Quick Fishing Guide

Chapter 231 Revisiting Chenggu County

Chapter 231 Revisiting Chenggu County

Diao Buming didn't turn black now, but turned white.He didn't want to mention the embarrassing experience of the two days of being captured, so he kept silent along the way.In the end, I really couldn't hold it back, and wanted to use the hands of Six Doors and the Xiliang Army to avenge myself who could no longer escape, and captured Yaoshan Fairy and Hong Feng. This was under the circumstances of Wang Chuan's slight guess and step-by-step guidance. , put things in a nutshell.

Now that Fairy Yaoshan and Hong Feng are being arrested, Long Butou still wants him to explain the details, it's really deceiving!I will never agree.Waiting for the policeman of the six gates to ask himself a confession, he absolutely did not say a word.

Diao Buming made up his mind, cast a contemptuous look at Long Butou, and fell silent, as if he had returned to the way he was when he was caught in the capital.

A group of teams arrived at the gate of Chenggu County, proved their identity, and then left for the city.Now that Master Puxiang is dead, there is no need to cover up the prisoners on this trip, so Long Butou did not order people to cover the prison car with a black cloth.

Wang Chuan walked almost at the end of the team and followed his colleagues into the city.Along the way, I heard people in the county pointing at the cage and talking about it:
"It's such a big battle, it must be a big shot here!"

"That's not it. Why do you need so many people to escort the little people?"

"I don't know who is locked inside?"

"You haven't heard of this? This line of arrests came from Xiliang quickly, and they want to take the prisoners to the capital. Does it matter? It must be the bloody eagle who wandered around and murdered the village that has been rumored recently. Unnamed."

"What blood sculpture maniac? Why haven't I heard of this nickname?"

"Why do you want to hear about it. But I don't remember very well, and I don't know whether that Diao Buming is called a blood carving madman or a murderous old man. Anyway, I heard that this murderous madman is old and ugly. Look, it really lives up to its reputation."

Wang Chuan was speechless when he heard others sighing.He heard the other side say:

"Such a cunning villain deserves to die. I wonder who the man and woman next to him are and what they have committed?"

"I do not know either."

"No matter what it is, it's definitely not a fun thing to be imprisoned there anyway. When I watched the decapitation last time, I still had some rotten vegetable leaves that the government sent me to slander people. I'll go and get them. He's bloody!"

"I'll go too, I have rotten eggs."

"I have rotten eggs too."

"I'll go to the latrine to find a bucket!"


The word was passed on from ten to ten, and people went home one after another to get things.

"Stop them! Stop them!"

A colleague heard the words of the surrounding people and hurriedly shouted, "Throwing is forbidden on this trip. Don't make trouble!" Just kidding, they are still being escorted by the prison car, but they are not prepared to escort people to the parade. Those people smashed things , Aren't they the first to suffer?

But it was too late.Chenggu County has always had a tradition of the government distributing rotten objects to smash prisoners. Every time such a program comes across, the common people are enthusiastic.Now that Long Butou and his party came from Xiliang, although they didn't intend to go through this process, they didn't contact the government to distribute things to people, but the enthusiastic people organized the show spontaneously and brought their own props.

So enthusiastic!

This shows the prosperity of Chenggu County. The people are well fed and clothed without worrying about food at all. They really don’t care at all about the rotten vegetables, leaves and rotten eggs distributed by the government.

That day, the detectives of the Longbutou serious crime team recalled the fear of being dominated by the enthusiastic crowd in Chenggu County. When they saw people returning with basins and baskets, there was only one thought in their hearts——


Long Butou uttered a voice on behalf of the crowd, and also gave an order.

In an instant, the arresters and the Xiliang army heard the order and dodged each other.And the people rushed forward, and the rotten items that condensed and emitted an incomparable smell smashed towards the prison car like a big wave.

The three prisoners in the prison van were inescapable.


"Heavy rain" fell.The three prisoners couldn't hide, couldn't avoid, couldn't block, and they were immediately doused with rotten vegetables, leaves and rotten eggs.

"No! No! No!"

Where has Fairy Yaoshan ever received such an insult?I was so angry that my eyes were red and bloodshot.However, her hands and feet were bound and her mouth was gagged, so she could do nothing but scream "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" and glare at the people on the roadside like crazy. Other than that, she could do nothing else.

In contrast, Diao Buming and Hong Feng were much calmer, putting their heads down and being beaten honestly.

After going through this stormy period, the three prisoners were finally freed.Liufanmen and the Xiliang army returned to the team, cleaned up the horses pulling the prison cart a little, and a team entered the Chenggu county government office.

"Mother Xipi, the people in Chenggu County are too enthusiastic!"

Long Butou couldn't help sighing.At this time, all the county magistrates and county lieutenants came out to welcome them. Just hearing Long Butou's complaint, the county magistrate hurriedly said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, this is the custom in this county. The people in the county are keen to make the prisoners and villains feel angry. I'm really sorry for the inconvenience caused to everyone."

Fairy Yaoshan is now furious.

The only one in the team who was not affected by it and was very happy was Xiliang dog Wang Lengxia and his dog.Those dogs have lived in desolate and remote places such as Yincheng in Xiliang Mountain for many years. They usually eat less vegetables and lack food resources. When they see so much food, they will never refuse.

At this moment, a few dogs had packed up the food on the prison cart, and put their tongues into the cage to lick it.

"No! No! No!"

Fairy Yaoshan panicked and dodged again and again, but she couldn't dodge it at all.

"Uh! Uh! Uh! Uh!"

Diao Buming next to him did not avoid the vicious dog who was approaching him. He was so happy to see Fairy Yaoshan suffer and flustered, his gagged mouth let out a seemingly hearty laugh.

"Come quickly, help you arrest and clean up quickly."

The county magistrate gave an order, and a yamen servant came over immediately, but he just looked at the group of vicious dogs surrounding the prison car, but he didn't dare to go forward.

Li Gun hurriedly asked Leng Xia to drink the dogs away, and then all the government officials stepped forward to deal with them.

When everything was cleaned up, the magistrate arranged for the prison car to be placed, and everyone stayed overnight. After all the work was done, it was dark.Yaoshan Fairy in the prison car leaned listlessly on the iron railing, feeling an indelible odor on her body, and her life was already dull.

The county magistrate and the county lieutenant also wanted to clean up Long Baotou and his party, but Long Baotou refused because he was busy with official duties.Everyone quickly rested for a night and started investigating early the next morning.

The leader of the dragon team called four detectives out to ask for a confession, and then communicated with the county magistrate and found a widower from the city to perform an autopsy on the body of the real Puxiang.This work was extremely important, and now it was being borrowed from other people. Long Captou was worried, so he personally supervised and cooperated with the dissection.

"Master Li, Leng Xia, Miss She, you have had a hard trip, take a good rest first. When Long is done, I will use this place to entertain you well."

Before Long Baotou went to start a fight with Wu Zuo, he said to Li Gun, Leng Xia and She Wei.In the words.Li Gun and Leng Xia were mentioned in his words, but anyone could see that the drunkard's intention was not to drink.

(End of this chapter)

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