Chapter 256
"I don't think you need to worry about it. People in the rivers and lakes will not change their views because of your clarification. Those who are clear will become clear and those who are turbid will be turbid. People with discerning eyes have steelyards in their hearts and will not be led away by public opinion. Be a good courtesan ...what Cihang Palace should do."

As Wang Chuan said, feeling wrong, he quickly changed the subject and said, "Speaking of which, why did you meet together?"

Fairy Shi stared at Wang Chuan for a while, then said, "Hurry up Wang, did you say something? It seems that you think so too, right?"


She Wei glared at Wang Chuan coldly, her eyes seemed to say: "I didn't expect that, I didn't expect that you have thick eyebrows and big eyes, Catcher Wang, and your thoughts are so dirty."

Wang Chuan hurriedly explained: "You heard it wrong. I said Cihang Jingzhai. This name is the sect I mentioned in a story I was conceiving. But that sect is different from your Tianshan Cihang Palace, it is a Buddhist sect sect."

"Does Detective Wang have a new story? Is what you said true?"

Shi Xianzi was skeptical, and said, "To tell you the truth, the little girl has known the ability of Detective Wang to compose scripts, and she admires it very much. The little girl loves novels and stories very much, and because of this, she and She Nvxia became pen pals." It’s a rare encounter in the capital now, and I’m very happy. I’m not afraid to let Detective Wang know that there are two authors who are most liked and respected by young girls in the world, and one of them is Detective Wang.”

"Don't dare, don't dare. I'm going to write something reckless, and it won't be elegant."

As Wang Chuan spoke, he caught a glimpse of Mistress She's expression, which was a bit unnatural.She Wei noticed that when Wang Chuan was looking at her, she deliberately avoided looking at her, as if she was specifically avoiding Wang Chuan's eyes.It seems that this pen friend has another inside story.Wang Chuan immediately remembered some knowledge he had seen in Xiliang and Chenggu County. He looked at Fairy Shi and then at She Wei, feeling a little embarrassed.

Of the two authors that Fairy Shi likes and admires the most, the other one might not be from Brokeback Mountain, right?

How much influence did my own "Chrysanthemum Treasure Book" create in the arena? !


A gust of wind blew open the window, making the window sash creak.The cold wind rolled over the table, blowing away the papers on the table.


The sound of paper pages fluttering made Wang Chuan tremble.


He groaned secretly, feeling bad.The manuscript of "The Old Corpse in the Mountain Village" was on the table, but I forgot to use a paperweight to hold it down!
Wang Chuan wanted to pick it up, but it was too late. The first few pages flew the highest and the farthest. Coincidentally, they landed in the hands of Fairy Shi.

"What is this? Detective Wang's script of the script?"

Fairy Shi took the manuscript, looked at it curiously, and talked while reading.

Wang Chuan's face darkened.Fairy Shi blushed.

She Wei moved her eyes closer to look, her face turned red and then black.

"Catcher Wang, is this the "Mountain Village Old Corpse" you modified?!"

Nvxia She said coldly.

Wang Chuan bowed his head in silence, pretending to admit his mistake.

"I never expected that you would write such a vulgar work of Fengyue Pavilion!"

Nvxia She was furious and reprimanded Wang Chuan.It seems that for her, articles like "The Chrysanthemum Treasure Book" are good works.

However, beside her, Shi Xianzi had already taken in the content, picked up the manuscripts from the ground, and read them with great pleasure.

"Catcher Wang, you are actually a Brokeback Mountaineer?!"

After reading a few pages, she said in surprise, "Such a strange article can only be written by Brokeback Mountain people!" Then she glared at She Wei, "Hello, She Wei. I asked you who Brokeback Mountain people are, and you have never agreed with me." I said, and even pretended that I didn’t know him. I knew it, how could you not know the Brokeback Mountain people?”

She Wei opened her mouth, but said nothing.

Fairy Shi could not care about She Wei anymore, and said to Wang Chuan: "Catcher Wang, the little girl has admired you for a long time. Can I let the little girl have a look at this manuscript first?"

"...If you don't mind the content, just read it yourself."

Wang Chuan said with some embarrassment.

Fairy Shi picked up the manuscript and sorted out the front and back pages, looking at each page.

Nvxia She asked Wang Chuan in a low voice, "Why didn't you write as I said?"

Wang Chuan sighed, and said, "We have to consider the difficulty of creation, big sister. According to your thinking, I have to change the entire relationship between the characters, and it may even affect the direction of the plot. How difficult it is!"

"Who is your eldest sister?!"

She Wei was dissatisfied with Wang Chuan's title, she gave Wang Chuan a blank look, and said, "Forget it, I don't know how to write novels either, it seems that I made things difficult for you."

As soon as I said this, I was interrupted by Fairy Shi.Fairy Shi crossed her legs and said, "I'm sorry, catcher Wang. The little girl is feeling a little uncomfortable, so I don't want to read it for now, so I leave." While speaking, she stuffed the manuscript into Wang Chuan's hand and fled.

She Wei glared at Wang Chuan viciously, and hurried out to take care of him.

Wang Chuan sighed and packed up the manuscript.To refresh my mood, I went to the tavern next door to drink and watch people.

The window of the tavern next door was still reserved for him. Sitting here, drinking a glass of wine, eating a plate of side dishes, and watching life in various ways, Wang Chuan gradually calmed down.

At the gate of Cuiliu Building, the rise of "Four Famous Catchers Shocking the Capital" has revived the popularity of Miss Fang Yun, an important supporting role. Occasionally, when going in and out of the door, some people cheer and others are lively, and many people can't wait to say hello to Miss Fang Yun.

After all, the pros and villains of "Four Famous Catchers Shocking the Capital" are all from Six Gates and Chaozhong, and it is impossible for these big shots to come to the Cuiliu Tower platform.People can only hope for plum blossoms to quench their thirst and interact more with supporting actors.

Recently, some people have been clamoring to watch "Four Famous Catchers Shocking the Capital" in the Green Willow Tower. Wang Chuan had no choice but to find a few sisters with better physiques and bones, and asked She Wei to teach them some tricks and prepare to train them. It's almost done, so let them replace Mr. Yang and others to perform on stage.Recently, the results of the training have come out, and the date of the new play's debut has been confirmed, so people stopped making noise and looked forward to the new play.

However, during this period of time gap, the brothels on both sides of the Qinglong River imitating the Green Willow Tower, as well as the original theater troupes, have already imitated cats and tigers, and created such things as God Catch Chuang Xiliang, Famous Catch Zhan Chengzhou, Goddess Catch The opening performance of the play such as fighting against the three-person tower alone attracted many spectators, and diverted many guests from the Green Willow Tower.

Wang Chuan never expected that She Wei would be used as a gimmick just after she joined Six Doors.People in this world are also good at catching trends.Then Wang Chuan saw that there was a play in a brothel showing "Wang Detective Megatron Riding Liangshan", which made Wang Chuan look confused.

Is this about the fact that I sat down on Chengliang Mountain to kill a bandit?Do I need to ask them for copyright fees?

Suddenly someone on Qinglong Bridge caught Wang Chuan's attention.I don't know when there stood two quacks, one folded his arms around his chest, his head was lowered like a sunset warrior, and the other was licking his sword.

(End of this chapter)

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