Quick Fishing Guide

Chapter 29 Stabilize the waves

Chapter 29 Stabilize the waves

Under the table, Butou Liang was still kicking towards him.Wang Chuan dodged left and right, and put his leg behind the table leg. Liang Tutou kicked hard and kicked on the table leg.

Mother Hippie!Kick the good and the bad, does this old man also eat Xiaoyaosan?
Liang Tutou grinned with pain in his toes.Wang Chuan still couldn't see it, so he squinted at Liang Butou.

"That's settled then."

Chief arrester Yang circulated Wang Chuan's draft plan to all the arresters, and made a final decision, saying, "Tonight's strategy is mainly based on Wang Chuan. All of you, gather all your colleagues to the door, and order troops in front of the hall. Then we will have dinner together in the dining hall. After the meal, we will assign manpower tasks, and we will start to act immediately after Xuanwu District reports. Do you have any objections?"

"The subordinates dare not obey."

Wang Chuan followed the group of captors and feebly expressed his obedience, which is considered to be his fate. It seems that the wheel of history will not give up until he has a car accident on his body.

At the end of the meeting, Mr. Yang left the chamber first, and the other leaders came out one after another.Wang Chuan hung at the end and followed Liang Butou out.

"Tonight, the old man will personally supervise you. The matter is of great importance, so why worry about it and play tricks, be careful that I am with you!"

When the head catchers dispersed, Liang catcher stopped and turned his head, warning Wang Chuan in a deep voice.Although the look was serious, Wang Chuan always felt that there was a feeling of "I didn't expect you to be this kind of Wang Chuan" in the eyes of the old catcher.

Wang Chuan sighed inwardly, how could Liang Tutou be so naive?Among the six doors, he is notorious for being lazy and dodging things. What's the matter with this kind of eyes that have just seen through him?

"My subordinate understands."

Now that the matter has come to this point, Wang Chuan is too lazy to waste much time talking with Liang Butou, so he honestly admits that he is cowardly and prevents his mouth.

Liang Butou's reaction, in fact, can be understood after careful thought.After all, the old man took a second look at himself in the crowd because of the secret affairs of the torture chamber, and he only had a superficial understanding of his reputation in the door.The old man judges others by himself, probably thinking that no matter how lazy he is, he will move his butt when faced with the opportunity for promotion.But unfortunately, Catcher Liang still underestimated himself, how can he change his habits for the sake of being an official?How can you be so cheap as a human being?

So he, who was underestimated by Liang Butou, was like a wild horse running wild in the meeting hall. He was so anxious that Liang Butou kept kicking himself under the table, his legs were about to cramp.Fortunately, the trajectory of fate twisted Xiaoman's waist and turned Dao back, causing Wang Chuan to waste all his previous efforts, so he could only accept his fate honestly.But even if he finally walks on the path expected by Liang Catcher, Liang Catcher will still not be satisfied, especially since he personally recommended him to Mr. Yang, but his performance is very flawed.

Although the matter was finalized and Boss Yang didn't say much, but Boss Liang must still be dissatisfied.In other words, Catcher Liang was more afraid that Mr. Yang would be dissatisfied.So Liang Tutou subconsciously dumped the blame, everything was because of himself, because he hid it too deeply, and it had nothing to do with him.In this way, his pressure suddenly decreased, and he felt as comfortable as if he had gone to Sister Ping's room for a while.


Catcher Liang saw Wang Chuan confessed, turned around and left.Wang Chuan looked at the back of Liang Butou, and gave Liang Butou a look of "I didn't expect you to be this kind of Liang Butou". Also embarrassing.Wang Chuan felt that it was not enough to show his noble sentiments without showing contempt for him.

The head catchers ordered to go down to gather their subordinates, and all the colleagues from the six gates in Beijing arrived quickly, crowding the whole courtyard of Dengden.Mr. Yang stood in front of the central hall of the courtyard and shouted loudly: "Shut the door." With an order, the servants in the door closed the door.

The entire six doors instantly entered an emergency state.

And the first to enter the emergency state than the six doors is the canteen in the door.When Mr. Yang ordered the soldiers to be ordered, the smell of rice in the dining hall was already wafting into the courtyard.It was getting dark, and many of the arresters in the courtyard were already hungry, smelling the aroma of rice, they were all a bit uncontrollable.

"Liu Neng!"

"Subordinates are here!"


"Zhao Si!"

"Subordinates are here!"


"Yu Shizhen!"

"Subordinates are here!"


"Thank you Guangkun!"

"Subordinates are here!"



The sound of stomach growling came and went, like a fierce drumbeat.The roll call in Six Doors is like a seamless impromptu rap, forming a freestyle that makes people look forward to the end with the sound of drums.When everyone reported the news, Mr. Yang confirmed the number of people and announced the disbandment. All his colleagues rushed to the canteen and crowded the entrance of the canteen.

Mr. Yang looked at his subordinates, nodded with satisfaction, and said, "That's right, that's right, you have to look like a wolf and a tiger when you eat to be worthy of my brothers from the six sects!"


Wang Chuan heard it from the side, and suddenly felt speechless.

After dinner, all the arresters hiccupped contentedly and reassembled in the courtyard.All the arresters quickly stood up according to each group, and listened to Mr. Yang's distribution of tasks.Wang Chuan was ordered to arrest the commander-in-chief, and the field team in Beijing was naturally assigned to the arrest team.Chief arrester Yang specially arranged for a group of serious crime teams who are responsible for arresting important criminals all year round to cooperate, and the head arrester is Long catcher.

"Please take care of Long Butou."

After arresting the first team, Wang Chuan followed Liang Butou and came over to say hello to Long Butou.

Long Butou smiled and said: "You are very good, you dare to think, and you are meticulous enough. You have a plan in mind. With you in charge, what worries Long? Let me worry less."

Liang Butou was quite satisfied with Wang Chuan's modest performance, and said from the sidelines: "Where is Long Butou? What can a knife do?"

Wang Chuan nodded again and again, and said, "Yes, yes, the skill of this three-legged cat is really unsightly. In the plan draft, the ideas of the subordinates have been written down. But the experience of the subordinates is shallow, I am afraid there are still some Zhouquan is in need of the dragon catcher's axe. Why don't you just take charge of the arrest, so that the arrest operation can be completed perfectly and perfectly. What do you think of the dragon catcher?"

Liang Catcher's face darkened, and he kicked Wang Chuan in anger.Wang Chuan had been prepared for a long time, how could he do what he wanted?With a twist of his buttocks, he passed easily.Liang Butou was forced to support his waist.Long Tutou laughed out loud, and when he looked at Liang Tutou, he was quite joking.

"Ms. Yang's arrangements, do you know everything?"

Chief arrester Yang finished arranging matters and spoke loudly, interrupting the conversation of Wang Chuan and others.

Everyone stood still and shouted: "This subordinate knows!"

Mr. Yang nodded and said: "So, apart from arresting a group of people, the others should disperse quickly and find a place to rest. Don't forget to leave the door, do you understand?"

"My subordinate understands!"

All the arresters responded in unison.After speaking, they all dispersed, leaving only Long Butou's serious crime team, and Wang Chuan, Liang Tutou and other people in the Beijing field team in the courtyard.

Mr. Yang said: "Wang Chuan, you are the commander-in-chief of this arrest operation. Come up and mobilize with the brothers."

Wang Chuan stepped forward, facing the innumerable gazes under the moonlight, he didn't know what to say for a while.I once said that there is only error checking, but that is all drafted in advance. Now that I am giving a speech without a script, how can I have this ability?
After holding back for a long time, Wang Chuan finally choked out a sentence, saying: "Brothers, hold on to the waves and win."

 Thanks to WAN123456 for the reward.In addition, in the reply to the book review section, I used the pseudonym "Generating Power with Love", whether I am a crooked person or not, I am straight and not crooked.

(End of this chapter)

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