Chapter 52
It never occurred to her that She Wei was the dog king of Xiliang.

Yizimen Shewei.

She Wei kicked the widow's door at night.

Xiliang dog Wang Shewei.

Obviously they are completely different painting styles, but they all appear on the same person.Wang Chuan doubts whether this well-known woman is a schizophrenia patient.

But regardless of whether she is smart or not, at least this woman is as ferocious as the rumors about the disciples of the Widow Sect at Night Kicking in the rivers and lakes. When she harvests heads, she is just like an old employee of Foxconn's assembly line for many years. She is as proficient as instinct. No mercy.

"In the files in the door, although the one-word doorman has a fierce attack, he can still tell right from wrong. Most of the people punished are villains who are on the side of the victim. So although she has a criminal record in the door, she has never been our favorite. The target of arrest. Where are these villains who were hunted down by her?"

Long Catcher said.

How could Wang Chuan fail to understand?Long Butou obviously asked the question knowingly.After these words, the identities of the group of people who were hunted down were already revealed——

Those people, if they weren't bandits who ravaged Chengliang Mountain, who else could they be?
Wang Chuan felt that what Long Baotou said was very problematic.Regarding the files of She Wei and Yizimen, Wang Chuan also looked at them carefully when he was in the door.The women in this sect actually have no interest at all in killing rape and eradicating evil.They will only attack those who provoke them.And those who provoke them are often not good birds. If they kill them, they can often make people applaud.But there are some well-known and upright people in the world who have suffered at the hands of this sect.To put it bluntly, the behavior of the Yizimen girl can actually be said to be retaliation.

Such a sect, Long Butou, as the head catcher of the six-door headquarters, how could he make such an evaluation?

Wang Chuan frowned, feeling deeply that this matter was not easy.

At this moment, Wang Chuan's sleeve was suddenly gently pulled.Wang Chuan turned his head and saw a colleague approaching him to whisper to him.

Both of them were behind Long Butou, making small movements, but Long Butou couldn't see them.Wang Chuan put his ear close to him, and heard the colleague whisper: "Old Wang, you don't know, our Long Butou has liked She Wei for a long time, and we wanted to lift her veil a long time ago. It's a pity that the one who kicked the widow's door tonight The woman is as cold as a rock, and Long Butou sells everything, but all of them come to nothing. Up to now, Long Butou has never touched a single hair of her. When Long Butou meets She Wei, he is bewildered. We Follow honestly, just listen to Long Butou's orders. Don't provoke him."

Wang Chuan nodded, expressing his understanding.He quietly glanced at the back of the horse in front of him, he didn't expect that this kind-hearted and easy-going head catcher had such a side.

But no matter what you do, you can't turn right from wrong, whitewash criminals, and ignore principles!

Wang Chuan suddenly felt that the tall and righteous image of the Six Doors had collapsed suddenly.Take a look at the people standing at the top of the six doors. Mr. Yang wants to save face if he catches him to death. Mr. Liang is old and dishonest. If the image is to be spread, I am afraid I will lose my lord this sharp blade of the imperial court.

"That's not right. Yizimen is obviously a Chuanzhou sect, and She Wei is also from Chuanzhou. I heard her news two months ago, and she was still in Chuanzhou. Why now, she came here and raised such a How old is a dog, he has become the dog king of Xiliang?"

Long Butou whispered in front of him.She Wei, who is like a female devil head, quickly harvested the heads and came to the front.

That She Wei recognized Long Butou, suddenly stopped far away, nodded slightly to Long Butou, and the black gauze of the bamboo hat followed her lightly.

Long Butou was overjoyed, and was about to reply, but She Wei suddenly set off, bypassing the group of catchers, and continued to catch up with the dogs to pick the head.A few corpses were left on the mountain road here, but She Wei didn't care about them, pretending they didn't see them.

What the colleague said was indeed correct, Long Butou has only been in unrequited love until now.Moreover, when She Wei saw Long Chutou, it was as if she had seen a plague god. She was afraid that she would avoid it, and she didn't even care about making up the knife.Wang Chuan deeply felt sad for Long Butou, Luo Hua wanted to flow ruthlessly, and Long Butou's shameless love could only be exchanged for She Wei who ran faster and faster. It was really a human tragedy.

Long Catou still refused to give up, giving full play to his perseverance and stalking spirit, and said with righteous indignation: "Who knows the taboos of the Yizimen? Some of these people have horses and weapons, and they are also being chased by the Yizimen. No. There is no doubt that those who are good people must be the bandits from the Chengliang Mountains. In broad daylight, these mountain bandits dare to do evil with beautiful women, and they should be killed! Mr. Long can't stand it any longer!"

I don’t know who just said that official duties are the most important thing and local banditry is not under our control...

Wang Chuan despised him in his heart, but as the colleague next to him said just now, it was when Long Catou was in high spirits that he could use words to stimulate him, even if it meant seeking death.

Wang Chuan, who has been a man for two lifetimes, knows very well the principle of being wise and protecting himself, and he echoed in the crowd:

"Long Butou is right!"

"The dragon catches the head with great righteousness!"

But Wang Chuan was still reserved after all, and some colleagues who were enthusiastic about flattering had already raised their knives and shouted, clamoring to kill a sister-in-law for the head of the dragon and came back.

"Don't talk nonsense, Yizi disciples are extremely reserved and fierce, what will you do if you make Miss She Wei go away?"

Long Catcher was talking, but his eyes were shining brightly. Encouraged by his colleagues, he slapped the blade on the scabbard, let out a "clang", and shouted: "These bandits are causing disaster. Once you pass by and see it, you must not stand by and watch. All the brothers will follow me and go up to take advantage of the banditry in Liangshan!" He spoke so righteously and so loudly, as if he was afraid that no one would hear him.The lion roar of Sun Yanbang, the yamen of Xuanwu District, Beijing, seems to be much weaker in front of this voice.

Wang Chuan: "..."

This smelly and shameless realm really surpassed Liang Butou.The morals and principles of Long Da's headhunting may have been thrown to She Wei to feed the dogs at some point.


Following the order of Long Butou angrily, all the arresters slammed the blade into the scabbard angrily, and let out a roar that shook the sky, giving Long Butou a boost of momentum.

Wang Chuan waved his knife and pretended to be perfunctory, followed by the arresters and ran quickly through the muddy water.

Most of the six-door arresters are fierce men, and they will not be humiliated unless necessary.The gang of thieves told them to go away, if it wasn't for the order of Long Butou, they would have drawn their knives and chopped off the mother.Now, on the one hand, for the sake of the dragon catcher to show his eyes in front of the lover in his dream, and on the other hand, for the sake of his understanding, all the catchers swung their knives and rushed away with great speed.

Long Butou ran in front of others, and even took the lead, rushing very fast.

This group of detectives from the serious crime team usually focuses on arresting criminals and thieves, and they are the most proficient in arresting and chasing them. The mountain forest after the rain is a piece of cake for them, and they surpassed She, who was behind the dog pack to make up for the knife in a short while. Wei.

Wang Chuan was originally following the crowd to do foreign work, and this chase was really no match for his colleagues who were skilled in movement, so he was pulled down immediately.Wang Chuan simply ran slower and slower, hanging farther and farther, but saw She Wei leisurely stop, watching the people who were only going forward swaying with the wind.

The colleagues did not see She Wei stop, but Wang Chuan was stuck behind this stunningly slender woman, wondering whether he should pass or not.

"You are also a man of six doors? Why do you run so slowly?"

She Wei spoke suddenly, her voice was so cold that it was unreasonable.

Wang Chuan stopped in his tracks and said, "No, I'll just take the road."

 Thanks to the lazy Ying Long, the nerd Zhang Xiaopang, and Yao Yedeng for their rewards.Before I knew it, it had been uploaded for a month, so fast.

(End of this chapter)

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