Quick Fishing Guide

Chapter 272 The new perverted husky of the six doors catches the head

Episode 272
So Detective Wang quickly became the head of Detective Wang, and Chief Detective Yang immediately consulted him about something, which made him quickly put into work.

"By the way, I have something to discuss with you."

Mr. Yang said, "The name of the Martial Arts Conference seems to have been used by the Three-person Tower in the Fengyulou Records before. The duo doesn't sound very impressive. I'm afraid it's not very good if we use it again. I thought about it. Change your name. Do you have any good ideas?"

"Then call it the World's Number One Martial Arts Conference."

Wang Chuan said. No.1 sent him to save the world.

"The world's number one martial arts conference?"

President Yang touched his chin, tasted it carefully, and then clapped his hands, "This name is good. It is loud and stylish, and it can also reflect the majesty of my official family. I will use it! Not bad, not bad. Wang Chuan, you deserve it. It's you."

Wang Chuan said modestly: "The chief arrester is absurd."

"Where is it, you deserve such praise."

Chief arrester Yang's constant flattery made Wang Chuan always feel that there was an aura of conspiracy. He thought that the chief arrester wanted to make him devote himself to work with all his heart and soul, right?

Then Mr. Yang called Mrs. Zhang and arranged Wang Chuan's own arresting office.Wang Chuan's treatment went up, but he couldn't feel happy in his heart.

Sitting in the office, Wang Chuan watched the happy two husky wolves running around the room, biting the legs of the table and the legs of the chair for a while, and the racial talent had begun to awaken.


Wang Chuan sighed, feeling inexplicably sad.

"Sister Zhang, tell my brothers the location of Wang Butou's house, and tell the big guys to report directly to Wang Butou if they have anything to do with the World's No. [-] Martial Arts Conference."

Mr. Yang's voice sounded at the door, and then Wang Chuan heard a "squeak".The door of the office was opened from the outside, and Mr. Yang's head popped in, saying, "Oh, by the way, don't write any more of those Fengyuege novels, what Brokeback Mountain Man, don't enter all six doors, It makes us look like something in the door. I don’t want outsiders to say that we have a pervert headhunter when they talk about it.”

"Yes Yes."

Wang Chuan readily agreed.

However, the name Bin, the perverted catcher of Six Doors, did not flourish, and a new name emerged in the capital was Wang Chuan, the new Husky head catcher of Six Doors.

Mr. Yang and his colleagues from the six sects and You Rongyan only felt that the royal name was tainted and they wanted to be honored, but in Wang Chuan's heart, countless mother-in-laws flew by.This name is not as good as a perverted head catcher.

From then on, Wang Chuan didn't like to take the husky out, and left the stupid dog to Chen Lian to raise, seeing nothing but peace of mind.

On the contrary, Heroine She Weishe, Sister Han and Xiao Lianer treated that stupid dog very well.Since the two husky wolves came to the house, Nvxia She came to visit the house more, communicated with Xiao Lian'er and Sister Han more, and went out with her from time to time to walk the dog together.

Sometimes when Wang Chuan came back from work, he could often see three women talking together, not knowing what they were talking about.Wang Chuan wondered if he should find another woman to come to his house and provide them with a perfect environment for playing mahjong.

But after thinking about it carefully, Wang Chuan felt that it was better to forget it.As far as Xiao Lian'er's skills are concerned, it's okay if she doesn't go to the table, but once she goes to the table, she won't lose. If she really opened the mahjong table, she might not only scare off Miss She, but also sister Han would not dare to come. .

If Sister Han doesn't come, how can I play with two wings and two wings flying fast.

Became the head of the king and was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the world's number one martial arts competition, Wang Chuan finally experienced the busyness he had never had before.For this most important grand event recently, all matters have been piled up. The venue materials need to be reviewed by him, security arrangements and manpower deployment need to be decided by him, emergency plans need to be discussed by him, and logistical support needs to be coordinated by him...

Not only did Wang Chuan feel that his hands and feet were not enough, but his mind was also not enough.All the busy days spent in the six doors over the years are not as busy as this time.

Wang Chuan, who had no other skills, had to ask Mr. Yang to send an additional assistant.Mr. Yang was also happy to catch him, expressing his full support for Wang Chuan in the matter of the world's No. [-] Martial Arts Conference.Therefore, as long as Wang Chuan's request is not excessive, he will agree.

After Wang Chuan asked for an assistant, Mr. Yang directly said: "Okay, no problem, I understand. Who do you want to be your assistant, tell me directly. I will arrange it."

"Let's catch She Weishe quickly."

Wang Chuan said.Regarding this candidate, he has carefully considered.

Firstly, Miss Sheh is familiar with herself, so she coordinates her work better; secondly, Mrs. She is serious in her work, strong in action, and can complete any arrangement meticulously; Responsible personality, high-strength martial arts, since she joined the Six Doors, she has gained a good reputation. Having a person with a good reputation in the middle coordinates, and the work will be much easier; , The skills on the legs are amazing, he can run fast, and he is not afraid of delaying things when delivering messages.

And the most important point, She Nvxia is more eye-catching.This is in exchange for Luo Lao playing for himself, Wang Chuan feels that he has to work hard.

Hearing Wang Chuan's choice, Boss Yang widened his eyes, gave Wang Chuan a vicious look, and said, "Mother Xipi, you will choose. I want Boss She to be my assistant as soon as possible."

"The Chief Inspector can let Agent She make his own choice."

Wang Chuan said.

Mr. Yang said: "Forget it, I'm a dignified chief arrester of six doors, what are I arguing with you? This is too bad. Besides, the friendship between Mr. She and your boy is not mine. I don’t know. I’ve comforted Long Butou so many times over this matter. If I fight with you, I’ll be able to beat you.”

What did this say, Wang Chuan didn't know how to answer it.

Speaking of this, Mr. Yang said to Wang Chuan again: "But having said that, tell me about it. How did you do it, why do the girls on both sides of the Qinglong River treat you so well, and what about that Little Lian'er, Captain She is absolutely devoted to you."

"Catcher Yang, don't talk nonsense, let Detective She hear this quickly. It will kill you!"

Wang Chuan hurriedly stopped Mr. Yang from saying hello.

Mr. Yang waved his hand and said, "Okay, I won't talk anymore. Mother Xipi, please tell me the tricks of the head office."

Wang Chuan scratched his head, and said, "I don't know, it's probably the charm."

Mr. Yang sputtered angrily: "Bah! You really stink and shameless."

Wang Chuan had no choice but to say: "This subordinate really doesn't know. The subordinate also can't figure out what makes me different."


This sentence reminded Mr. Yang, "What makes you different? Is it because you can compose dramas and write books?"

Mr. Yang was thinking about walking all the way, just happened to meet Zhang Jie coming out, and said casually: "Xiao Zhang, find me two books about Brokeback Mountain Man, just the "Chrysanthemum Collection" and "Mountain Village Teacher". See what's different."

Mr. Yang is indeed a pervert!
Sister Zhang thought to herself while agreeing, and turned to look at Wang Chuan again.

Two perverts!
(End of this chapter)

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