Quick Fishing Guide

Chapter 70 One word kick

Chapter 70

She Wei clenched her fists, and suddenly felt that she had made the right choice by kicking this guy into his current state on Chengliang Mountain.This guy is full of scheming, perverted thinking, and such a face that he doesn't look innocent at first glance.

"However, even if you win the lottery, you don't need to worry. Lady She has good legs. If she walks alone, she can go up and down. At that time, this plan will not work, just leave. At that time, there is no other way, and then press She It's not too late for the heroine to figure it out on her own."

Wang Chuan persuaded, "Besides, this matter is working properly. It is impossible to say that Lady She can still receive monthly money. In the Jianghu, all sects and sects have to rush around for money. Those who build farms, those who open gambling houses, and those who set up hook bars businessmen, dart runners, etc., etc., but they are all in groups for the purpose of operation. Lady She wanders the rivers and lakes alone, and I don’t know how to make money for a living?”

She Wei replied: "It's nothing unusual for me to make money. I go to the homes of rich families and teach the women of rich families some simple self-defense techniques to earn some money for apprenticeship. I taught them in Chenggu County last year. A family. Now that I am here, I am staying at her house."

"I see."

Wang Chuan suddenly realized, he didn't expect that She Weishe's other identity as Heroine She was actually a teacher.Wang Chuan persuaded again, "Think about it, Miss She, if you teach people skills, you can make a lot of money. Let alone the unstable income, it's not very good. After you teach this apprentice, there may not be a next one." I can take on a single job, and if I don’t open for a few months, how can I do it well? Besides, people who need to learn self-defense skills are not in the same city or a pool. In order to make a living, She has to travel all over the world, eating and sleeping. Hard work? If you have a stable salary, how can you spend such a sad life?"

Teacher She suffered from Wang Chuan's words, and when she recalled the past, she suddenly felt inexplicably sad.Thinking about Wang Chuan's idea again, he was finally moved, and sighed: "It doesn't matter, whether it succeeds or not, I will try according to the arrester's wishes. I am really grateful that the arrester has taken so much trouble to plan for me, and I have nothing to repay." .”

"Then you should cry!"

Wang Chuan had the urge to say such a sentence to She Wei.The ancient people were hypocritical, they were always grateful, and they cried when they never saw one.Wang Chuan hypocritically said: "Just talking casually, why bother? There is no need for Xia She."

She Wei took a deep breath, then let it out slowly, adjusted her emotions, and then stopped talking about this topic, and said, "Okay, I'll talk about this later. I came here to find the policeman, and I wanted to see the leg injury for him. , to make up for the mistakes I made on Chengliang Mountain. But I didn’t expect to waste so much time because of my affairs. The policeman wants to ask me questions, so please ask me now. I will answer them one by one, without ambiguity.”

"Wait a minute, let me sort out my thoughts."

As Wang Chuan spoke, he moved his legs.Although the soft diapers were put on, the legs were still a little uncomfortable after being tied to the legs for a long time.Wang Chuan thought about it, and asked: "Nvxia She doesn't know something. My leg is tied with a wooden plank, and I have been stuck here. After a long time, it is inevitable that I will feel painful and numb. Nvxia She is proficient in leg skills, and it must be true for the use of legs and feet." Very insightful. Is there any way to teach me to relieve the numbness, pain and persistent discomfort of this bad leg?"

Suddenly, She Wei's eyes lit up, and she said with great joy: "The one-word leg technique is nothing more than the use of the legs and feet. Every bone and every piece of flesh and blood in the movement is used properly, and it will produce excellent results. If you master these, you can control your body." The legs and feet are really good for the comfort of the legs and feet, and it may even speed up the recovery of the injured leg. This is really great! Do you want to learn the one-word kick method? I can teach you."

"Isn't one-stroke legwork taught by women? Can I learn it?"

Wang Chuan asked.

She Wei asked strangely: "Who told you that the one-line kick technique can only be learned by women?"

Wang Chuan said: "Oh, it seems that I misunderstood. I saw that Yizi disciples are always women, and I also said that Yizi kicks can only be learned by women."

She Wei smiled and said: "The catcher misunderstood. I only accept women in my school because of the patriarch's sect rules, which have nothing to do with the exercises. There is no practice in the world that can be like the "Chrysanthemum Magic Dao Gong" compiled by the catcher." , can only men learn to practice, and after cultivation, they will become women? The arrester is in the six gates, why is his understanding of kung fu so strange?"

"I'm really sorry for being distracted in class."

Wang Chuan answered in his heart, but he couldn't help but recall the good time when he was fishing in the Six Gates Martial Arts Academy.If it is said that touching fish is the most comfortable, it will be at that time.It's a pity that time is gone forever, and the past fields can only be cherished in memory.

"In that case, will there be no problem if Nvxia She spreads the word about the one-word kick?"

Wang Chuan asked again.

She Wei said: "That's okay. The Kung Fu of our traditional sect requires long-term practice and years of guidance and refinement by a master before we can achieve success. It is different from the new Kung Fu that is commonly practiced in the Six Sects and the Imperial Court. Although my Yizi sect's kung fu has been improved many times by successive teachers and gradually moved towards the new martial arts, it is still fundamentally from the traditional school. I taught the catchers the secrets of the Yizi kicking technique, and at most the catchers' legs and feet were better than before. If you are neat, it is possible to recover from injuries faster. Without my guidance over the years, it would be impossible to truly master martial arts."

"That's it."

Wang Chuan thought for a while, and then asked, "Then how hard and tiring does it take to practice this kind of kung fu? Do you need to practice one-stroke horses? I'm a hard-boned and hard-legged man, I'm afraid I can't do the fork."

Practicing and fighting requires flexibility. When he was in the Six Doors Martial Arts Academy, Wang Chuan was not without suffering. Back then, he was pushed down by someone sitting down. He was afraid of the pain that was as straight as a tear. I haven't practiced for many years, let alone Yizimen's Yizima Kungfu, which has changed much more than the requirements of Liufan Wuyuan.Thinking about the word horse, Wang Chuan felt that his crotch hurt.

She Wei heard Wang Chuan's words, but she was dissatisfied and said: "One must be brave and diligent in the journey of martial arts. The catcher is so smart, and he specializes in martial arts. He will surely achieve something in the understanding of martial arts. Why is the catcher so lazy and afraid of hardship? , A waste of talent for nothing?"

Wang Chuan said: "Nvxia She, you are joking. You said earlier that only those with great perseverance and perseverance can become masters. What kind of temperament do you know? With my talent for opportunism, where can I have great perseverance and perseverance? After a lot of suffering, even if you lose your top, you still can't become a top expert, so why bother?"

She Wei was left speechless by Wang Chuan, and after a long while, she gave up and said: "Forget it, follow the king to catch up. If you just want to simply understand the use of legs and feet without having to practice the hard work of Yizimen, that's fine too. I will be living in Chenggu County during this period, and I will try my best to provide guidance and instruction to the detective, so please rest assured."

(End of this chapter)

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