Quick Fishing Guide

Chapter 251 What a Hurry Up

Chapter 251 What a Hurry Up

Finally, this day came, and a large stage was set up on Shenwu Square. The curtain prepared by Xiao Xiaorang, a leftover scholar, was hung on the stage, and the stage was full of musical instruments, ready to start the performance.There are several rows of benches under the stage, and the court, Chinese and Wu are led by His Majesty the Emperor, sitting on them one by one, and they are the first scene of today's "Four Famous Captures Shocking the Capital".Outside the benches, the crowd in the capital had known the news for a long time, and flocked here, each and every one of them crowded and eagerly waiting for the start of this huge new play.

Such a large audience naturally makes people a little worried.For this reason, Liumen had to suspend other work and put all their strength into the team to maintain order.In this way, law and order was barely maintained.The Shenwu Square was still noisy and disturbing.

Especially the new actors who were about to take the stage were even more upset.

Zongbu Yang, Long Tutou, Liang Tutou, Zhou Tutou and the four servants all stood behind the scenes, taking deep breaths one by one, extremely nervous.The sisters in the Green Willow House wore ordinary attire, and they mainly acted as group performers for the eight pros and cons. After staying on the stage for a long time, they became calmer.

"Relax, take a deep breath."

Miss Fang Yun is still trying her best to guide Long Baotou and others, "Yes, keep breathing deeply, that's it. When I performed on stage for the first time, like everyone else, I took more deep breaths and relaxed my mind. Generally speaking, it will be effective. of."

"Yes, I understand. Thank you very much, girl."

Long Butou took a deep breath, and looked at Miss Fang Yun gratefully.There seemed to be a little tenderness in those eyes.

Wang Chuan watched all this quietly, thinking that his observations must be correct.The six-door head catcher, who was once infatuated with the female heroine She of Yizimen, was severely hit and emotionally hurt, and was forced to participate in such a performance in the capital six-door head catcher. The time was taken by someone.This head catcher is young and rich, handsome and tough, so he is naturally very attractive to women.So back and forth, during the three days of interaction, Long Tutou and Miss Fang Yun actually met each other's eyes.

Although Lang Youqing concubine intentionally did not point out these two people, anyone with a discerning eye could see it.

"Mother Xipi, what's the use? I've never made such a fool of myself in public!"

Yes, here is a blind man.

Mr. Yang was overly nervous, and it seemed that a few complaints were more useful to him than a deep breath.But as soon as he spoke, it broke the tacit understanding between Miss Fang Yun and Long Butou, and no one broke the friendship.

How could Long Butou stand with a chief catcher like you!

Wang Chuan was speechless.Speaking of which, he and Mr. Yang do not like each other now.

Finally, as Li Gun opened his mouth, the people in the audience cheered loudly, and it was time for the performance!
"He, the chief arrester of the six sects, the head of the four famous arresters, was nicknamed Leng-Blood. At that time, in order to capture a demon king who was far superior in martial arts, he hid in the demon king's lair and remained silent for eleven days. If you don’t drink or eat, seize the one and only opportunity and give the Demon King a fatal blow when he is unprepared..."

Mr. Yang finally took a deep breath, and took steps in the narration that Wang Chuan copied directly from memory and then read by Li Gun.The stinky daughter-in-law always wants to see her in-laws, and Mr. Yang is on stage.

"He is the head hunter from the Six Doors, nicknamed Ruthless among the four famous arrests. On a snowy night, he defeated eight masters alone, and turned a battle of rivers and lakes into nothing in the blink of an eye, and drifted away without leaving a trace..."

Long Butou took a deep breath.

"come on."

Miss Fang Yun encouraged Long Butou.

Long Butou solemnly nodded to Miss Fang Yun, and met Miss Fang Yun's eyes, as if he had been greatly encouraged, he stepped onto the stage resolutely.

There were cheers outside.As Li Gun introduced someone, and each time Mr. Yang, Mr. Long, Mr. Liang and Mr. Zhou came on stage, the Shenwu Square was filled with noise and cheers.With the help of the narrator, the upright villains gradually take the stage, and this "Four Famous Captures Shocking the Capital" has truly begun.

"What catches your eyes!"

Little Taohua in Bihefang hid far away in the crowd, with a veil covering her face, secretly watching this annual drama, what it looked like.After Wang Chuan's extensive publicity, she finally knew how big a nail the three of them had hit in their ambitions.No wonder the elder brother of Qinglong Academy behaved like that that day.Presumably at that time, he was as helpless and sad as he was after knowing the news.

Xiao Taohua seemed to feel the same, and became more and more sympathetic to her senior brother. At the same time, her inner excitement was so fierce that she gradually fell into it, and became more and more angry at Wang Chuan, who ignored her.She knew that today's scene was Wang Chuan's idea, so she came to take a sneak peek. What kind of drama was it that insisted on her?
"It's obviously not very good, these bumpkin people don't know what to make fun of!"

Xiao Taohua thought back to the drama script written by so many literati assembled by the three masters, and felt that the drama in front of her was too vulgar.How can there be such a play?So simple and straightforward, without the rhythm of lyrics and music, how can there be any sense of beauty?It's far worse than the drama scripts compiled by big brother and the literati and poets!
But the reactions of the people present were not fake. Xiao Taohua and the other literati and poets who were peeping secretly felt that they were not in the same world as other people.The same people, how can there be such a big difference in aesthetics?
The deeds of the four famous arresters made by the six doors seem to be very powerful. After they took the stage, they held their swords in their arms, played with the sword body, and closed their eyes to rest their minds. It seems that people have the urge to scream for them. Sometimes I don't want to scream, and I can't help being a little affected by the cheers of the people present.But after all, this is too straightforward, too superficial, right?

How can this be the case!
Xiao Taohua never imagined that the people standing in front of and behind her on the left and right were all hired by Wang Chuan to set up the atmosphere of the scene.Under such background, the atmosphere of the entire Shenwu Square has been ignited, and people cheered happily following the new play on the stage, which is different from the theater and has an extremely tight plot rhythm. It is very lively.And as the four famous arresters met the enemy for the first time, at least the first fight was on stage.The kung fu masters from the Six Gates and the court specially made this scene extremely lively. Li Gun's experience cultivated in storytelling for many years, narrates the contradictions and details of the two sides in the battle very clearly, Moving, the atmosphere in Shenwu Square was completely ignited.

This place is no longer like a theater, but like a carnival.

Xiao Taohua felt as if she was in a whirlpool, but she didn't know that she was already deeply surrounded by the enemy.

(End of this chapter)

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