Quick Fishing Guide

Chapter 229 The Dog King's Dog

Chapter 229 The Dog King's Dog
The extremely cold weather in Xiliang kept Puxiang's body fresh, and it was slightly treated by Liufanmen with a unique method, so that it would not rot and stink.Long Butou means to wait until Chenggu County, after Wu's autopsy, and then to embalm Puxiang's body.Unexpectedly, it worked at this time.

"Let your dog sniff it."

Wang Chuan said to Leng Xia.

The flesh and blood of Master Puxiang still has the scent of Yaoshan Fairy Jing Xian'er, let Leng Xia's dog follow the smell, and they should be able to find Jing Xian'er.

Leng Xia didn't understand, she looked at Wang Chuan strangely, and then at the dead body of Master Puxiang.As a young man, he was not afraid of Puxiang's bloody death. You must know that his dog had eaten human flesh.

"By the way, watch your dogs, don't let them eat the meat."

Wang Chuan remembered this, reminded Leng Xia, and said, "Let the dogs come and smell it, it has the smell of Yaoshan Fairy, let them follow the smell to find someone."

Leng Xia understood now, nodded, and summoned a group of dogs to smell it.The arresters were worried, don't let these dogs eat the dead body of Master Puxiang, it would be terrible.They can't stop these dogs.

But the group of dogs are surprisingly obedient under Leng Xia's command.Leng Xia pointed her hand and said "smell", and the group of dogs followed Leng Xia's pointing and sniffed Puxiang's body.Leng Xia said "find", and the dogs scattered to search the mountains.

"Is that all right?"

Wang Chuan suddenly became suspicious.Xiliang Dog King's command is too simple, can two words give everything?What is this, mind command?


Leng Xia shook her head and said confidently.

"When things are like this, let's just trust Leng Xia and his dog."

As Long Butou said, he made the arrangements, "Please take care of Diao Buming, the guards of the Xiliang Army. The others will prepare with me. We will be divided into two groups. I will lead a group with She Nuxia, and you and Wang Chuan will be in the same group in Leng Xia." Group to prepare for changes and respond, but for a while, if there is a situation, act separately."

This stinky and shameless head catcher will look for opportunities.

She Wei was dissatisfied and said: "I'm just accompanying you, why did Long Catou include me?"

Long Butou sneered and said: "Sorry, Miss She, but we are short of experts on this trip. When we meet Fairy Yaoshan and Hong Feng, it may be troublesome to deal with them. Casualties will inevitably occur. Please also invite Miss She and Leng Xia Help me a lot, kid."

Leng Xia nodded straightforwardly, and had no objection to helping.But Long Butou didn't know, She Wei was just dissatisfied that she couldn't follow Wang Chuan and Leng Xia to watch the interaction, and didn't mind Long Butou borrowing her force.It's just that Long Butou separated the four masters two by two, which was very reasonable, and she couldn't make a request, so she asked Long Butou to lead the team to act alone, and she followed Wang Chuan and Leng Xia to find out the relationship, so she had to use it to play.

"Forget it, that's it."

She Wei waved her hand and said.

"Thank you, Lady She, Gao Yi."

Long Butou was overjoyed.It's a pity that he doesn't know that the famous night-kicking widow door She Weishe has already fallen into the vortex of corrupt women. Even if he is in the same group, all the attention is on the other group.

All the arresters were divided into two teams one after another, and they were all distributed in a short while.The Xiliang army surrounded the cage and put on guard.Diao Buming looked around, looking forward to it, that bitch who got her caught and was almost sucked to death, must be caught!
Only Master Li Gun was present, no one arranged, bored, he sighed silently, thinking how could he become a superfluous person?
And he, like Long Butou, never thought that in She Wei's heart, he would never be a superfluous person.In the script written by She Nuxia in her head, he is the most important one.

"Woof! Woah! Woah! Woah!"

On the mountainside to the west, I suddenly remembered a vicious dog barking.The dog there led a lead, which immediately caused a barking sound.Follow all the barking dogs and move in that direction.Long Butou said: "Nvxia She, let's go and have a look. Wang Chuan, boy Leng Xia, you stay here and guard."

Wang Chuan and Leng Xia nodded and said, "Okay."

Long Butou and She Wei set off immediately, heading to the place where the vicious dogs bark on the mountainside to the west.Before leaving, She Wei looked back silently, the inexplicable reluctance in that gaze made Wang Chuan shudder inexplicably.

Something seems wrong.

After waiting for quite a while, Yue Molong Tuotou and She Wei's party had reached the west mountainside, the barking of the dogs gradually weakened, and stopped after a while.Wang Chuan waited patiently, hoping that Long Butou and She Wei would do their best and catch him directly.In that way, not only can everyone relax, but he can also take time off without worrying about it.The so-called invisible fishing is the most deadly, and this is the reason.

After waiting for a while, Wang Chuan heard footsteps and the sound of a vicious dog sticking out its tongue and breathing.Looking for the sound, I saw Long Tutou, She Wei and others walking out of the forest surrounded by dogs and reaching the top of the mountain.Behind Long Butou and She Wei, several colleagues carried two tied up people, who is it not Fairy Yaoshan and Hong Feng?

Fairy Yaoshan and Hong Feng were both covered in blood. There was a piece of flesh missing here, and a piece of cloth was missing there. It was a horrible sight.Wang Chuan shuddered, thinking that in the future, no one could provoke Leng Xia.Six Doors' single-handed fights are not as good as group fights, but in comparison, who can compare to the Xiliang Dog King's group fights?

"Hahahaha! Adulterer Yao, Mrs. Hong, you have today too! Hahahaha!"

Seeing Fairy Yaoshan and Hong Feng in the cage, Diao Buming was excited and laughed.


Wang Chuan reminded.

"Hahahaha! Adulterer Hong, Miss Yao, you have today too! Hahahaha!"

Diao Buming laughed heavily.

Everyone: "..."

Long Catcher said: "Tie them up, treat their wounds, throw them into a cage, and report to Chief Catcher Yang when they return to the capital."


A police officer responded and came forward to treat and bandage the wounds of Fairy Yaoshan and Hong Feng.This person was the one who had disposed of the corpses of Master Puxiang before, and was responsible for the disposal of drugs in Long Butou's team.

But no matter how you deal with it, you can only treat the wound at most. There is no rabies vaccine in this world.Wang Chuan prayed silently in his heart that Fairy Yaoshan and Hong Feng would not get rabies after being bitten so many times.

The two new prisoners had been bitten to death by vicious dogs, their wounds were treated, they were tied up, and in the process of being thrown into the cage, they had no strength left to resist.Seeing the two people who had almost killed him, or died in such a shameful way, were thrown into his cage and locked up with him, Diao's face turned red and then pale, and he didn't know his specific mood.But I don't know if it's an illusion. When Wang Chuan looked at Diao Buming's expression, he saw a hint of "poetic"——

The past is unbearable to look back at Yue Mingzhong.

 After the update, I went to work.

(End of this chapter)

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