Chapter 14
The tavern boss is a poor man who has not experienced modern education. When he heard that Wang Kuai was teaching the Dharma in his ancestors' dreams, he felt that he must have been instructed by an immortal.The method of offering sacrifices to the Yin God in mass graves cannot be said to be really effective.

Look at the hundreds of people inside and outside the six gates, and there are more than a dozen people patrolling the streets. Which one has the reputation of being romantic like Catcher Wang?I heard that there are many beautiful girls on both sides of the Qinglong River who have decided to sleep with Catcher Wang, what a feeling, hiss——

When Da Lang was thinking about it, he thought of some wonderful scene, and his whole body trembled.

"Catcher Wang eat first, the villain is gone. Don't worry, Catcher Wang, the villain has a tight mouth and won't talk nonsense."

Da Lang didn't know that Wang Chuan had taken him into the ditch, so he saluted Wang Chuan gratefully and ran back to the back room.

Seeing the tavern master leaving, Chen Lian asked Wang Chuan curiously: "Master, what did you tell him?"

Wang Chuan said: "Naturally, it's the way to be popular with the girls."

Chen Lian was dissatisfied and said: "The villain who is waiting for someone to take advantage of, how can Mr. Xiang give him a move? Mr. Don, don't talk to him, what Mr. Mr. said just now, only you know and I know him. If Mr. Mr. does not admit it, my family I also said that Xianggong didn't say it, so I'm afraid what he will say?"

Why didn't you say it earlier!
It was rare for this little girl to turn her brain quickly once, but her small mouth opened slowly.

But why didn't I think of it?

Wang Chuan raised his eyebrows, and slapped the dishes on the table with a "crack" and bounced wildly.

"Captain Wang, please forgive me! Detective Wang, please forgive me!"

The tavern boss was frightened by Wang Chuan's slap, and quickly ran to the table, rolling over like a meatball, begging for mercy.

"You fucking eavesdropping again!"

Wang Chuan laughed angrily.

Da Lang said with a bitter face: "Catcher Wang, please don't blame the villain. The villain's ears can't be controlled. Please spare me, Catcher Wang. Today's breakfast is invited by the villain."

Wang Chuan waved his hand and said, "Forget it. You are a waiter and a hard worker. How can I rely on your money? Forget about it. You should pay more attention in the future. You really can't plug your ears with things." Anyway, the big move It's already been released, and you have to watch the show at night for revenge, so you don't need to care about this small dish.

"Thank you king for the quick catch! Thank you king for quick catch! The villain must pay attention! The villain must pay attention!"

Da Lang bowed and retreated all the way, like a tumbler, staggered and retreated into the back room.

Chen Lian's small face was full of reverence, she looked straight at Wang Chuan, and said, "Sanggong is really a good man!"

"That's natural."

Wang Chuan was not ashamed to say it.Picking up the chopsticks, he said again: "Stop talking nonsense, eat quickly."

After that, the tavern master never came to disturb the two of them.The two of them finished their meal and went out to the tavern. Wang Chuan handed over the house key to Chen Lian and said, "All the money is on the table at home. If you want to buy something, you can take it from the table drawer. I just keep it It’s not a lot of money, so save some money.”

Wang Chuan is single, and there are no valuables in the house. No matter whether Chen Lian has other small thoughts when he enters the house, he doesn't need to worry about Chen Lian. The almost empty house is left to Chen Lian to take care of. .

Wang Chuan entrusted it casually, but Chen Lian took the key very happily and solemnly, and said happily: "Don't worry, my husband, I will definitely clean up the house. I don't know if my husband will come back. I will prepare the food and wait for my husband."

"I'll be back after patrolling the streets until noon."

Wang Chuan said, waved his hands, and went to the six doors.

"Well, the slave family knows! The slave family is going to buy rice and vegetables. Remember to come back for dinner."

Chen Lian watched Wang Chuan go away, and said.After finishing speaking, she suddenly remembered that she had been in the Yicui Building for a long time, learning all kinds of skills, but she didn't know where to buy vegetables.She also goes out for shopping on weekdays, but she always stays with the people in the building, picking up some rouge and gouache from her mother and sisters who have already left the building, and she has never seen a vegetable or rice seller in the places she went shopping.

The little girl was very confused, she looked left and right, but saw that the tavern boss got into the door at some point and secretly looked out.The little girl's pretty face turned pale immediately, and she said seriously: "That uncle, why do you still come to peek and eavesdrop? My husband is kind enough not to argue with you, and saved you from a catastrophe. If you meet other people, it's still the same, don't be afraid Is it causing trouble?"

Da Lang hurriedly said with a smile: "Mrs. Wang misunderstood. The villain just wiped the table and walked past the door. How dare he peek? Look, the dishcloth in the villain's hand has just been used." He lifted up the large gray cloth in his hand and showed it to Chen Lian.

When Chen Lian heard Da Lang say "Mrs. Wang", she blushed again with shame, and her voice dropped three minutes after the fierce anger disappeared.She was thinking about going back to clean up and cook, and she didn't care about getting entangled with Dalang about trivial matters, so she said to Dalang with wandering eyes: "Let's forget about this matter first, just ask uncle to pay attention to it later. Does uncle know where I should go to buy vegetables? The slave family is in a hurry to buy it, and I will cook for my husband when I go back."

Da Lang hurried out of the door, pointed to the southeast direction, and said, "Go to that street over there until you reach Dongshi."

Chen Lian bowed and said softly, "Thank you, uncle." She turned around and headed south.

With greedy eyes, Da Lang sent Chen Lian out of sight together, smacked his lips unconsciously, and murmured, "That's great...that's great..."

No, can't wait!The matter of worshiping the Yin God must go tonight!
It's just that I don't know if I worshiped naked, and the fat all over my body could catch the eyes of the Yin God?That messy graveyard is eerie, can he persevere?
The short and fat waiter hesitated for a while, finally gritted his teeth, made a decision, and encouraged himself in his heart:

"It's okay! It's okay! Detective Wang has already succeeded, so how can I have problems? There are many ghosts in Luan Graves. If you don't like your fat body, there will always be someone who likes it. But I have to be blessed by the ghosts, so I can find someone else." The daughter-in-law is taking her home, and she is afraid of messing up the grave!"

Having figured out his idea, the tavern boss gritted his teeth, wiped the corners of his mouth, and returned to the shop with firm steps.


Chen Zheng was on duty among the six doors yesterday.When Wang Chuan arrived at the door, he saw Chen Zheng's eyes were bloodshot, walking around in the yard, almost going crazy.

"What's the matter, why don't you go to bed after you've endured this?"

Wang Chuan questioned.

Chen Zheng grabbed his hair, and said with a nervous breakdown: "It's not a troublesome thing, it's just a fucking torment. I was tossed all night and didn't sleep, and now I'm fine. I'm so fucking sleepy. But couldn't sleep."

This guy was so nervous that he couldn't speak properly.

Wang Chuan had to ask again: "What made you so troubled?"

Chen Zheng said weakly: "It's not the mass grave outside the west gate. The will-o'-the-wisp on the tomb, Emperor Wen left early to refute the rumors, it was too hot, the fire spontaneously ignited, and had nothing to do with ghosts and gods. But some people don't believe it, and they bother me over and over again, It is said that there are ghosts outside the west gate. The six gates of his mother are not the palace of the king of hell, so I can control a ghost!"

The colleague who was about to collapse spoke almost madly, but Wang Chuan raised his head to look at the bright sun, feeling the gradually rising temperature, and his mood improved slightly.

It's so good, summer is so good.

(End of this chapter)

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