Chapter 162

There are many houses in the abandoned city of Shanyin.Leng Xia seems to be missing someone through this clean street. All the rooms in this street have been tidied up.Although it is difficult to avoid the severe cold, it can also provide protection from wind and rain.Wang Chuan, Mrs. Fu and She Wei were able to have a place to sleep, and they only needed to make do with the simple bedding prepared in their bags for one night.

I slept pretty well that night.In the middle of the night, two dogs wandered into my room from next door and slept next to me.Wang Chuan woke up in the middle of the night and was startled.He was relieved when he saw that the two dogs were sleeping peacefully and did not do anything to him.As long as these two vicious dogs didn't cause anything, Wang Chuan would be happy.The two dogs had thick fur and warm bodies, one on the left and one on the right surrounding it, just like two living heaters.

But even so, Wang Chuan was still woken up by the cold the next morning.

The two dogs had already woken up, but they were still lying on either side of Wang Chuan because they were afraid of the cold. They were probably hungry, and they smacked their mouths from time to time.

Hearing the sound of smacking his lips, Wang Chuan always felt a little panicked.He always has a sense of crisis that these two dogs will give him a bite when they don't know when they disagree.The scenes on Chengliang Mountain left a deep impression on him.Wang Chuan didn't think that with his little effort, there was little room for resistance in the face of these two dogs.Even such a huge adult brown bear has become a delicious meal for vicious dogs, let alone a small human being like himself.


The sound of howling cold wind passed through the doors and windows and rushed into the room.Wang Chuan sat up from the bed and shivered unknowingly.Today's weather is much colder than yesterday's.


The fierce howling wind blew open the window, and the wooden window slapped against the wall, making a sound, and then kept squeaking against the wall.

Wang Chuan looked out of the window, feeling even colder in his heart.

In the cold wind outside the window, huge snowflakes raged in the air, and at some point it had become white. Those snowflakes flying in the air were like abstract paintings, fierce and chaotic, full of chilling chill.

The two dogs also seemed to be suffering from the severe cold. After Wang Chuan got up, they got up and moved, leaned against each other, and continued to lie down to keep each other warm.

Wang Chuan took out some clothes from his bag, put on his cloak, and walked to the window to take a look.The snow outside the window blew into the house with the wind and hit my face, causing pain on my skin.He had to squint to look out.The white snow was still a bit dazzling, not only on the walls, but also on the ground.

"Niang Xipi!"

Wang Chuan was so angry that he cursed his mother.Why was the snow so heavy when I woke up?As a result, going on the road today will be a big problem.

Pushing open the door, the bitter wind poured in, and the snow piled up outside the house had already solidified, and the high snow level fully reached the knees.

"Good guy!"

Wang Chuan couldn't help exclaiming.This heavy snowfall was much more intense than the snowfall in central Beijing.In the middle of the night, the snow has piled up to this point, which is really surprising.

"It seems the schedule has to be postponed."

Wang Chuan pulled the skirt of his clothes and smiled wryly.

But Wang Chuan didn't expect that in this windy and snowy weather, even if he wanted to rest in a house in the abandoned city, it would be difficult for him to do so.

Leng Xia's food reserves in the city have been exhausted, otherwise Leng Xia wouldn't have let those vicious dogs look for food on their own yesterday.There was not enough venison left for one person.The dry food that Wang Chuan, Mrs. Fu and She Wei carried with them was not enough to feed so many people and dogs for a few days.

This blizzard has just raged, and it has already reached such a scale. There is no sign of it ending yet, and I don't know how long it will take.In order to survive, several people in the city had to go out to look for food.

Mrs. Fu can't go.This old man's heart is like a child's, but he has strong kung fu, and his legs and feet are neat. The snow is so vast, let her go out, I'm afraid she won't be able to find it in the blink of an eye.At that time, Wang Chuan's mission was not completed, and he lost a living person, which would not be very good.

So Wang Chuan had to stay and watch the old man.

Relatively speaking, although Lengxiao is young, he has been alone in the abandoned city for so long, and his outdoor survival skills have long been maxed out. She Wei has been traveling in the world for many years, and her Yizi disciple's self-restraint skills are also unambiguous. Compared with Wang Chuan, she is also more suitable. Go out for food.

So in the end, She Wei and Leng Xia led a group of dogs out of the city, while Wang Chuan and Mrs. Fu had to stay in the city.The old man wanted to go out with the dog and the man, but Wang Chuan spent a lot of effort to finally stabilize Old Mrs. Fu and stay in Shanyin City.He suddenly felt that this job was much more difficult than going into the mountains to find food.The story of the Monkey King, Monkey King, and the heavy snow seemed to stimulate the wildness of the old woman. Old Mrs. Fu writhes in the heavy snow, looking more and more like a monkey.

Mrs. Fu played with a group of dogs from Xiliang Dog King.Xiliang Dog King's dogs rushed into the snow, their limbs were no longer visible, each one was like a boat struggling in the snow-capped sea, only the breathing head could see what these things were.


This is much more upscale than dragon boats.

Wang Chuan complained secretly in his heart.

When She Wei, Leng Xia and the group of dogs went out of the city together, the old lady Fu still had a little trouble to calm down.Wang Chuan had to make a big move and told the old lady Fu a story.

The story of Monkey King has already been told, so naturally Wang Chuan couldn't tell it.He wanted to talk about the Wutian Linger, which almost blinded him, and you fell down before I tried hard, but "Journey to the West" has a long history, and he read it when he was young, and he didn't remember it very clearly. Now I can't even find a complete story line in my mind.

Fortunately, he told a story before, also for children, and it happened to be useful at this time.

"Once upon a time there was a gourd mountain, and there were a group of gourd babies in the mountain..."

Wang Chuan was lazy and told the story told to the group of children in Yishan Hall in Beijing.

But the old lady Fu was not interested at all, Wang Chuan just started talking, and the old lady Fu shouted: "Not good! Not good! Don't gourd mountain! Don't gourd baby! Monkey King, Monkey King! Boy, tell me about Monkey King quickly !"


Wang Chuan was helpless.This old lady is much more difficult to take care of than the group of children in Yishantang.The group of children could cry at most, but the old lady would be self-willed, "Once upon a time there was a mountain of flowers and fruits, and there were seven monkeys in the mountain. The big monkey was called Sun Wukong, the second monkey was called Sun Xingzhe, and the third monkey was called Xingsun... "

Wang Chuan had to resort to Li Daitao's rigid method of cutting corners and materials, and gave the name of Monkey King to the seven gourd brothers, and became the seven monkey brothers.Then the old man became Tang Seng, and the pangolin who caused trouble became Zhu Bajie.When Bajie kicked the pig, he stepped on the monkey mountain with his nose and released the monsters suppressed in the mountain.

Hey, what a good story.

(End of this chapter)

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