Chapter 268

On the Lantern Festival, the emperor and the people enjoyed the lanterns together.

The night in the capital even surpassed that of the day, and it took Wang Chuan a long time to drive along the bank of the Qinglong River to the six gates.

When he went to the six gates, Mr. Yang was pacing frantically in the yard.Seeing Wang Chuan, Mr. Yang stepped forward and immediately grabbed Wang Chuan, "Mother Xipi, you boy, why don't you just stay at home and have a baby at night, why are you running around? Go, go, come with me!" , His Majesty summons."

Wang Chuan was lifted up in the air, and his feet moved forward like Lingbo, keeping up with Mr. Yang's footsteps.Hearing what Mr. Yang said, Wang Chuan was startled: "Call me? Mr. Yang, don't be joking. How could His Majesty, who is so good, call me?"

"Niang Xipi, who has the time to joke with you? Your Majesty didn't call you, so why should I come here to find you by myself?"

Mr. Yang said, "Come on, boy, don't be so tired like you are in the door. Give me some face."

Wang Chuan finally resigned to his fate and asked, "I don't know what your Majesty is looking for from your subordinates?"

"do not know."

Mr. Yang answered very simply.

Wang Chuan: "..."

He suddenly felt that his life was in danger and wanted to escape, but couldn't.


Guanyue Tower is a good place to enjoy the moon. This building is so high that you can pick up the stars to see the sun and the moon from the top, and you can see the scenery of Beijing from the bottom.When this high-rise building was built from the beginning, it was used for enjoying the moon on the fifteenth day and having fun with the people.Later, the Shen Dynasty changed, and some of the functions here were shared by Shenwu Square, and it added another function - Qintianjian stargazing.

But this is a royal holy place after all, and it has always been heavily guarded.Except for the emperor, only the courtiers with permission can be allowed to seal the building.

So even though Wang Chuan has lived in Beijing for so many years, he has never been to the Moon Tower.Now that he had the opportunity to go upstairs, he was not excited.

He felt as if he was being dragged up to the Guanyue Tower by Mr. Yang.Even the guards in front of the building looked at him like they were looking at a skinned pig.He wondered if His Majesty the Emperor and the ministers upstairs had already sharpened their swords.

When he was about to reach the top of Guanyue Tower, Mr. Yang released Wang Chuan and said, "Clean it up and be decent."

Wang Chuan glanced at Mr. Yang, feeling resentful.The chief arrester probably doesn't trust himself too much. Now that he's here, can he still run away?Still holding on to himself, telling himself to be decent.

It's not decent in front of His Majesty the Emperor, you're just joking around, do you want to die?
After tidying up his clothes, Wang Chuan followed Mr. Yang to the Moon Tower.Finally, the scenery on the roof appeared in Wang Chuan's eyes——

It's just average.

For Wang Chuan, who has seen too many high-rise buildings, this place is too low.The so-called stars that can be picked by hand are simply endless.His Majesty the Emperor and the courtiers sat behind the short tables, praising the bright moon in the sky and the prosperous night scene in the capital.

"Your Majesty, Wang Chuan has been brought."

Mr. Yang said politely.

Wang Chuan hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

His Majesty the Emperor looked at Wang Chuan with great interest, and said, "Wang Chuan?"

Wang Chuan responded, "Yes."

His Majesty asked, "Do you know why I called you here?"

I know shit!
Wang Chuan replied honestly: "Report to Your Majesty, I don't know."

His Majesty the Emperor no longer spoke to Wang Chuan, but looked around at the courtiers and said, "I remember the previous meeting. I wanted Wang Chuan to accompany the prince in reading. Are you all opposed to it?"

Zhang Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment jumped out first: "Your Majesty, now that the old matter is brought up again, the minister also opposes it. Wang Chuannai..."

"You wait and talk."

His Majesty the Emperor directly interrupted Zhang Shangshu's words, and said, "He Shangshu, teacher, you are all veterans of the father's dynasty, remember what the father said back then?"

Among the courtiers, two gray-haired old men came out, bowed and said: "I don't know what your Majesty is referring to?"

His Majesty the Emperor recalled it for a moment, and sighed: "When my father was seeking government, he often called himself the King of Ideas, and he was proud of his many ideas. He Shangshu, Teacher, do you remember?"

The two white-haired old men were slightly taken aback, and said, "I remember."

When the courtiers heard that His Majesty was going to tell the elders of the two dynasties about the secrets of the former emperor's court, they all pricked up their ears and began to gossip.

Wang Chuan was also slightly taken aback.Idea King doesn't seem to understand it that way, the first emperor is not a cloud DOTA player, is he?
His Majesty the Emperor sighed faintly, and said: "Later, my father led me to manage the government. I was blunt in nature, and my father often sighed, saying that I still didn't inherit his ability to be a prince after all. Alas, now that I think about it, I really have a responsibility." Father and Emperor hoped."

One of the white-haired old men said: "Your Majesty, there is no need to lament. Your Majesty said that the old ministers also remembered the words of the late emperor. The late emperor once said that my God Dynasty has been established for so many years, and the king of ideas is Taizu, Taizong, and Emperor Wen He Xianhuang. Idea kings can be met but not sought after. Looking at it from another angle, it is actually not a good thing."

Wang Chuan: "..."

Do the previous generation of emperors, the DOTA cloud players, have to be so thorough?Isn't it too shameful to compare the time traveler to the king of ideas?Is this the idea king?
If Taizu, Taizong and Emperor Wen knew what you said, they were afraid they would kick open the coffin and whip your corpse.

His Majesty the Emperor nodded, and said, "Of course I remember what my father said. It's just that according to what my father said, isn't the more the better for my gods?"

The two old ministers couldn't figure it out either, so they didn't speak.

His Majesty the Emperor sighed, and said: "When my father talked about this matter, he once told me that it is fortunate that I am not the king of ideas, otherwise, he would not know how to deal with himself. Compared with Taizu, my father said that he has A son who is not a son of the Prince of Ideas is even more fortunate. After talking about this matter, the father said that the Prince of Ideas may not only be in the royal family, but if the people of the people have a Prince of Ideas, they should pay attention."

The translation of this sentence means that the first emperor was glad that his son was not a time traveler, so his son was still his son.Otherwise, it would be too sad for his son to appear to be his son but not actually his son.

Thinking about it this way, Emperor Taizu was indeed a little sad.

Speaking of this, the emperor pointed at Wang Chuan and asked the two old ministers: "Do you think this arrester named Wang Chuan is like the king of folk ideas that the emperor said?"

Wang Chuan was taken aback and almost wanted to run away.

All the ministers didn't know what His Majesty meant, so they didn't speak for a while.The two old officials opened their mouths, thought for a while, and said, "I don't know."

His Majesty the Emperor turned his attention to Wang Chuan again, and said, "Wang Chuan, you have contributed a lot to the Lotus Temple case, and you have calmed down the hidden dangers in the capital. It is also your opinion to propose the martial arts conference. I have heard from Mr. Yang. , you are among the six doors, you have a lot of ideas, and you have made a lot of contributions. It is thanks to you that I was able to take the stage on the Shenwu Square and spread the power of the gods to me. Just recently, my royal dog Husky just gave birth, and I will give you a , do you dare to accept it?"

(End of this chapter)

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