Chapter 24
It turns out that there are still conditions, so that's good!That's it!

Wang Chuan felt relieved all of a sudden, and patted his chest to assure: "Don't worry, Catcher Liang, the subordinates will do their best to plan strategies." As for whether the plan is good or bad, it's up to him.

The two of them had almost reached the door of the six doors.Liang Butou stopped and turned around, and Wang Chuan also stopped.Liang Butou nodded and said: "No matter how daring this old man is with you, it is a matter of prudence after all. Therefore, this old man only asks you for a chance. Whether it can be achieved or not depends entirely on your own ability and hard work. This old man will not Give you a little help and advice, do you understand?"

It seems that the old man is not really bold, and he is a little afraid of leading the team out to play GG.

In this way, things will be convenient for myself to GG ahead of time.

Wang Chuan was looking forward to this, cupped his hands, and said sincerely: "This subordinate understands."

With a calm face, Liang Baotou looked at it, but he saw it as self-confidence. He nodded immediately, and became more and more satisfied with this bastard who accidentally caught him. He patted Wang Chuan on the shoulder and said, "Work hard, old man!" Good on you."

At that moment, Liang Baotou seemed to be transformed into the old Gao Xing Yusen, teaching him earnestly, which was very entertaining.

"Since your old man has come here as Xing Tutou, if I don't come out in Yan Xiaoliu's style, I will be too sorry for you old man."

Wang Chuan silently made up his mind.The policeman's style of not accomplishing anything but revealing more is just right for the current situation.I just don't know if Yan Xiaoliu can take this style to an extreme, if he can reach half the level of Yan Da's fast arrest.

"Please don't worry, Catcher Liang."

Wang Chuan typed the ticket again.

Catcher Liang was very satisfied with Wang Chuan's confident posture, nodded slightly, and walked towards the six doors, saying his final instructions as he walked: "We don't have a goal right now, we have to wait for that Huang Yuanwen to find a chance before letting Huang Yuanwu out. , Followed secretly, made clear where Huang Yuanwu was going, and then made a plan. At that time, my old man will help you get a map of Xuanwu District, and I will give it to you after showing the location. How you plan at that time is all up to you. Remember that you are this time Compete with other headhunters on behalf of my qualifications, you must prepare carefully, and don't fall behind."

Compete with other headhunters? !

In other words, the ones who will compete with him for the position of arresting the leader will be the head catchers from the six gates!

Then I am afraid of an egg!

Wang Chuan deserves it very simply.Capt. Liang didn't say anything before, but now he said that he was afraid that he would be frightened when he heard that he would be competing with other captors.But Mr. Liang never expected that fighting with other Mr. Liang would not affect Wang Chuan at all.No need to be scared by other arrests, Wang Chuan's courage has long been weakened!The other head catchers didn't even have the icing on the cake, but instead made Wang Chuan breathe a sigh of relief.

Wang Chuan's morale was high, and Capt. Liang was so satisfied that he walked through the six doors first.Wang Chuan followed him in, nodded, and Yu Liang left to do his own business.

With things in mind, Wang Chuan was not in the mood to deal with the case.

After all, the headquarters of the six doors is the headquarters of the six doors. It is not part of the job to deal with the surrounding affairs. It is in charge of the six doors in the world. The two groups of "Feng" and "Zhuying" collect and organize the people's and social sentiments of the people and the rivers and lakes, which is the real responsibility of the general yamen under the imperial court.Wang Chuan belongs to the most tedious and busy department of the Six Doors on weekdays, but in fact it is the most peripheral work of the Six Doors, and the backlog of cases in hand is not too many.Affected by the atmosphere in Six Doors these days, Wang Chuan has been busy for a few days, and the case at hand has almost been cleared. Before the next duty day comes, he can still have a little leisure time.It is also possible to sit down and sort out the case files.

The serious crime team is the most critical department of the six doors. When Wang Chuan first entered the six doors, he was unable to enter.However, Wang Chuan might enter the "Catching Wind", "Catching Shadow" group, and the "Internal Affairs" group.It's just that the "Catching the Wind" and "Catching the Shadow" groups, the newcomers have to be sent abroad to collect people's sentiments and social conditions, and they have to travel all over the world, and even collect some important information, and they also face risks, while the "Internal Affairs" group, usually It is even more detailed and complicated, if you are careless, it is easy to make mistakes, so this group is mostly female colleagues, and Wang Chuan is not confident that he can be so careful to work in this group.

So Wang Chuan chose the field work group, thinking that this group would be more busy and tired, and work overtime for a long time, and it would always be better than the other groups.Occasionally, if I am lazy, I can go to the tavern next door, sit down and have a drink.

But to this day, Wang Chuan's thinking has involuntarily changed.Field affairs, after all, have to come into contact with people, things, and cases. It takes a while, and it is normal to encounter major cases like today and get caught in a whirlpool.

As the old saying goes, if you often stand by the river, you can never get your shoes wet, but looking at yourself now, I'm afraid that even the crotch of your trousers is wet, which is really bad luck!

If you give yourself another chance, you can't choose field work in any department.Chasing wind and shadows is at most running the runway, and lurking to avoid danger at most. Pay attention to internal affairs on weekdays, don’t make mistakes and you will be fine.

Wang Chuan sighed.

After finishing work in the afternoon, Wang Chuan ran to the tavern next door, sat down at the old seat, ordered a plate of side dishes and a pot of wine, and cleared his mind for a while.

When the tavern boss delivered the food and wine, he gave Wang Chuan several winks. Those small eyes made the short, fat middle-aged man's eagerness that had been suppressed for more than 30 years come alive, and Wang Chuan felt a chill. .

"Okay, okay, the tavern is so busy, why are you always showing off in front of my eyes? I remember your business. Hurry up and greet the guests."

Wang Chuan drove Dalang away, and before leaving, he also asked, "Remember, don't go to Luan Graves again. The Yin God has already known your intentions and arranged it in a dream. You have to dare to make decisions and run to disturb the Yin God. Annoyed his old man, the cooked daughter-in-law will fly away, don't blame me for not reminding you."

"Wang, Wang, catcher Wang, what is the daughter-in-law who cooks, cooks, cooks, cooks?"

Da Lang was horrified by what Wang Chuan said, and stuttered again in fright.

Wang Chuan waved his hands and said, "The daughter-in-law who got the cooked duck has the same meaning anyway. Hurry up and hurry up, don't keep dangling in front of my eyes."

"The villain understands. Catcher Wang, eat well, and remember the villain's business."

Dalang gave Wang Chuan several "you know" looks before leaving to greet other guests.Wang Chuan's eyes gave him goosebumps.Fortunately, the guests in the tavern were minding their own business and no one was paying attention. Otherwise, if others saw them, they might think that the old man was ogling him.

Hey, disgusting!

After Da Lang walked away, Wang Chuan was finally able to drink and eat leisurely.This evening, Sister Han was not seen outside the window, Wang Chuan was happy and quiet.Ever since there was a stunner in the family, Sister Han's attraction to her had dropped significantly.

——Of course, this is also in the absence of face-to-face with that sister.

Otherwise, with such a coquettish woman teasing people softly, it would be hard for anyone to keep calm, right?I have never practiced the Sunflower Collection.

Now that Sister Han is not here, Wang Chuan can relax at ease.

After you relax, it's time to think about the problem.

The arrest plan was, after all, kindly arranged by Catcher Liang.Even if you want to fool around and fail, it's best to fool around and look good.Otherwise, instead of talking about embarrassing Catcher Liang, he might lead Catcher Liang to settle accounts later, and just say that he is in front of Chief Catcher Yang, and I'm afraid he won't be able to please him.

It is best to design the arrest plan so that it looks colorful on the surface, but in reality it is like a castle in the air and cannot be implemented.In this way, it will be like a rookie trying his best to achieve the best level. At that time, Mr. Yang and Mr. Liang will mostly say that their level is not enough, and it is difficult to say anything about other aspects.

Great idea!

This method is to be seen by those inexperienced young people, I am afraid it is not about society.

But how to implement this plan?This is a problem.

(End of this chapter)

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