhou Dynasty. The tea merchant Yu Chunfa mentioned it, but it was just a talk, but he didn't think that outside the capital, there are really monks and prostitutes still popular in the world. .

"To suffer!"

Wang Chuan glanced at Long Chuantou out of the corner of his eye, and suddenly said in his heart.

The post station boy was indeed the same post station boy, even if he could say a few specious words, it was hard to hide his temperament.Ever since Wang Chuan moved into the inn a month ago, he had discovered this boy's hobby of hitting guns again—whether it was intentional or not.Or habits, attributes.At this moment, the boy who was dressed in Huang Haiqing's incarnation as a shaman made another exit and hit the muzzle of the gun.

This kind of forbidden thing, what does this idiot say to his group of six-door officials!

"Consecration?! So brave!"

Long Baotou just heard the bad news from Wang Chuan yesterday that Miss She Wei likes gays. When he was not in a good mood, he urgently needed an outlet to vent his almost unsuppressed emotions. At this time, this idiot suddenly said this , simply blocking the muzzle of the gun where bullets were already flying out.How could a dragon hunter not seize the opportunity?Immediately his eyes glared, and he said sternly: "Wunacrooked monk, where are you going? Come and take him down with me!"

The guards on the left and right immediately pounced on the tiger, pushing the novice boy to the ground.

"Grandpa, spare your life! Grandpa, spare your life!"

The boy immediately showed his true colors, lying on the ground with pouted hips and trembling, he couldn't speak well, and he couldn't speak the words just now, so he kept repeating the words "Grandpa, please forgive me".When he was picked up from the ground, he finally saw Wang Chuan, came to his senses, and shouted urgently, "Captain Wang, please spare me! Detective Wang, please save me!"

Wang Chuan sighed, and said: "Since you have entered the Buddhist gate, why don't you know the cause and effect? ​​You must have such a calamity in your destiny. After this calamity, you can get rid of your demons. Amitabha, bear it well." If things go wrong, who dares to disobey him?Besides, this idiot violated the law of Shenzhou clearly, and said in broad daylight and in public that he wanted to consecrate others, and he couldn't even make up the words for him, so how could he help?
Being so blind and iron-headed, and slamming into the muzzle of the gun, I really can't do anything.If this guy is not destined to die, what else could it be?
The novice boy suddenly became desperate, but Long Baotou frowned and said, "Do you know this novice monk? Where did you get to know such a lawless and thieves monk?"

Wang Chuan replied: "Return to the dragon to catch the head. This novice was originally a boy in the inn. When his subordinates were inconvenient, it was this boy who took care of them a lot. He was deeply affected by the misunderstanding of Long Yang's book. This is a blow. I became a monk and became a monk. I hope that for the sake of my subordinates, I can deal with him leniently."

When Long Butou heard "mishearing the book of Longyang", for some reason, he felt the same feeling, and after listening to Wang Chuan, he felt pity for the same disease, sighed, and said: "Forget it, since I am an old acquaintance with you , I won’t embarrass him anymore. Leave it to Chenggu County.”

When he said it, he turned to Guzhi County and said: "The mage consecrates prostitutes, which is strictly prohibited by my court. You can't ignore it. The thief monk asked the magistrate to deal with him and punished him a little, so that he knew the crime of violating the law of the country. .I wonder what the magistrate thinks?"

Nazhi County's expression was a bit unsightly. At this moment, Long Tuotou was talking to him. After listening to him, the joy in the corner of his eyes flashed, and he said: "Don't worry, Long Tutou, I will deal with it properly."

Wang Chuan caught a glimpse of the look in the corner of the county magistrate's eyes and suddenly realized something.It seemed that the boy had suffered a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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