Quick Fishing Guide

Chapter 140 Final Action

Chapter 140 Final Action

"As it should be."

Mr. Yang said, "This is part of the reason why I told you this. If we want to act carefully and kill a blow, we must have a thorough plan. With the cooperation of your Liuxiang Yicui Building, that is another Not too bad."

"My subordinate understands."

There is no need for Mr. Yang to say more, Wang Chuan has probably guessed the meaning of Mr. Yang's arrest, and said, "Mr. Mr. Arrest, please arrange."

Mr. Yang said: "I need you to communicate with the people in your building and arrange for our people to enter the building quietly. If we want to get everything done, we must get the young prince of Prince Kang's Mansion." The matter of selling people's poison is caught. So we all have to ambush and wait for the opportunity. The young prince is on the first floor. We can keep the guests on the second floor, and the first floor, it is best to clear the place. At the very least , then the area around the young prince needs to be cleared and replaced with our people. If he doesn't do anything by then, we can't be sure whether he is really selling medicine and whether he has medicine with him, then that's it, if he is there If he sells it, he will be taken down in one fell swoop. Do you understand?"

"That's easy to say. After the chief arrester finishes making arrangements, I'll go to the building and make arrangements with others."

Wang Chuan already had a plan in his mind as Mr. Yang's thoughts changed rapidly.

Mr. Yang nodded and said, "Without further delay, let's take action immediately. Mr. Long, I have kept you for so long for this matter, and I have never let your group rest. I am really sorry. If it is all over today, give me You guys take a big vacation.”

Long Baotou smiled slightly and didn't say much.

Mr. Yang continued: "That's it. Mr. Long, take your brothers and pretend to be in the Yicui Building in Liuxiang. But if you find that the young prince of Prince Kang's house is selling loose goods in violation of the prohibition, you must control him immediately and make sure that the stolen goods are stolen." Get."


Long Butou responded.

Chief Yang ordered again: "Captain Liang, if you take people outside to provide support, you will also go in plainclothes. If something goes wrong, go inside and control the situation immediately."


Liang Butou also responded.

The action begins immediately.

Wang Chuan told Long Butou and asked him to take people there, spread out, enter through the back door of Yicui New Building, and then leave first, and went to Yicui Building in Liuxiang.He was still in the building guessing what happened when Prince Kang and Sister Ping came to the building, but he never thought that they came here for a deal!

What is this?Prince Kang suddenly upgraded, tapped a little intelligence, and wanted to play "the most dangerous place is the safest place"?
There's something wrong with going under the corner of the six doors. In the new building of Yicui, it's not even dark under the lights. What is Prince Kang doing?
After entering the Yicui New Building through the back door to avoid being seen by Prince Kang and Sister Ping, Wang Chuan ordered a boy to wait outside and told him to let him know when someone came.The boy agreed and stood outside the back door.

Wang Chuan went straight upstairs. Sister Han followed his instructions and looked down from the cubicle.

"Hurry up Wang, you're back."

When Sister Han saw Wang Chuan coming in, she pointed downstairs and said, "Captain, come and have a look. Have you seen that handsome man? I looked around and thought he looked familiar."

"Which one?"

Wang Chuan went to the side of Sister Han, and followed Sister Han's pointing to look down.

Sister Han pointed at it carefully and said, "That's it - the table you asked me to look at, the one on the right who looks pretty and looks like a pretty woman."

"Oh, he..."

How could Wang Chuan fail to recognize this person?Sister Ping is in Yicui Building on Huajie, and she can be said to be the main competitor of Yicui Building in Liuxiang. Sister Han thinks she looks familiar, which is almost normal.

However, this is a confidential matter for the time being. Wang Chuan didn't say it clearly, but said, "You don't know that person. His table is full of people we are looking for from the six doors. Today I asked you to help watch them, just because So, there will be people coming from the door later, take these people back. To be on the safe side, I hope the building can help me a little bit."

"What here is not yours, why should you be polite to me?"

Sister Han smiled sweetly, and got tired of talking again.

This was not the time to mess around. Wang Chuan tried his best to control himself, pushed Sister Han's shoulders, straightened her upright, and said, "Okay, I'll tell you the truth. To avoid confusion for a while. , the guests downstairs must be cleared away as much as possible, and then quietly replaced with people from the six doors. Especially around the table of people, all people must be replaced. Also--I think the clothes of the colleagues at the door are not suitable for us. The service for the guests doesn’t quite match, so I have to find a way to get some.”

"Good catch, you have caused some problems for the slave family."

Sister Han frowned slightly, pondered for a while, sighed, and said, "I can't think of any good solution. There is only one trick, and I'm afraid it will affect the business in our building."

"It's okay, let's talk about it after passing this level."

Wang Chuan waved his hand and said.The arrow has to be fired on the string, as for the others, we will talk about it later.

At this moment, a young man came in from outside the door and said, "Catcher Wang, the person you asked me to wait for is here."

"Catcher Wang, just lead the people in, and leave the rest to my sister."

Sister Han said with a chuckle, and went out of the cubicle first.Wang Chuan followed the boy and went out to the back door.

It was eye-catching that Long Captou and his men did not come together in a group.At this time, the only people at the back door were Long Captou and one or two of his subordinates.Wang Chuan looked around and found that many people around him were familiar faces.All the colleagues are dressed in different clothes and have perfectly blended into the urban environment outside Yicui New Building. People who don't know them can't tell them apart at all.

Wang Chuan greeted Long Butou and began to lead people into the building.


In the Yicui New Building, the performance on the stage is at a critical point, and everyone in the arena is fully engaged in watching it.Especially the guests downstairs, who were in the venue, were affected by the atmosphere and became more and more unable to extricate themselves.Sister Han didn't know how to speak to the other sisters who were accompanying the guests at the venue. The sisters were suddenly much more enthusiastic than before, especially those sitting around Prince Kang and Sister Ping, who snuggled up to the young master next to him, breathing lightly and whispering softly. .

The long-term training has shown results on the sisters.Although the sisters were a little enthusiastic, their conversation and manners could still be maintained as before, without making people feel abrupt and vulgar.Naturally, the flirtatious boys downstairs wouldn't think otherwise.

But the sisters were so enthusiastic, but many people couldn't bear it.

After a while, someone stood up and retreated with my sister and me.

"What did they do?"

At the table next to Prince Kang and Sister Ping, the man who thought he was romantic put his arms around a sister and asked.

The sister whispered in the man's ear: "My lord, why don't you go and have a look with the slave's family?"

The man immediately understood, and became impatient when he spoke: "My dear sister, please lead the way."

The girl smiled subtly, got up and pulled the man, twisted his waist gently, and left the lobby.The man's gaze was fixed on the sister, and he followed the sister to a compartment, but saw the sister suddenly turned around, and said softly: "Please take off your clothes, sir."

"How come my dear sister is more anxious than this young master?"

The man smiled "hehe", took off the clothes on his body repeatedly, took off all his clothes, and said, "My dear sister, you should take off your clothes too, or do you want me to help you take it off?"

At this moment, a big man wearing only underwear suddenly jumped out from behind the barrier in the house. He grabbed the man's clothes and put them on his body. Then he went out with his sister on his arm. Come on, we are still here in broad daylight, what's the point?"


The door was locked.

The man was like a sculpture with his bare butt, mouth open and eyes wide open.

 In response to everyone's opinions, I will start to wrap up the first episode and end it as soon as possible and start a new chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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