Quick Fishing Guide

Chapter 249 Call of Cthulhu

Chapter 249 Call of Cthulhu
"Hurry up Wang?!"

Xiao Taohua was a little surprised, but then she seemed to understand something, and asked, "What case does Detective Wang have, and do you need Master Xiao's help with the portrait?" He didn't give Wang Chuan a chance to speak, and told Xiao Xiaorang , "Master Xiao, you have outstanding skills, which made the little girl look forward to the canvas that our three families ordered from you. I don't know how it is done now, can I let the little girl take a look?"

"This one……"

Xiao Xiaorang didn't know what to say, and looked at Wang Chuan for help.

Wang Chuan simply pulled Xiao Xiaorang, and said: "Six doors are on business, and the case is changing rapidly, how can I have time to talk nonsense with you? Xiao Xiaorang, come with me, it will delay the case, and tell the murderer to commit another crime. Take all of you together and ask!"

Now Xiao Xiaorang shut up, and Xiao Taohua didn't dare to say anything more.Wang Chuan took Xiao Xiaorang with one hand and walked away quickly, feeling really refreshed in his heart!No wonder in those TV movies, there are always yamen servants who appear on stage and are unreasonable, saying that the government is on business, and idlers wait to avoid it.It's cool to be domineering and majestic, but not to give back!Cool!Cool?Cool too!

"Hurry up, Wang, is this okay?"

Xiao Xiaorang worried.

Wang Chuan said: "No problem! If you have the ability, you can ask her to arrest Mr. Yang, all the ministers, and the emperor!"

Xiao Xiaorang shut his mouth and did not speak.You have a big background and you have the final say.

Seeing Wang Chuan and Xiao Xiaorang walking away, Xiao Taohua was so angry that she stamped her feet and gritted her teeth: "Huh! Huh! Okay! In three days, when the new drama of our three companies comes out, I will tell you that Wang Chuan is so good! I'll steal it from you!" Let’s see how you succeed in Cuiliu Tower’s business!”

After stamping her feet and masturbating, she stomped Detective Wang under his feet and let him lick her toes. Xiao Taohua was satisfied, and while looking forward to three days later, she returned to Bihefang.

However, just after entering Bihefang, Xiao Taohua saw that the stewards of Xiaohonglou and Qingyunlou were all here, and there were also a group of literati who participated in the creation of new plays.These people are all romantic figures in the capital, and they are outstanding in both poems and songs, as well as novels and gossip. They gather together to study a lot of Wang Chuan Cui Liu Lou's new play, and after the study, they put their best effort into adding their own Ideas can be integrated into a more elegant and beautiful drama. Believe it or not, it can't beat the green willow building with six doors.A group of people have long been smug, they don't know how confident they are, but why, now they are gathered in Bihefang, all of them are so depressed, all of them are frowning?

"Push it back—"

The person who spoke was a big brother who was about to graduate from Qinglong Academy.This elder brother is not only a new star in the literary world, but also a new star in the political circle. Everyone is very optimistic about him, and he is expected to enter the imperial court after graduation and work in the Imperial Academy.This new play has always been dominated by him.

The elder brother has a very literary and artistic temperament. No matter what he does or says in his daily life, it makes the sisters in Huajie go crazy.Different from Wang Chuan's civilian route, the senior brother took a high-end route.Xiao Taohua admired the elder brother very much, and wished she could recommend herself as a pillow without taking money.

"We put so much energy into it, how can we postpone it?"

Xiao Taohua said anxiously.When she thought of Wang Chuan's attitude towards her all the time, she was very angry. How could Wang Chuan almost ignore her just now, and forcibly pulled away the leftover scholar Xiao Xiaorang she wanted to visit, which made her extremely dissatisfied.Now that he finally had the opportunity to beat Wang Chuan and Cui Liulou, but he had to postpone it, how could Xiao Taohua not be in a hurry?
However, the elder brother just glanced at Xiao Taohua indifferently, then sighed, and said, "You don't understand..."

Xiao Taohua was confused, she felt as if she was full of enthusiasm to find Catcher Wang, but was inexplicably perfunctory, neither reconciled nor helpless.She couldn't figure it out, she just went out for a stroll, why did Bihe Fang seem to be possessed by an evil spirit?Could it be because he met Wang Chuan?Although I have been paying attention to Wang Chuan, but Wang Chuan is not an evil god, how could he have such a big influence?
She didn't let Wang Chuan know what she was thinking, otherwise Wang Chuan would have to tell her a truth——

You gaze into the abyss, and the abyss gazes into you.

The elder brother stopped talking, as if he felt that he was not interested in being here anymore, and he didn't bother to say hello to everyone, so he got up and went out on his own.

"It's just a matter of anger, why is it so? Don't be a son of man! Don't be a son of man!"

Senior Brother's words came from far away from Bihefang. Everyone heard them and sighed together, saying: "I am not the son of a man... I am not the son of a man..."


Xiao Xiaorang, a left-handed scholar, followed Wang Chuan to the Liufan Lecture Hall, but he was really shocked.There are many big bosses in the martial arts lecture hall, let's not mention Mr. Yang, but he has met this big boss with six doors several times, and he is already immune to it.But the bosses of the various ministries made his legs tremble a little, and he didn't dare to vent his anger.

But the bosses of various ministries are not in the mood to talk to Xiao Xiaorang now.They are now more nervous than the leftover scholars, and they are all anxiously preparing for a mock stage performance.

Wang Chuan came at the right time and reviewed the new play that had just been rehearsed for training.Mr. Yang and others are just trying out a play to see how they feel. When they are ready, they will prepare for the show on the crude stage.

Zongbu Yang, Long Tutou, Liang Tutou, Zhou Tutou and the four servants stood facing each other, each with a more serious expression, revealing an aura of ruthlessness from top to bottom.

"You came."

Mr. Yang said without emotion.

This is the one that just appeared on the top of the Forbidden City in the last episode.Chief arrester Yang's performance is just like the nickname of the four famous arresters, cold-blooded and ruthless.

"I am coming."

A waiter standing in the middle opposite said.He already had a whisk in his hand and was playing the role of Pu Xiang.

"You shouldn't have come."

Mr. Yang said.His tone was still so ruthless.

"But I'm here."

The waiter was a little stiff.


Wang Chuan called to stop.

The eight people on the stage breathed a sigh of relief.

"how do you feel?"

Wang Chuan asked.

Everyone looked weird and couldn't speak.

"This play, why does it taste so weird?"

Xiao Xiaorang, an outsider, said that he didn't quite understand.

Everyone fell silent for a moment.The taste of this play is not weird, it is too weird.It's like a steak with a pair of chopsticks, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't match.

"It's too stiff! Yes, it's too stiff!"

Wang Chuan thought for a while, and said to the crowd, "Boss Yang, you need to change your style. Don't just focus on the surface and be cold, but prepare a few actions to express the character of the character."

"You said light, how do you behave?"

Mr. Yang glared at Wang Chuan angrily, wondering why he had such a subordinate?You are just digging a hole for yourself!
"Mr. Yang arrests you to lower your head, wrap your hands around your chest, and fix the sword on your chest with your arms. You have to be like a sunset warrior to show a cold but cautious heart."

Wang Chuan gave advice to Mr. Yang, and regardless of Mr. Yang's question about what the Sunset Warrior is, he pointed to Long Butou and said, "Long Butou, you are the youngest among the four famous arresters, so you should be younger and more frivolous. Hold the sword in the Hold the blade of the sword in your hand and observe, don't look at the opposite side, so you can show disdain and confidence. Hmm... don't lick the blade with your tongue."

(End of this chapter)

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