Chapter 181

Wang Chuan turned around and ran, shouting, "Disciple, save me!" Behind him was the low wall of the small courtyard.Wang Chuan used his light-handed kung fu of kicking the widow's door at night, and climbed up the wall three times, five times and two times.Diao Buming jumped after him, had already climbed over the wall, and landed outside the wall waiting for Wang Chuan.

Unexpectedly, Wang Chuan folded his body and fell back into the courtyard.Diao Buming set up his poss and was ready to give this young catcher with good agility a head-on knife, and it took him a long time to meet what was indeed an empty wall.

Diao Buying was furious and cursed: "Mother Xipi!" He struck the low wall with his knife.

The knife gang rolled the wind blade, splitting a big gap in the wall in an instant.The people inside the wall can be seen at a glance.

Let you run again!

"You plagiarized!"

Wang Chuan despises the unknown, and retreats to hide behind the old lady Fu who rushed over.

Mrs. Fu was short and hunchbacked, so she couldn't hide Wang Chuan at all.But she took a stick and slammed it there, blocking the awe-inspiring murderous intent from Diao Buming.

"You chased me all the way through the six doors, and scolded me all the way, mother Xipi. Why don't you let me scold you?"

Diao Buming gritted his teeth and said, "What does Niang Xipi mean?"

Wang Chuan said contemptuously: "It's useless for you to be a blood-carved old man running around Xiliang. You dare to learn a word without knowing the meaning of a sentence. Funny! Let me tell you, Niang Xipi is our six-door term, which means chasing. He is Gao Shouting to chase you, I can’t even understand it, but I dare to use it.”

Diao Buming learned what he learned and sold it now, and said, "So that's how it is. Then look at my mother Xipi you, and then chop you up with a knife. Humph, this old witch will never stop my mother Xipi you. Wait until I kill you!" You, I'll take care of her again."

Wang Chuan: "..."

Old lady Fu: "Mother Xipi!"

Well, the old lady learned too.

In the blink of an eye, Buming Diao and Mrs. Fu were fighting together.

This time, the two masters used their full strength, but they showed less momentum when fighting.Wang Chuan hid far away, and what he saw was the collision of the knife and the stick, and each blow was like thunder.All the power is condensed in that collision, simple and terrifying.

The world around me seemed to stand still.In the entire space of Zuojiazhuang, only Diao Buming and Mrs. Fu are alive, and the power of the whole world is squeezed on them, and the fighting becomes more primitive, without the skills of swaying and deceiving.The two of them seemed to be simply chopping their knives and swinging their sticks.

But Wang Chuan could feel the horror in it.

He could clearly feel that once the power of these two people exploded, it would be earth-shattering.He felt as if he was in a laboratory where a certain dangerous chemical experiment was going on, and if there was even the slightest error in any link, he would be caught in the pond and blown to pieces.

The last time he saw such a scene was in the six-door martial arts arena.At that time, the officials of the court fought in the court because of their political disagreements, but because they were too outrageous, they were reprimanded by the emperor and rushed to the martial arts arena to fight.

In that battle, all the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty came to watch the battle, and he was mobilized to be in charge of guarding, so he was lucky enough to witness it.Standing so far away, he felt suffocated just watching the usual beating, pulling, kicking and kicking.Fortunately, the Korean and Chinese soldiers in the back can still gamble and scold mothers, whoever you bet on will bet on whomever you bet on, and you will pull his mother's beard and I will kick his grandma's crotch, screaming and screaming.Even His Majesty followed Mr. Yang and yelled Niang Xipi several times, which was eye-opening.

Speaking of which, the strength of the two in front of them is a level weaker than that of the court chiefs.But their battle was much more dangerous than the battle in Wang Chuan's memory.Those two big men in the court are very powerful, even if they fight more fiercely than this, they can still hold back their momentum, but Diao Buming and Mrs. Fu in front of them have tried their best and spared no effort.Wang Chuan felt that their fighting power was extremely unstable because they spared no energy, and they might go berserk at any time and sweep him into it.

The so-called battlefield meat grinder is nothing more than it.Just don't know when the power will be switched on and wring him.

But even if he felt such danger, Wang Chuan could not escape.

Diao Buming kept an eye on him even during the battle.The air mechanism on the battlefield was so stagnant that there could be no deviation. Once Diao Buming fluctuated when he escaped and the battle became unstable, the meat grinder might be powered on and started working.He won't be saved by then.

So he could only hide and watch the battle honestly, unable to advance or retreat.

But as he looked at it, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

——Old Mrs. Fu is wrong.

Mrs. Fu's moves no longer had the jumpiness she had at the beginning.She even stopped swearing that she was the Tathagata Buddha, the Jade Emperor, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Fang Han.The old woman's every move is still flexible and changeable, but it is different from the beginning, and she has rules to follow.

—she's regaining her sanity!
This battle actually helped her get out of her insane state!
Wang Chuan frowned slightly, and noticed the eyes of the old lady Fu in the battle. Those innocent and crazy pupils with some turbidity were disappearing, replaced by a pair of eyes that were shrewd, careful, sophisticated, and full of murderous intent.

——It is the unique gaze of the kind of domineering and domineering old man.

The old lady's moves became as domineering as her gaze.

"You little beast!"

When swinging a stick, the old lady Fu gritted her teeth and scolded.

She recognized Diao Buming.

In her eyes, the blood eagle old man was just a little beast who didn't want to be killed.

"what have you done?"

Her attacks were murderous, and her words were full of murderous intent.

"What you did to me, I did to you."

Seeing that the old lady Fu had regained her sanity, the old man with the blood sculpture seemed to have a little more joy in his voice, "Look at my knife, is it bright? It was wiped with blood from your family."

"The old body killed you!!!"

Old Mrs. Fu shouted angrily and swung her stick and hit Diao Buming on the head.

Diao Buming avoided it, holding the handle of the knife with one hand, pressing the back of the knife with the other, and raised the knife to block it.

But the saber was so powerful that he couldn't hold it for a while, the saber was smashed back and retreated, and the back of the saber hit his own forehead directly.

Diao Buming fell backwards, turned over to stand up, and stepped back a few steps.

Mrs. Fu chased after him and threw the iron rod again, but suddenly he stopped confronting Mrs. Fu head-on, turned around and walked away with the knife, laughing as he walked:

"Hahahaha, old woman, Shanshoukang, Fushan family, you connived at Fushanzhuang to kill my whole family, and pretended to save my life. How could you expect this day? Today, all your relatives are paid for their lives. You! Why are you still chasing me? Why don’t you take a stick and knock your head back into place!”

The old lady Fu said angrily: "Your parents are trying to survive in my Fushanzhuang. They don't understand reason and disobey my son. Sparing your life is already magnanimous. You don't know how to be grateful, and you even repay your kindness with revenge! If you knew today, when you were old It's time to personally take action and kill you!"

 It's too busy to bear.

(End of this chapter)

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