Quick Fishing Guide

Chapter 179 The Lion Camel Ridge Monster

Chapter 179 The Lion Camel Ridge Monster

Diao Buming didn't waste time looking for real Puxiang.To the old blood eagle man, this seemingly well-known Taoist priest from the capital is just an addition, and this addition seems to have some festivals with the Zuo family. If it is gone, it will be gone.The six gates of the capital are still behind, and I don't know when they will catch up.It's time to get down to business.

When the business is done, one day I will remember it, and I will go back to the capital and kill that Taoist priest.

So Diao Buming left simply.He walked into Zuojiazhuang in a few steps without even looking around.

When Diao Buming walked into the village, his vision would be blocked by walls, doors and windows, and a figure cautiously emerged from behind a stone.It is the real person Puxiang.

At this time, the Taoist priest was already in a terrible state of distress. In order to prevent his legs from being frozen and unable to move, Master Puxiang had to rub his hands under them constantly.After rubbing for a while, it was confirmed that Diao Buming would not come out, so Master Pu Xiang turned around and ran away.

Instead of running southeast, he headed northwest.Now that the Dongchuang incident was revealed, he didn't have the guts to enter the capital under the risk of being exposed by Wang Chuan.Although his own affairs were a matter of stare in a certain circle, but if this matter was exposed, the already overflowing anger in this circle would drown him.

"You are alone and have no friends! How could the Infinite Heavenly Lord, a poor Taoist, suffer such a disaster?"

Master Pu Xiang sighed, walked with a limp, and his steps were a little stiff.Because he was not wearing pants, he was already a little bit frozen.

The blood carving old man Diao Buming and the real person Puxiang went against each other.Immortal Puxiang was marching north, while Diao Buming was waving his saber in the south.In front of him are not only the people from Zuojiazhuang, but also the Taoist priests who were thrown here by Master Puxiang.

Diao Buming's strength is obviously a level higher than these people.He didn't even use the shocking knife he used against Zuo You first.It seems that he has found that the enemies in front of him are not enough for him to use that kind of knife technique. He only needs to wave the knife in his hand, and he can play this massacre mission as a game of mowing grass in the unparalleled mode.

The Taoist priests and the Zuojiazhuang people who were still fighting in front of them were nothing.What Diao Buming held was a sickle.

Diao Buming kills people so easily that people who were originally hostile had to unite.

But it didn't work at all.

Grass that is scattered or tangled is grass, and grass that is neatly gathered together is still grass.Diao Buming's "sickle" waved down, making no difference.

A Taoist priest approached Diao Buming and went straight to fight; a master in brocade clothes from Zuojiazhuang followed him, stabbing Diao Buming's upper body with a sword.The two shot at the same time, it was as if they were attacking half together, the tacit understanding was so good.

But the blood carving old man didn't care.He didn't even use any special tricks, just a straight chop from top to bottom.

An unpretentious strike, ignoring the bully's attack.

The blade went straight down, and the Taoist priest and the man in brocade were divided into four sections.Blood, water, and organs poured out.

They didn't even have time to scream.


"who are you?!"

"Go together!"

People were shouting in confusion, but no one dared to come forward.Someone even shouted: "Get out of the way! Get out of the way! Don't push me!"

Diao Buming continued to move forward.

People backed away, backed to the sides, so that his knife could not touch flesh and blood.In the huge courtyard, people crowded under the wall, leaving a huge space for Diao Buming.The blood and minced meat on the ground filled up the missing space, making Zuojiazhuang's courtyard a complete strange painting.

Diao Buming's knife swung left and right, and the strong wind burst out.In an instant, someone died tragically, and there was a crack in the wall.

Only then did people suddenly realize that even though they had hid far away, they still couldn't avoid the old blood eagle's sword.

This saber technique can be stretched by the wind, and it won't even stick to blood!


"Ghost ah ah ah ah!"


"Help ah ah ah ah!"

People screamed and backed away. In panic, some people jumped out of the wall, and some were pushed down.Others stepped on them and couldn't care less.

There are quite a few unknown butchers, how come you haven't seen such a scene?To him, such a scene was nothing more than an ordinary small scene.There was no expression on his wrinkled old face, and he kept walking.No one dared to stop in front of him now.His game has changed from melee unparalleled to ranged unparalleled.The knife in his hand acted as a sickle to reap lives, and he walked to the door of a small courtyard.

There is a scent of burning incense in the small courtyard.Diao Buming sniffed hard and sneezed.This damn smell reminded him of some past events, and he was extremely unhappy.With a swing of his knife, he slashed open the door.

The door of the small courtyard was split open.

At that moment, a ray of light pierced through the broken door.

There is a knife stabbing out!

The sun reflected on the blade, and it hit Diao Buming's eyes at a strange angle.

Diao Buming narrowed his eyes and slashed again.

It was as if his knife didn't need to be aimed at at all. Wherever it hit, it was the target.Everyone could not escape and became the dead souls under his sword.

It is precisely because of this that Zuojiazhuang has become a terrifying purgatory in this moment.

But the person inside the door escaped!

The person inside the door stabbed out, regardless of whether he hit or not, he retreated resolutely.His knife is not fast, it is not as fast as Diao Buming's knife.This knife was forced to be castrated by Diao Buming's knife, even if it caught Diao Buming's eyes, it would be difficult to stab Diao Buming.

But Diao Buming's sword is very fast, but it can't match his body skills.


Uncommonly, Diao Buming stopped the massacre, and looked up and down the people who retreated in the small courtyard, "The saber of the six doors? Who are you?"

"Liu Dalang from the Six Gates of the Capital."

Wang Chuan replied, "I cook delicious food. When you go to the capital, I will treat you to dinner."

Diao Buming grinned, and said, "I eat people, not food!" Swinging the saber forward, it turned out to be a bit faster and fiercer.

Wang Chuan quickly retreated again, opening his mouth and yelling: "Someone is going to eat Tang Monk's meat! Disciple, save me!"

"Hey! Where did the monster come from, dare to play wild on your grandpa grandpa's head!"

There was a loud shout in the incense hall, and a thin figure suddenly rushed out, crossed Wang Chuan, and met Diao Buming.


A loud bang.

Diao Biming's knife was actually blocked by an iron rod!
Mrs. Fu rushed out of the incense hall, unexpectedly took a solid iron rod from somewhere.

Diao Buming took two steps back, somewhat surprised.

The old lady Fu saw that she was not famous, but "humph" sneered: "You are so short and ugly, could it be that Shituoling little driller? Little monsters dare to be monsters, I don't know if your grandpa is always cheater ?"

Diao Buming saw clearly the "Grandpa Sun" in front of him, he suddenly stared furiously, and said viciously, "Old witch, it's you!"

(End of this chapter)

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