Quick Fishing Guide

Chapter 208 The Prison Visitor Says

Chapter 208 The Prison Visitor Says
After roughly reading "Lianshan" and "Guizang", Wang Chuan was a little puzzled, whether this was done on purpose by Master Puxiang, or it was God's will.In the two booklets, "Lianshan" records 36 women from good families who can be contacted again, and "Gui Zang" records 72 women from good families who can no longer be contacted, which is the same number as Tiangang and Disha.Wang Chuan even wanted to give the hundred and eight generals the name of the one hundred and eight demon stars of Tiangangdisha, which was so appropriate for the occasion!

And apart from these features, there is nothing special about the rest. The details are recorded in "Lianshan" and "Guizang", and the characteristics of each good woman are clearly explained. The real Puxiang is not like a master of the world, but like a master of Fengyue Pavilion, and his words are quite accurate. People, what is this delicate voice and that soft body, it makes people feel swayed.These two booklets must not be seen by the husbands of the people involved, otherwise Master Pu Xiang will be scraped alive, and the husbands of the people involved will be relieved.

The real person Puxiang case was discovered, and when the trial of this case is over, I don't know what kind of chaos it will cause.

Wang Chuan sighed, he couldn't think about it, so he stopped thinking about it.The most important thing is to honestly touch your own fish and do the work that you have to do right now.Nothing else has anything to do with me.

After roughly flipping through the two booklets "Lianshan" and "Guitang", Wang Chuan put them away carefully.This is important evidence, and it is also something that can cause chaos and turmoil. Wang Chuan has to keep it carefully.

As long as the dragon catcher comes and hand over these two important prisoners and important evidence, he will be relieved.

But wait and wait, the ones who came back first were not Long Tutou and his party, but countless heroes of the world, as well as the four four heavenly kings from the Three-person Pagoda.

Because there were too many martial arts people pouring into Xiliang City, this big city suddenly seemed congested and chaotic and difficult to manage. The city lord of Xiliang had to issue a temporary restriction order.People who are not native to the Jianghu, non-workers, farmers, or businessmen are not allowed to enter Xiliang City.In this way, Xiliang City became a little more relaxed and quiet.The heroes of the rivers and lakes quarreled outside Xiliang City for a while, arguing about unfairness and wanting to enter the city, which annoyed General Ren who was still living in the barracks by the city gate.General Ren was so annoyed that he simply sent troops out of the city, and all the heroes of the rivers and lakes suddenly misfired and slept outside Xiliang City.

The Four Heavenly Kings of the Three-person Pagoda had obtained Xiliang household registration a long time ago, and now they are naturally allowed to enter Xiliang City.Lin Shenhe has lived in the city for so many days, changing his medicine every day, and now his body has almost recovered.Only then did the Four Heavenly Kings feel relieved.Then Yin Tian came to the six gates of Xiliang alone, asking to meet Diao Buming.

Now people are being guarded by the six gates of Xiliang. Although Wang Chuan is also looking after him, he is not in charge.Yin Tian's request was not from him, but from the chief arrester of the six sects of Xiliang.The chief arrester was cautious, unwilling to have the possibility of more accidents, and with the same mentality as Wang Chuan, he just wanted to wait for the arrival of Long Butcher and his party in peace, and hand over the two felons to Long Butcher without any mistakes.So naturally the cloudy sky was rejected.The cloudy sky retreated helplessly, but within a long time, he came back with a small soldier.

The little soldier Wang Chuan had the impression that he was the private guard of the city lord's mansion.Now the chief arrester of the Six Doors of Xiliang is not good at refusing, let Yin Tian meet Diao Buming.

Bah, relational account!
Wang Chuan didn't take these trivial matters seriously.Both Diao Buming and Master Pu Xiang were locked in a cage, as long as no one took the two cages away, everything would be fine.Not to mention that Yin Tian stabbed Lin Shenhe with a kidney shot because of Diao Buming, and that Yin Tian had already become enemies with Diao Buming, but the heavy and hard iron cage was enough to make Yin Tian flinch.And with the six Xiliang sects in charge, you don't need to be too concerned.Unexpectedly, in order to share the responsibility, the chief arrester of the six gates of Xiliang actually asked Wang Chuan to accompany the soldiers of the Xiliang army and the policemen of the six gates of Xiliang to be present together to guard and witness the meeting between Yin Tian and Diao Buming.

Niang Xipi's!

Wang Chuan really wanted to scold his mother.

"You came?"

"I am coming."

"You shouldn't have come."

"But I'm here."


Wang Chuan twitched the corners of his mouth, how about these two acting in ancient dragon drama?

"What are you doing here, to see my joke?"

"I didn't know why I came, I just wanted to come. But when you say that, I just think it's a joke."

"Hehe, haha, hahahaha..."

"Anyway, I should see your jokes."


"If you all talk nonsense, leave quickly. I don't have that time in the capital, so I will waste it here with you."

The chief arrester of the Six Doors of Xiliang finally couldn't bear it anymore. It seems that he is not a fan of Gu Long's novels.

Wang Chuan lost his mind and thought wildly, and couldn't help but think that after a period of drama training, the audience's drama aesthetics has been biased toward petty bourgeoisie.Should I copy some ancient dragon dramas?
But Yin Tian and Diao Buming kept their mouths shut after hearing the words of the chief arrester of the six sects of Xiliang.After a long while, Yin said: "I want to do one thing, please allow the chief arrester and all the arresters quickly."

"What's the matter? Don't be out of line, I can't afford it."

The general arrester of the Six Doors of Xiliang.

Yin Tian nodded and said, "Not out of line."

The Chief Detective of the Six Gates of Xiliang nodded, but said, "Then tell Captain Wang quickly. This is a serious offender from the Six Gates of the capital. If anything happens, the Six Gates of the Capital have the final say."

Wang Chuan: "..."

Niang Xipi!
I really want to throw this guy in the cage too.

When Yintian heard the words of the chief arrester from the six gates of Xiliang, he turned to Wang Chuan and said, "Hurry up, arrester Wang, can you please?" His tone of voice and expression are much better now than when he was in front of the three-person pagoda.

Wang Chuan asked, "Tell me what you want to do first?"

Yin Tian opened his mouth, but seemed hesitant, unable to speak.After a long time, Wang Chuan and others became impatient, and said cloudily, "I want to spit on him..."

Wang Chuan: "..."

Chief arrester of Six Doors of Xiliang: "..."

Soldiers and arresters: "..."

Diao Buming: "..."

The only person present who didn't respond to Yin Tian's words was Pu Xiang, who was always looking down at the real person in the cage next to him.

What the hell is this? !
A majestic king of the three-person tower, are you making trouble?

"Don't make trouble."

The chief arrester of the Six Doors of Xiliang said, "What are you doing?"

Wang Chuan pouted again.Didn't you just say that I want the six gates of the capital to be the masters?Why are you talking again now?You, the majestic chief arrester of the six gates of Xiliang, what kind of trouble are you going to make?

Wang Chuan said.

"Drink - bah!"

Yin Tian spat fiercely on Diao Buming's face.

But Diao Buming is a master after all, he turned his head slightly and dodged it.

On a cloudy day, his face was slightly cold, "Drink—bah!" Another sip.

This time he vomited on Diao Buming's hand.Those hands were bound by restraints and fixed on the shackles, making it difficult to move.Diao Buming couldn't dodge it, and he was hit immediately, his face darkened to death.

"Thank you, Captain Wang."

After Yin Tian finished spitting, he was satisfied, cupped his hands at Wang Chuan, and strode away from the six doors.The glasses of the soldiers and catchers were all broken.

(End of this chapter)

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