Chapter 157

Along Chengliang Mountain all the way to the north, under the old city of Shanyin, the vision will open up.The winding narrow path also ends and merges into a spacious avenue, where you can turn your head to the west.

This is not the only way to go from the capital to Xiliang, but this road is the closest one.There are many people and vehicles, and this road is not very easy to walk, so not many people walk from here.But for Wang Chuan and Mrs. Fu, this shortcut is perfect.

But when this road came to an end, Wang Chuan regretted it very much.He tried his best to chase after the old lady Fu, but it was still difficult to catch up.That old lady practiced the Azure Dragon Kung Fu, which was really famous, and she scurried like a snake in the winding path.Wang Chuan could only follow behind, and it was difficult to catch up completely.

There are many trees on the trail, which not only hinders walking, but also blocks the view.Wang Chuan almost lost him several times.

Wang Chuan really regretted that he hadn't practiced the lightness kung fu that Heroine She Wei gave her.If you become proficient in that skill, no matter how difficult the road ahead is, running by yourself will definitely be effortless.

When he ran to the abandoned city of Shanyin, Wang Chuan was lucky that he hadn't lost Mrs. Fu.

The sound of dogs barking suddenly sounded, and Wang Chuan hurriedly braked to stop.The natural reaction rooted in encountering a dog in childhood had an effect on Wang Chuan, and Wang Chuan subconsciously stopped.

Stand still, squat down to pick up bricks.These are the two great skills of encountering dogs when they were young.But as he got older and taller, his height and shape were already enough to put pressure on vicious dogs who used to dominate others, so Wang Chuan never used these tricks again.

But this does not affect Wang Chuan's experience of being extremely afraid of dogs, nor does it affect his mentality of almost exploding when faced with barking dogs that eat people.

As if on Chengliang Mountain, Wang Chuan had seen the horror of these vicious dogs.The three-legged cat kung fu I learned from Heroine She Wei, facing this group of vicious dogs, I am afraid it will be difficult to escape at all.

Wang Chuan stood still subconsciously, just like when he was a child.

Fortunately, Mrs. Fu also stood still in front.

Mrs. Fu was standing directly opposite the abandoned city of Shanyin.

The abandoned city is indeed an abandoned city.

Wang Chuan looked at it at a glance, only to see ruined walls, covered with sand and dust, the city gate was wide open, and the gate was mottled and damaged, and I don't know how many years of traces had been peeled off.

The barking dogs in the city were not chained, but they seemed to be tightly bound by some invisible thing, and they could only bark endlessly with their sharp teeth grinning in the city gate.

Standing at the gate of the city was a man, short and ordinary, with the appearance of a young man.It was around him that the barking dogs paced frantically, as if they were tied to him by invisible ropes.

He obviously saw Mrs. Fu and Wang Chuan.That gaze was also so ordinary, as ordinary as an adult who couldn't be found in the crowd.

This is Xiliang Dog King?
Wang Chuan guessed in his heart.He didn't have the habit of judging people by their appearance, so he didn't find it strange what the Xiliang Dog King looked like.

"Are you the dog king of Xiliang?"

Mrs. Fu asked the question directly.The old lady had some intentions, and she asked kindly, her tone was completely different from the madness she had when she was talking to Wang Chuan.Without looking directly, Wang Chuan could guess the smiling, wrinkled and extremely kind expression on her face.

But this question was completely unlevel, and one could tell that the old lady had no experience in abducting children at all.

How can it be so close to a child?The first thing he said was "You are the dog king of Xiliang", it was like finding fault and provoking.

A slightly disappointed expression appeared on the little boy's face, as if he was very dissatisfied with Mrs. Fu's abduction skills.

The deserted city in Shanyin came out of Chengliang Mountain, facing Xiliang, and it was a desolate scene.

In the cold winter, even on Chengliang Mountain, there is dead silence, let alone in the west.Wang Chuan saw a large wasteland, the low and continuous hills in the distance, no vegetation on the hills, and a piece of black soil from a distance.The occasional isolated tree trunks in the wasteland are bare and dusty, unable to stop the wind and sand blown by the cold wind.

The wind and sand swayed past, covering everything in front of us.Wang Chuan squinted his eyes and walked forward, walking against the wind and sand, and walked to Mrs. Fu.The old lady did not take a single step forward.I don't know if it was an illusion, but Wang Chuan could feel the tense nerves of the old woman next to him.It seemed that the little boy in the dilapidated city gate, silent and motionless, and submerged in the dust of the sky, was enough to oppress the old lady with supernatural powers.

After a while, when the sand and dust cleared, Wang Chuan could clearly see the boy's original appearance——

The young boy wore a toga with big sleeves and adult clothes that were too big for an unknown size, which reminded Wang Chuan of the school uniform he wore for six years in elementary school.The clothes were already covered with patches, and there was a hole at the hem, which I hadn't had time to mend.

The boy rolled up the sleeves of his clothes to his upper arms. It was cold in winter, but he didn't notice it.He was holding a kitchen knife in his hand, which looked a little blunt, with some minced meat still stuck to the blade, and it was stained by dust, as if it had been sprinkled with too much cumin.

"What kind of meat is he chopping?"

This question flashed through Wang Chuan's mind.

"Young man, are you the dog king of Xiliang?"

The old lady Fu asked again cheerfully.While speaking, sand and dust fell into his mouth from between the broken teeth, and he said "peh peh" several times.

The boy nodded, then shook his head again, not intending to speak.Wang Chuan once again captured the disappointment in the young man's eyes.

"What is he missing?"

Another question arose in Wang Chuan's mind.

The young man stopped paying attention to the old lady Fu, or simply ignored the old lady who was optimistic about him outside the ruined city of Shanyin, and turned around and walked into the city.

"Boy, wait!"

The old lady Fu was still not reconciled, and stepped into the city gate to chase.The speed was as fast as ever, and the movements were so abrupt that Wang Chuan had no time to react.

Wang Chuan stretched out his hand to fish, but he didn't even get the old lady's sleeves. Seeing the old lady Fu rushing towards the city gate, he saw a group of vicious dogs waiting around the gate, but finally he didn't have the courage to go there.

"Woof! Woah! Woah! Woah!"

The vicious dogs barked wildly, but they never came out of the open city gate, as if something invisible was tied to them, making it difficult for them to rush out of the city gate and pounce on old lady Fu.

Seeing this situation, Wang Chuan calmed down a little, and hurriedly rushed to pull the old lady.But his footwork is not as good as the old man's. At this time, he has consideration, and it is incomparable to the old woman who has no hesitation.He took a few steps forward, but Mrs. Fu had already reached the city gate.His heart suddenly rose to his throat.

"Woof! Woah! Woah! Woah!"

The vicious dogs were barking more and more happily, and they were circling around the city gate anxiously, as if they were eagerly waiting for the old lady to come.

The old woman's legs stepped into the city gate.

Wang Chuan felt a chill in his heart.


The young man's whisper suddenly sounded.

This whisper came from the city gate, it was the boy holding the kitchen knife.

This whisper seemed to have infinite coercion, and when it came out lightly, the group of dogs suddenly stopped, no longer barking, and no longer turning around.

Suddenly Mrs. Fu was safe.

This was the first sound Wang Chuan heard from the boy.There was a faint "hey", but it was so terrifying.

(End of this chapter)

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