Quick Fishing Guide

Chapter 220 Acquaintances

Chapter 220 Acquaintances
Wang Chuan walked into a patch of weeds, and the footprints of Master Puxiang disappeared.Wang Chuan and his colleagues had to search separately, but the two lines of footprints seemed to end at the weed, and they did not extend in any other direction except for the traces when they came.And the weeds quickly wiped away the footprints of Master Puxiang, making it difficult for them to find.

The crowd even searched the entire weed, and they even wondered if there was a hole among the weeds for Master Puxiang to hide in.Of course, this possibility is very slim, if so, it would be too nonsensical, the real Puxiang is not a mole.But even so, everyone poked the weeds all over with their scabbards.

Then nothing.

"How to do?"

A colleague asked Wang Chuandao.During this trip, due to the attention of Long Butou, Wang Chuan has become synonymous with many ideas, and this time, under the order of Long Butou, everyone chose to obey Wang Chuan.

Wang Chuan pondered for a while, and made up his mind to ask one person to go back and talk to Long Butou, while he led the others to Xiliang City.Immortal Puxiang who had just broken through did not know what he would do, but Wang Chuan must first consider minimizing the impact of Immortal Puxiang's escape.You must know that the case of Puxiang Daoist involves many aspects. If this Taoist priest runs back to Xiliang City under the current situation, I don't know what will happen.Also, Xin Baji, the head of the beggar gang, and his princess brother Xin Baji are also in Xiliang City, so I'm afraid they haven't left yet.If Master Puxiang really breaks through the expansion and goes back to find Xin Baji to take revenge, that would be bad.So they had better go to Xiliang City to confirm first, and then make the next step after confirmation.

Of course, there is another reason for this decision -

Master Lianhua Guanzhu, Puxiang Daoist, was not low at first, but now he has made a breakthrough due to the end of the sage's time, I am afraid that his kung fu will be improved to a higher level.And his three-legged cat's kung fu has broken through, and he may not be sure when dealing with real Puxiang.But the other brothers on this trip are all ordinary masters.Working together, it's okay to deal with the real Puxiang. If they are separated, let's not talk about whether they can take him down when they meet the real Puxiang.

The old rule of the six doors is that fights must be fought in groups, and the policy of fighting with fewer people when there are more people is resolutely implemented.

After making such a decision, a group of people split up and headed towards the direction of Long Butou and his party to inform Long Butou and his party to go ahead and stop when they reached the old abandoned city on the edge of Xiliang. people.The abandoned city that now belongs exclusively to Leng Xia, the dog king of Xiliang, although all the other houses have been abandoned except for the place where Leng Xia lives, it is still a shelter from the wind and rain.There is the dog king of Xiliang and his army of vicious dogs, as well as the remaining city walls that can block the traces of pedestrians, and can also hide the team of Longbutou to avoid being noticed by interested people.

Then Wang Chuan and his party continued to chase Xiliang.While walking, the arresters spread out slightly to facilitate the search for the real Puxiang.Although they spread out, the distance they spread out was not too far away. If special circumstances happened, they could quickly gather to form an encirclement of the enemy.This is the standard formation for the six gates to search for people outside, so everyone is like this, so it is naturally handy.

However, no matter how handy he is, it will be of no use if the target of the search is not on the road ahead.Wang Chuan and a group of colleagues rushed to Xiliang City, but found no trace at all on the road.When we arrived under the city, it was already dark.Wang Chuan called for a long time to identify himself, and then opened the city gate.Then he communicated with the city defenders and went to the Xiliang army barracks to meet with General Ren.

He went back and forth to Xiliang City, and became acquainted with General Ren, but indirectly caused conflicts between General Ren and the city lord of Xiliang.Now General Ren still doesn't want to live close to Xiliang City Lord, no matter how aggrieved and no mahjong game, he still has to stay in the barracks.

"Hey, Xiao Wang, why did you come back? Do you no longer want to be fucked by the Dragon Catcher and want to come and fuck with me?"

General Ren was also full of energy in the middle of the night. When he saw Wang Chuan, he first gave him a barbell-like laugh, and then joked.

Wang Chuan also smiled back, jokingly said: "Yes, General Ren. I have recruited so many people under Long Butou's command, do you dare to accept it?"

General Ren said: "Hahaha, forget it, I'm afraid that Long Tutou will come back and eat me in Xiliang City."

Do you think that the dragon catches the head and is the Jingshi's shit-eating ghost?

After joking, and talking about business, Wang Chuan asked General Ren to ask the city guards on duty today to see if any Taoist priests had entered the city today.One day after coming down to the gate of the city, there have been many shift changes. General Ren called all the people who were on duty today to ask, but no one said that he had seen any Taoist priests.After confirmation, Wang Chuan and his party left the Xiliang Army barracks.

When leaving, General Ren did not forget to say something special: "Catcher Wang, please remember my royal custom husky limited edition mahjong!"

"Don't worry, General Ren, I will remember it!"

Wang Chuan responded.This mahjong general's dedication to mahjong almost surpassed that of the Xiliang army. If he forgot, General Ren might lead his troops to the capital to ask for it.How dare I forget?

Besides, it's not his own thing anyway, so Capt. Liang doesn't care. When the time comes, he can tell Capt. Liang that he wants to come and send it to Xiliang.

Wang Chuan and others went to the six gates of Xiliang again, and asked the police officers on patrol today if they had seen any Taoist priests, and they got the same result.After that, they ran to the camp of the beggar gang. After seeing the sleepy Xin Baji and Xin Baji, they felt relieved and found a place to stay for one night.

Speaking of it, Xin Baji watched his brother so closely that he even watched him while sleeping.Wang Chuan thinks this is a younger brother's accusation.I don't know if Master Puxiang came to seek revenge on Xin Baji, would Xin Baji insist on breaking through because of his younger brother's accusation, and overthrow Master Puxiang.

After resting overnight, Wang Chuan and his party left Xiliang City early in the morning of the second day to search various Taoist temples in Xiliang.However, there are very few Taoist temples in Xiliang, and the arrests took only two days to search all the Taoist temples, but still no Taoist priests were found.They had no choice but to go back first, join Long Butou and his party, and then make further calculations.

When I went back to the weeds that lost the trace of Master Puxiang, the snow on the weeds disappeared.When coming, the traces left by Master Puxiang and them on the road have been blown away by the wind.

The detectives walked forward for a while, and Wang Chuan suddenly saw an acquaintance.In other words, Wang Chuan knows him, but he may not know Wang Chuan's people——

Lee rolls.

This thin storyteller was walking eastward, not sure if he was going to an appointment he had made.

(End of this chapter)

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