Quick Fishing Guide

Chapter 64 It's Terrible

Chapter 64 It's Terrible
After Wang Chuan conceived all the stories, he shivered.Not to mention disgusting others, this story simply disgusted him himself.Wang Chuan was deeply skeptical about whether he could finish writing this story smoothly.

"When did I become so perverted?"

After coming to this world, after so many years of being lazy and fishing, Wang Chuan doubted life for the first time.

But he had already promised others, and if he said it, he would throw water away. Wang Chuan could only hold on to his nausea, put down his pen, and started working.

During the reign of Emperor Wen, not only the writing of official documents underwent reform, but also folk literature was greatly developed.The novelist books that are popular today began at that time.Unlike poetry and scriptures, the text of fiction books is more inclined to vernacular.But after all, this world has the language and writing habits of this world, even if it is a plain language, it is impossible to develop in the direction of the previous life.The novels in this world tend to be more like the writing style of novels in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

Wang Chuan usually likes to read novels of this style, but writing this novel now, this style of writing is obviously not suitable.

So Wang Chuan thought over and over again, and decided to use the style of brushwork that was biased towards his previous life.

That is to say, it is more inclined to spoken words than contemporary texts, and a large number of psychological descriptions that contemporary novels do not have are added-especially when it comes to action plots.

In this way, the disgusting degree of this novel will be expressed to the maximum, and its perfect effect will be exerted.

——I just hope I won’t be so disgusted that I collapse early.

Wang Chuan took a deep breath and started writing. The plot brewing in his mind turned into words and appeared on the paper.

One page, two pages, three pages, four pages, five pages...

The written pages were directly placed on the ground by Wang Chuan to dry, and the progress of the novel finally entered the critical second half.

The quality of the Four Treasures of the Study provided by the boy was not very good. The black ink characters fell on the paper for a long time and it was difficult to dry, and the paper was also soaked in water, making it crumpled.After drying on the ground, She Wei walked over, glanced at the large sheet of paper on the ground, and asked Wang Chuan, "What did you write, with these alone, can you punish those two wicked people? "

"it should be OK."

Wang Chuan has already invested in the plot, and while continuing to write quickly, he answered casually without saying anything.

She Wei asked again: "Catcher, can I watch first?"


Wang Chuan had already brewed his emotions to the peak, and She Wei's words only went through his mind once, coming in from the left ear and coming out of the right ear, without thinking about what he said, and just answered casually.At this time, Wang Chuan couldn't care about other things, he needed to write down in one go, otherwise, once it was interrupted, he didn't know if he would have the courage to continue.For this reason, Wang Chuan didn't dare to write this novel too long. He wanted to condense the plot to the point where it could be written in one go.

It is quite appropriate to be as long as the small book of "The Secret of Yizimen" this time.

Wang Chuan's skills in his previous life were still there, and he didn't try to modify or modify them. He just wrote based on his feelings. His writing speed was so fast that there was already a big pile on the ground.

With a curious heart, She Wei picked up the dried paper pages on the ground and arranged them in order.While writing the text, Wang Chuan had already marked the page numbers on the pages, so it was very convenient for She Wei to sort them out, and it didn't take much effort at all.

Seeing Wang Chuan's proficiency and meticulousness, a woman who has not had much contact with literature in the Jianghu even thinks that Wang Chuan is an experienced novelist in the industry.

She Wei sorted out a dozen or so pages, then sat down on a chair to read.Although the unorthodox writing style is smooth, She Wei is not used to it.The books she had read before had not been written like this.But after getting used to it, She Wei suddenly felt that such writing was very pleasing to the eye, and it was much more comfortable to read than those novels that are currently circulated.

Then the names of Jianghu Baixiaosheng and Huajianhou came into view.She Wei frowned slightly under the black gauze of her bamboo hat, slightly realizing something.After turning over the first page and reading the second page, the shy and disgusting psychology of the girl at Huajianhou unfolded as the description on the paper unfolded, and She Wei felt bad all over.

She finally understood what Wang Chuan was writing about!
“But this novel is indeed so beautiful and unique that people can’t help but want to read it!”

She Wei pinched the corner of the second page with her fingers, struggled for a while, and finally couldn't help it, and turned to the next page.

The door to the new world opened little by little in front of She Wei's eyes.

Under the black veil of the bamboo hat, a pair of eyes reflecting the scribbled words changed from rejection, to disgust, to reluctance, to struggle, and finally to curiosity and devotion. I don't know how many changes have taken place.Her attire covered her so tightly that it was difficult for others to see her expression, but she still seemed worried about being discovered by others, so she glanced at Wang Chuan secretly, and saw that Wang Chuan was still waving the brush with enthusiasm, and finally Continue to bow your head and look down at the words on the paper in your hand.

After reading more than ten pages, there were several more sheets of paper on the ground over there.Before the ink on it was dry, She Wei continued to sort out what had been done, stacked them in order, sat down and continued to read.

The plot of the story gradually deepens, and the taboo gate follows behind the gate of the new world, opening to She Wei bit by bit.

She Wei couldn't help but glanced at Wang Chuan again, and said in her heart, "What a pervert", she wanted to put down the stack of papers in her hand, but she was a little bit reluctant.

And no matter what, the novel written by the policeman was indeed helping her punish the villain, and she really experienced it from the novel.

——Although she still doesn't know how the police will proceed to the next step after the novel is completed.

——Although she never expected that the police would use such a method.

—even though she didn't approve of this eye for an eye, childish, and disgusting as hell.

But no matter what, she knew very well that she really needed to thank the police.

After struggling for a long time and finding many reasons, She Wei finally couldn't hold back, and continued to read the words on the paper.

One page, another page.

One stack, another stack.

It was noon, then afternoon, and when the first ray of sunset in the evening hit the guest room, Wang Chuan was finally done.

"Phew... it's finally over!"

Wang Chuan clicked on the last point, threw the pen far away, then raised his arms, stretched beautifully, let out a long breath, and sighed, "It's terrible!"

One is writing and the other is chasing, chasing books is always faster than writing books.When Wang Chuan wrote the words on the last piece of paper, She Wei was already standing beside Wang Chuan, looking down directly after Wang Chuan's pen.

When the pen in Wang Chuan's hand flew out with a circle of ink dots, She Wei also finished reading this novel, which was neither short nor long.For a moment, she felt lost, and couldn't tell what she was feeling in her heart.

"too frightening!"

She couldn't help saying the same lines as Wang Chuan.

 Thanks to Zhang Xiaopang, a nerd boy, and Ying Long, a rotten and lazy man, for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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