Chapter 20
A great future? !
What big promise?

Wang Chuan was taken aback. Could it be that Catcher Liang wanted him to enter the serious crime team through the back door?Although that ghost department is a good platform for promotion, it is by no means a place where people can safely mix their qualifications.If you join the serious crime team, you can only follow Man Shenzhou Chao, arrest murderers and arrest criminals at risk, and solve major cases that cannot be solved by six yamen in various places.If you want to go in and hang out, if you don't try your best not to get offended, it's just a dream.

You can't eat and wait to die. Isn't this killing people?This kind of loss-making business must not be done!

My biggest dream in life is to have my wife and children on the kang, and sleep until I wake up naturally.What's the point of my life if I can't wait to die?
What the situation is now, I still don’t know.I'll make plans after I go to Liang's house in the afternoon.When the time came, it was just as he had guessed. If it didn't work out, he would just say no. Could Liang Captou eat him?

After thinking about this, Wang Chuan first considered another problem - how should we deal with Dalang, who has attracted the attention of Mr. Yang but is still obsessed with running naked and going further and further?

This matter should be resolved sooner rather than later, and it is best to resolve it today.Otherwise, Da Lang will use that fat belly to shake Mr. Yang's eyes again, and Mr. Yang will probably lose his temper.

Wang Chuan thought about it carefully, and after ordering Mao, he went to the tavern next door.

The tavern master just put on his clothes and was being scolded by the manager of the tavern.Standing there with shrugged shoulders sweating profusely.After being emotional all night, Da Lang was already very sleepy, and his head couldn't keep moving.

The person in charge is Da Lang's father, surnamed Liu and named Dao. His name sounds very quack, but he is not quack at all. He is an out-and-out chef and can cook well.He was short and fat like Da Lang, with gray hair and beard, and red nose, and he spoke recklessly, as if he would strike at the slightest disagreement.

When Wang Chuan came in, he saw Liu Dao's thick fingers almost on Da Lang's forehead, and angrily said: "You can't marry a daughter-in-law, you can't cook vegetables, you are doing well now, except for the fat around the belly. , and learned how to play hooligans, huh? When you play hooligans, you play hooligans, and you still throw your little chicken to play in front of the head catcher! How old do you think your chicken is, and you still ask the head catcher to drag you? The head catcher is knowledgeable I've grown up, and I haven't seen a little thing like you? The boss didn't cut off your thing, it's really my old Liu family's good deeds!"

"Cough! Cough!"

Wang Chuan hastily coughed twice, interrupting Old Chef Liu's words.These words are too violent, if they are accidentally spread, I am afraid they will be misinterpreted.With Mr. Yang's face-saving temperament, he couldn't help but go crazy.

As soon as Liu Dao saw Wang Chuan, he stopped making noise immediately, and knew that his angry words would not be heard by others, so he sneered and said, "Hurry up, Wang Chuan, why are you here? Just now, old man, I was angry when I said something, and I couldn't help myself." I don't know what I said, and I can't take it seriously, so please don't take it to heart, and don't tell us people in the door."

Wang Chuan responded with a smile: "I know, Master Liu, don't worry."

Liu Dao breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly asked Wang Chuan to sit down, and then asked, "I don't know if Captain Wang is coming to the tavern right now, what's the matter?"

Wang Chuan said: "I have a few words with Dalang in private, I wonder if Master Liu can make it easier for me?"

Teacher Liu was puzzled, what happened today?Although Da Lang is usually a bit of a waste, he is still honest. Why did he go to Mr. Yang to catch birds with his bare butt today?Although Detective Wang likes to sneak in the tavern, he doesn't have any close friendship with Da Lang. Why did the two of them suddenly get together and have something to say in private?

After living for most of his life and frying the dishes for half his life, the old man only thought that Dalang's dish was fried by himself, but he still made it by himself in the end, and he knew everything about this dish.But today, I felt that the taste of this dish suddenly changed, as if—was poisoned by someone?
The old man looked at Wang Chuan, and then at his fat and useless son, the doubts in his eyes became more and more intense.

"Please, please, Detective Wang, please sit down. I'll get you a glass of water for Detective Wang. Dalang, say hello to Detective Wang."

Liu Dao still responded, hiding his doubts a little bit, and retreated to the back room.

Wang Chuan and Da Lang were left in the tavern.Before Wang Chuan had time to speak, Da Lang said with a silly "hehe" and said: "hehe, hehe, you don't understand. Wait until I please Yinshen and find a wife, you can enjoy it. Then you But you can’t bother me about it anymore.”

Wang Chuan rubbed his forehead and sighed, this guy was completely limped by himself, what a sinful crime!
"It's alright, the ancestor dreamed last night, saying that you have been recognized by the Yin God."

Wang Chuan interrupted Da Lang's imaginary silly music, and said.

Da Lang was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses, and said in surprise: "Really? I have to admit it to Yin Shen? Is it true what Wang Detective said quickly? Why don't I feel it?"

"If you have feelings, then you are not human."

Wang Chuan's mind was spinning, and he had an idea, and said, "If you haven't been approved by the Yin God, what were the good-looking ghosts and ghosts doing on the messy graveyard last night?"

Da Lang trembled all over his body, his fat body trembling wildly, he didn't dare to answer the question: "Catcher Wang, you mean... you mean... that ghost fire was lighted by the Yin God for the villain?"

"Yes! That's the signal fire."

Wang Chuan patted his thigh, and said, "But you are so stupid that you don't know, and you run away when you see the fire. A waste of Yin God's feelings. Otherwise, why did my ancestors bother to ask a dream to tell me about it?"

"So it is."

Dalang suddenly realized, and then suddenly panicked, walking back and forth in front of Wang Chuan, worried: "What should I do? What should I do? I have angered the Yin God by running away, and if I lose my wife, what will I do?" But what should I do?"

This guy is crazy.

Wang Chuan said: "Don't turn around. Don't worry, the Yin God has entrusted the ancestors to tell me, as long as you listen to my orders and be honest and obedient, you will have a great daughter-in-law."

"A big one?"

Da Lang didn't know where he was thinking, he let out a "suck", took a sip of saliva, nodded again and again: "Don't worry, Catcher Wang, please have a dream at night, tell your ancestors, and tell the Yin God, his old man, the villain is not Other skills, but in terms of honesty and obedience, I still have confidence. Wang Butou has arranged something on behalf of the Yin God, but please tell me, the villain will let the left be the left, and the right will be the right, and he will never frown. "

Why does this sound so wrong?

Forget it.

Wang Chuan nodded in satisfaction, and said, "Well, the Yin God asked me to give you an order. The Yin God already knows your filial piety, and you don't need to go to worship at night. Let you wait at ease, and I will arrange it for you. The matchmaker is looking for a girl to go on a blind date, and it will naturally happen when the time comes."

"Hurry up Wang, can that work?"

Da Lang is still not confident.

Wang Chuan rolled his eyes and said, "If you can't trust me, you can't trust the Yin God? The Yin God told me that you are so courageous when you take off your pants to worship, and the Yin God admires it. If you are on a blind date with a woman, you will If you have that kind of courage, you will definitely succeed in no time.”

(End of this chapter)

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