Chapter 31
Huang Yuanwu's eyes were attracted by Wang Chuan, and with the words "fellow Taoist", he seemed to feel the same kind of atmosphere.

"Fellow Daoist... seems a little familiar?"

Huang Yuanwu frowned and said.

"Erlang, why are you so stupid! You've completely embarrassed the Huang family! Get the hell out of here!"

Seeing Huang Yuanwu's naked appearance, Huang Yuanwen was so angry that he couldn't speak smoothly, and wanted to lift his foot to kick Huang Yuanwu when he went up.

"Pull him away!"

Wang Chuan said hurriedly.I am most afraid of encountering this kind of verbosity when I am on business. I am not professional, I don’t understand farts, and I am full of emotions. I don’t have any benefits at all, and it will only make trouble and make it more difficult. Another name for this kind of person is a pig teammate.

Although the colleagues in the field team in Beijing are not as good as the serious case team, they are still professional after all. How dare you let Huang Yuanwen mess around at such a critical moment?The arresters hurried up, one covered Huang Yuanwen's mouth, the others lifted him up, and carried him into the small building as well.

"Hey! How dare you! You actually murdered my brother!"

Although Huang Yuanwu fell into madness after taking Xiaoyaosan, he still recognized his elder brother.Seeing Huang Yuanwen being picked up, Huang Yuanwu was furious immediately, "Wow!" He yelled, waved his hand, and said, "Everyone, come with me, save my brother!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

The three naked youths holding swords who came out together with Huang Yuanwu were brought into Huang Yuanwu's script, and each of them seemed to have been arrested, and they were so anxious that they were about to crack.Four gleaming long swords dangled in the hands of the four naked men. Except for the one in Huang Yuanwu's hand, which was dancing wildly, the other three obviously had their own tricks.All the arresters in the six doors have learned kung fu martial arts, how can they not see it?
These three naked lunatics are masters at swordplay!

Liang Butou gave a reminder.The eyes of all the catchers became solemn.

Seeing the four naked men holding swords about to kill the small building opposite, Wang Chuan gritted his teeth and shouted: "Fellow Daoist is confused! How can that man be your elder brother? Fellow Daoist has sharp eyes, how can you be mesmerized by a mere demon? "

Huang Yuanwu was slightly stunned, stopped for a moment, stopped the other three sword holders, and asked: "That is obviously my brother, why do fellow Taoists say he is a demon thief?"

Seeing this situation, all the arresters in the street also suspended their pending attacks.

Wang Chuan's mind was spinning, and he ran the train with his mouth full: "This beast is a demon monkey who can transform 72 times with one hand, and can transform into thousands of illusions. So he turned into your brother to confuse you and prevent you from going to heaven. Not your real elder brother. I also know the identity of the monstrous monkey, fellow daoist, but I never thought that fellow daoist would be confused by him!"

Huang Yuanwu frowned, still unwilling to fully believe it.

Wang Chuan said again: "Fellow Daoist, look at yourself and the brothers behind you, which one is not naked? This is the technique of fellow Daoist. It is said that if you want to practice magical skills, you must take off your clothes? Fellow Daoist, look at that monstrous monkey. Wrapped full of clothes, how can it be your brother?"

The three naked men holding swords behind Huang Yuanwu suddenly realized, nodded and said:

"Yes, yes, he is wearing clothes. Where is your brother?"

"Exactly! How can you become supernatural without taking off your clothes? Huang Daxian, you have been deceived!"

"Wow! How dare you lie to us, let's go forward and kill him without leaving a single piece of him, so that the monstrous monkey will know how powerful he is!"

Encouraged by the three men, Huang Yuanwu finally added the new setting dictated by Wang Chuan to his script. His eyes turned red, he raised his sword high and shouted: "Wow, wow! Brothers, follow me, kill this guy." hunt!"

Wang Chuan hurriedly stopped the four of them and said, "Fellow Taoist, wait a minute!"

Huang Yuanwu said anxiously: "Why are fellow Taoists stopping me? Get out of the way!"

Wang Chuan persuaded: "Fellow Daoists, don't worry. The monstrous monkey has been taken down by our fellow Daoist Interceptors, and we will have plenty of time to deal with him in the future. The most important thing now is that you and I will kill the heavens together and save your real brother. Knowing that your elder brother is still suffering at the hands of the Chanjiao monster."

"My brother is suffering?! It's unreasonable! It's really unreasonable to teach demons!"

Huang Yuanwu said angrily, "Fellow Daoist, tell me quickly, how can I go to heaven? I want to save my brother!"

The other three people also kept shouting and were very anxious.The loose hair danced in the wind under the moonlight, like a madman.

Wang Chuan pointed to the small building on the opposite side of the house, and said: "You fellow Taoists must have heard of shrinking the earth to an inch, but the art of ascending to heaven has an artifact that shrinks the sky to an inch, and it is in that small building. Fellow Daoists think To go to the sky, you have to ride the shrinking artifact. However, the artifact can only carry one person at a time, and fellow Taoists can only go up to the sky one by one. I don’t know, fellow daoists, who will come first?"

While speaking, Wang Chuan gave Liang Captou a wink.Liang Captou immediately understood and called Chen Zheng beside him to whisper a few words in Chen Jian's ear.Chen Zheng opened the curtain and entered the small building.

Among the four naked people, Huang Yuanwu jumped out eagerly, his brows raised angrily, and he said anxiously: "My brother is suffering in the sky, so I should be the first to go to the sky. Fellow Taoists send me to the sky first, thank you in advance!" He cupped his hands and thanked Wang Chuan.

"Fellow Daoist, please be polite."

When Wang Chuan was speaking, he paid attention to the entrance of the small building, saw Chen Zheng coming out of it, nodded his head, and then turned sideways to get out of the way, and said, "Fellow Daoist, please go to heaven."

Chen Zheng lifted the curtain with a wink.

The building behind the curtain was dark, and the weak light from the candle could not even reach the door.

Huang Yuanwu raised his sword and shouted loudly: "Brother, you and I, the world, the sun and the moon, it is unreasonable that someone dares to imprison you. There is no pardon for the crime! Good brother, just wait for me to go to heaven to save you!" When he spoke, his eyes were like torches, he bowed his waist, put on a posture, and walked in.

Chen Zheng lowered the curtain.The people in the street only heard a muffled noise in the building, and stopped for a while.Chen Zheng probed into the curtain, looked back, and said, "The one inside...uh...has gone to heaven."

Wang Chuan nodded and said, "Next."

"I advanced!"

A man said, straightening his back and holding his head high, he walked behind the curtain opened by Chen Zheng.

The curtain was lowered, and there was another muffled sound behind the curtain.Chen Zheng looked in again to see the situation, and nodded at Wang Chuan again.


Wang Chuan said again.

"It is my duty to save my brother for my friends! Fellow Daoists, take care, wait for me to kill the heavens, and kill all those teachings!"

Another man said, holding his long sword upside down, and cupped his hands to the left and right, as if an official was walking on a red carpet.Wang Chuan could hear clearly that this man must be the one who said earlier that he would kill all the demon monkeys.

This man seems to love leaving nothing behind.

At the last one, Chen Zheng opened the door curtain again, but the bare-butt man shrank back and asked Wang Chuan: "I dare to ask my friend, what kind of teaching was there that day? Is it powerful or not?"

Wang Chuan said: "The one who explained the teachings, Tubang Wagouer. A few fellow Taoists go to heaven together, and they will definitely kill him without leaving any."

The man still didn't believe it, and said: "Fellow Daoist, don't try to lie to me. Then what else can we teach to make 72 into a monster monkey? How can we fight against such supernatural powers?"

Wang Chuan pretended to be disapproving, and said: "The 72 changer is a crooked way. He taught the monster monkey, and I taught the fairy pig. The monster monkey learned the transformation of the earth, and I taught the pig fairy to practice the 32 count of the sky change. You compare, which one is stronger?"

"In the sky and on the earth, the Tiangang is powerful!"

The man was persuaded by Wang Chuan, and finally made up his mind to go to the gate of the small building.When they got to the door, they still had the guts to poke their heads inside.

All the arresters in the street saw a hand reaching out from the building, pinning down the man's head, and pushing the man into the darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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