Quick Fishing Guide

Chapter 173 Meeting an Acquaintance in Xiliang

Chapter 173 Meeting an Acquaintance in Xiliang

The people from Zuojiazhuang climbed ashore in embarrassment, took a bath, and finally obtained the qualification to enter the "Da Leiyin Temple".The fat man Zuo You exchanged pleasantries with Mrs. Fu first, but he didn't even dare to help his old relative.That's all, I asked other people to serve the old lady Haofu, and came over to talk to Wang Chuan.

Mrs. Fu put people into the "Da Leiyin Temple", but she was not responsible for receiving the sent scriptures. In a blink of an eye, she turned into the Monkey King again, with her hands on her hips and laughed loudly: "Hahahaha, good, good, children!" It's a pity that her teeth are leaking, her back is hard to straighten, and she really can't show her mighty demeanor.

But no matter how amiable and amiable the old lady Fu is, people in Zuojiazhuang still dare not approach them.The old woman just kicked them into a drenched chicken, and the psychological shadow is like ice after snow, which can't dissipate all at once.

"Thank you for sending my grandmother here. Zuo is really grateful. I don't know what to call him? Where does he work? How do I get my grandmother?"

Zuo You first cupped hands with Wang Chuan and said.There was a thank you in the words, and the tone was full of sincerity, but his impatient question had already exposed his true thoughts.

How inconsistent this family is, don't wait to see Mrs. Fu!Even myself was implicated, so I didn't want to be seen anymore.

Fortunately, Mrs. Fu is very good at martial arts, otherwise living in the home of such relatives would have been a disaster.

Wang Chuan thought that his own little Lian'er was better, with clear likes and dislikes, kindness and innocence.Well, she is still a cute loli who carries the most deadly weapon in the world.

"Wang Chuan, Zaoyi policeman in Qinglong District, Six Gates, Beijing, take care."

Wang Chuan took out his waist card and showed it to Zuo You first, and said, "Your grandma has become obsessed with practicing kung fu and lost her way in a daze. Just because she said the word Qinglong, she was sent to the capital by two kind-hearted people. We checked her. Because of her identity, she was sent to visit relatives. Do you hear me clearly?"

"I see."

Zuo You spoke first, and at the same time showed a faint expression of relief.Those who took care of Mrs. Fu over there seemed to be a little relieved.

Zuo You first said: "From Xiliang to Jingzhong, at least half a month's journey, and back and forth, no matter how long it takes a month. Alas, the old lady is also pitiful, she left home in a daze, and when she came back, Fushanzhuang was gone. Thank you Mr. Kuai for sending Grandma Fu here, otherwise I really don’t know what will happen to her. Sigh..."

Wang Chuan said: "You're welcome, you're welcome." He thought for a while, how could he not understand what the Zuojiazhuang family was thinking?
Fushanzhuang was tragically destroyed by the blood eagle ancestor Diao, and it has spread all over Xiliang, and everyone in Zuojiazhuang knows about it.Now only the old lady Fu is left in Fushanzhuang, and the nameless Diao is still at large. The people in Zuojiazhuang are afraid that they will be implicated by the old lady Fu and suffer malicious revenge from the nameless Diao.But his mother's family has a big business and is well-known in Xiliang, so she dare not do the shameful thing of shutting her relatives out.

What's more, Grandma Fu also has Qinglong Huanhai Kungfu that they have been looking at for a long time.This kung fu seems to be extremely good, even if it has the side effect of losing teeth, it is still addictive.If they can obtain this magical skill, it is okay for them to take some risks.

The prosperity of the world is for profit, and the chaos of the world is for profit.The most attractive things in the rivers and lakes are power, wealth, fame and fortune.For the Jianghu people, what represents the word "quan" is the unparalleled magical skill.In the files of Six Doors, Wang Chuan has seen countless fights due to martial arts magic skills.The appearance of the three-person tower can attract people from all over the world to come here from all over the world without hesitation. It is normal for a family to fight for their lives with a magic skill.

Zuo You first said: "My lord has worked hard all the way, take a good rest first. It's better to come early than to come by coincidence. My lord doesn't know. Today, my Zuo family has a distinguished guest to welcome me. I just happened to buy something and prepare a big feast. Then This guest also came from the capital, and he wants to stay in my village to cast spells. Why don't you stay with me for a while, sir, so that you can have a company when you go back."


Who is this person?

Wang Chuan thought to himself, and said, "It just so happens that I want to stay and wait for my colleagues. The Zuo Zhuangzhu is bothering me."

Zuo You first said: "Master, why should you be so polite?"

Just finished speaking, a servant from outside ran all the way in and said, "Master, the Taoist priest is here!"

Zuo You first said: "Hurry up and meet him." Turning around, he said to everyone, "You stay and take care of Mrs. Fu. Mr. Hurry up, this Taoist priest is well-known in Beijing, you may also know him. Why don't you come with me to meet him ?”

Wang Chuan said: "That's good." The most famous Taoist temples in Beijing are Baiyun Temple and Lianhua Temple.Baiyun Guan asked immortals to ask for medicine, and Lianhua Guan took the place of Buddhism to deliver children. He also wanted to know who the person who came was.Zuo You first had some needs, so he specially invited Taoist priests from Beijing.

"My lord, please."

Zuo You first invited Wang Chuan out of the living room.The servant led them to the gate of Zhuangzi.The door has been opened, and the snow in front of the door will be cleaned up at some point.Zuo You went out with Wang Chuan first, and waited quietly.Not long after, a line of chariots and horses came in the distance.

What a big poker field!
The chariots and horses stopped in front of the Zhuangjiazhuang gate.There are Taoist priests riding horses and pulling carts.When Wang Chuan saw the little Taoist priest pulling the cart, he suddenly felt familiar.

——The little Taoist in front of the Lotus View!
"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable. Poor Dao has always been there, why should Zuo Zhuangzhu go out to greet him so tiredly?"

The curtain of the carriage moved slightly with the wind, and a voice came from behind the curtain.

Sure enough, it was the voice of real Puxiang!

Now this Taoist's voice is different from the one in Cuiliu Tower, it is neutral and peaceful, out of this world.

Zuo You stepped forward to make amends, regardless of whether Master Puxiang could see it or not: "The real person came from a long distance to deliver a child to someone from Zuo, how could Zuo not be easy to welcome him?" Lifting the curtain, he said, "Really, please get out of the car."

Wang Chuan looked strange and didn't say much.In his eyes, the top of Zuo's owner's head seemed to be green.But his doubts about Master Puxiang were only doubts after all, without any evidence.At this time, he was going to come out and talk nonsense, and he was afraid that he would not be able to attend the banquet.

Immortal Puxiang got out of the car, swayed the whisk lightly with one hand, and gently stroked his long beard with the other.When he saw Wang Chuan, his expression became a little unnatural, but it disappeared immediately, and he said with a smile: "Catcher Wang, you and I are so destined to meet each other in Xiliang." |
"Yeah yeah."

As Wang Chuan spoke, he spat inwardly.Who the hell wants to have a relationship with you!

"The banquet is ready, all Taoist priests and arresters, please come with me."

Zuo You first invited everyone into Zuojiazhuang with a big smile on his face, and Wang Chuan secretly felt sorry for him.The servants in the village walked quickly, serving plates and wine, and sure enough, the banquet was ready after such a short time.

When everyone arrived in the living room, Mrs. Fu was still making a fuss, and everyone was serving her, it was miserable.When the old woman saw Master Puxiang, she suddenly slapped the table and said, "Hey! Old Jade Emperor, have you been fooling around in Guanghan Palace again? Have pity on my second junior brother! Pity my second junior brother!"

Wang Chuan: "..."

Is this old lady perfect?
(End of this chapter)

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