Chapter 164

The snow stopped and the wind moved away that night, and the thick layer of snow outside the house also froze hard.When I woke up early the next day, the whole world was covered in silver, and the rising sun was dazzling, making the silvery white snow grains sparkle.Luo Laotan dug a few snow pits in the street, grinning and complaining: "Damn it, stuffed into shoe baskets, it's so damn cold."

Mrs. Fu was not so worried.The old woman who is addicted to Internet articles stood at the door early in the morning to perform. When someone passed by, she said in a sonorous tone: "The door to eternal life! Have you ever heard of the Three Thousand Avenues?"

So Leng Xia looked at Wang Chuan with a look of resentment, and was extremely resentful that Wang Chuan kept telling Mrs. Fu a new story without letting him hear it.

However, Wang Chuan was not in the mood to pay attention to the little mood of the Xiliang Dog King.The most important thing right now is to get on the road quickly and complete the mission.Everything else is irrelevant.

So Wang Chuan not only didn't tell Leng Xia the story of Fang Han and Huluwa, but also tore down some door panels in Leng Xia's deserted city.

These door panels are some of the best in the city. They are made of good wood and are not easily damaged. Years of hard work have made these boards extremely smooth. Even the tiny bumps and bumps on them cannot be felt to the touch.

"Don't care, don't care. How about asking him to tell you many stories to compensate you later?"

She Wei tried her best to fool Leng Xia, and helped Wang Chuan stabilize the young man who was about to run away.

Under the eyes of the Xiliang dog king who was about to kill someone, Wang Chuan and Luo Lao flicked and pulled the catcher's saber, cutting the board into long and short strips of moderate thickness.These tasks have long been learned in the six-door academy, and they are handed down from the Taizu's sled and snowboard skills.In the past, Taizu attacked the barbarian country in the north, and the road was blocked by heavy snow, so he proposed the method of sledges. Although it was impossible to march with large-scale equipment, using this method, he dispatched surprise troops and reaped great victories.In this battle, the husky god dog brought by Taizu from overseas also officially won the name of god dog.

The nature of the work of the Six Doors determines that the policemen have to run all over the world, driving in heavy snow and chasing murderers are all possible things.Therefore, Taizu's methods of making and using sleds and snowboards can be taught in the Six Doors Academy for the policemen to master and use.

Wang Chuan did not master this skill in his previous life. Making sleds, snowboards and skis was only learned in the Six Doors Academy after he came to this world.At the beginning, he only learned it with a playful and fresh attitude, but he didn't expect to use it today.He couldn't help admiring and being grateful to Taizu.

"What a role model for a time traveler!"

Wang Chuan sighed in his heart.

Thanks to this senior time traveler for bringing me such great convenience. Because of him, I was able to fish so leisurely.

Oh, yes, there are three other senior traversers.

Thanks again to the Traveler Administration for throwing myself into this world, instead of throwing myself on the throne like those four seniors.If you don't have the courage and courage to be a foolish king, it's not a good job.Wang Chuan was well aware of his pissing nature, so when he got angry, he became aggressive, fearing that he would be tough.At that time, it's fine if you do well, but if you don't do well, you'll be cheating.

It's still good for the little people.Now I have a public job again, so I don't have to worry about food and drink, so I still make soy sauce in the tavern next door, which really suits Wang Chuan's appetite.

I hope that after returning from this errand, I can still work in the tavern next door, and work until the end of time.

At present, Xiliang Dog King's vicious dogs are untrained, and they are not sled dogs, so they cannot take on the important task of dragging the sled. Therefore, Wang Chuan and Luo Laotan can only make skis and prepare to ski all the way away.Wang Chuan was dreaming while peeling his skis, and added thoughts by the way—then stop assigning himself tasks.

When the skis were finally ready, Wang Chuan gave Leng Xia a pair.Xiliang Dog King got a new toy, and his mood improved.The masters of the rivers and lakes are all top-notch in balance, and they learn to ski very quickly.Not long after, Leng Xia started to slide leisurely on the snow with two wooden crutches.How can the old lady Fu miss such a good thing?At the moment, he didn't care about pretending to be the door to eternal life, so he and Wang Chuan took a pair of skis and stuck them on the shoes, and slid into the snow.

Wang Chuan was already in urgent need of Mrs. Fu to learn this skill, but now he just hopes that the old lady will be full of enthusiasm, quickly become proficient in it, and immediately teach him.Mrs. Fu's monkey-like skills can be learned half a minute faster than Leng Xia's. She learned it almost at the same time as the Xiliang Dog King, drawing several thin and winding paths on the snow.

"Hey! Wu that red boy, my grandson is here too!"

Mrs. Fu's COS Sun Houhou was addicted. He regarded Leng Xia as a mini-boss on the way west, and excitedly killed Leng Xia on his skis.But Leng Xia was not very satisfied with this identity.The dog king of Xiliang lives alone in the ruined city of Shanyin, and there is no such thing as respecting the elderly and loving the young.He was not a child who was good at talking. When he saw Old Mrs. Fu calling herself Lao Sun and calling him "Red Boy", his face darkened, he turned around, took the snow pole in his hand, and was about to hit Old Mrs. Fu.

Wang Chuan was shocked and shouted: "Nvxia She!"

Nvxia She waited temporarily for Wang Chuan's deployment.As soon as Wang Chuan called her, she seemed to have a tacit understanding. Without Wang Chuan's instructions, she jumped into the snow, scooped up with both hands, and turned the direction of Mrs. Fu and Leng Xia, so that they slid away from each other.

While Wang Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, he was also greatly surprised by She Wei's kung fu.

Although the snow was frozen relatively hard, it was fluffy after all compared to the weight of a person.Ordinary people can float on the snow only by stepping on skis, and there are still two lines of snow trails left, but this woman who kicks the widow at night can stand safely on the snow without leaving any traces.

Is this person a master of light-weight skills, or is his body weight so light?

Luo Laotan and Wang Chuan were both surprised.

No, She Wei's body is concave where it should be, but it's not like nails on an airport. Although it's not as exaggerated as Chen Lian's, it's convex where it should be, and it's not so light.

A master of martial arts, he really has a skill!
"Old Wang, She Nuxia, Leng Shaoxia, Aunt Fu, Lao Luo has important things to do, so let's go first."

Mr. Luo managed to take his gaze away from She Wei, packed his bags, bid farewell, and went out of the city to ski to the east.

Wang Chuan's ears were sharp and he paid careful attention. He could still hear Luo Laotan muttering as he walked: "The boss's woman, don't think blindly! The boss's woman, don't think blindly!"


Wang Chuan secretly glanced sideways at She Wei, and when he saw that there was nothing unusual about this person, he breathed a sigh of relief for Luo Lao.This woman cares about face very much. If she hears these inexplicable words, it will be difficult to deal with.

Fortunately, at this moment, She Wei's attention was all focused on Leng Xia and Mrs. Fu, and she didn't pay attention to what Luo Lao said.

"It's time for us to hit the road. See you later, Lady She and Young Master Leng."

When Wang Chuan spoke, Leng Xia suddenly stopped, with a little reluctance in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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