Quick Fishing Guide

Chapter 138 Play 2

Chapter 138 The Second Play
It took another day for Wang Chuan to finish writing all the scripts of "The Butterfly Lovers", and hand them over to Lu Xuan.

Because it is a theme I like and has been following the progress, Lu Xuan also wrote lyrics and music very quickly, and the initial version of the new play was announced online.As for the next version, it depends on the performance of the sisters and their popularity in Yicui New Building.

Subsequent versions will be based on the poems of the guests in the building.If the new play can attract guests and allow them to express their emotions, the subsequent versions will easily follow.

Wang Chuan doesn't know poetry, but judging from the reactions of Yicuixinlou sisters and children during the rehearsal, this new play is still good, no matter in terms of lyrics, music or story.

"It seems that people in this world like this tune."

Wang Chuan had an idea in his mind, and he had a direction for what kind of script he would come up with in the future.

Miss Fang Yun and Sister Yang didn't have any objections to the fact that they could only play supporting roles and give up the leading role to others.The two only felt that because of their affairs, Yicui Xinlou and the sisters almost suffered a disaster, and they were already very sorry.They can even do everything they can for Yicui New Building to make up for the mistakes they made.This made Wang Chuan feel that these two sisters are really simple and faithful.However, there seem to be many such people in this world. Wang Chuan met many people from all walks of life in the six doors.

On the day when the new play was staged, Wang Chuan didn’t even have to ask Mr. Yang to invite him like when the Yicui New Building opened. Send someone to come early, or come by yourself, please reserve a seat.

As usual, Wang Chuan sat in the corner cubicle upstairs, and the guests who came to the building today were not much different from those on the opening day.But there are always differences. Some people from the past did not come, and some people from the past and the future came, such as Xuanwei General Yan Shu.

After General Yan Shu came to Yicui New Building that day to meet Miss Fang Yun and Sister Yang, Wang Chuan later learned that the general and the two sisters stayed in the room all afternoon, but they were just chatting. Nothing else to do.Since then, Yan Shu has become a frequent visitor to Yicui New Building. Whenever there is nothing to do, she will come to the building to sit with Miss Fang Yun and Sister Yang.

This is an honor that Yan Shu can only have. In Yicui New Building, no one can let those two sisters receive guests except for this female general.And because of General Yan Shu, no other guest dared to name the two sisters.Let alone making trouble in Yicui New Building.

The fire of gossip was blazing in Yicui's new building, and it became more and more prosperous, and it continued for a long time. Yan Shu and the two sisters became the everlasting lilies in the building.But no one would dare to spread this kind of gossip to Yan Shu's ears.General Yan has a great reputation, and no one in the building shouted his bad luck.

Wang Chuan didn't dare either.

This day a new play was staged, and Yan Shu was sitting in the cubicle next to Wang Chuan.Although Wang Chuan didn't care, it was still a bit unnatural.He somewhat missed the neighbor next door from last time.That neighbor was later confirmed by others to be the real Puxiang from a Taoist temple outside the capital.Wang Chuan felt that the real person was very interesting, with a lot of sassy talk, which was much more exciting than the opera on the stage downstairs.

Wang Chuan misses the coquettish words of the real Puxiang.

At the opening of the new play, the audience babbled and babbled, which kicked off the prelude to the super magic version of Butterfly Lovers.In order to avoid being hypnotized by the drama downstairs, Wang Chuan focused his attention on the audience and watched everyone's reaction.

Now it's winter and the weather is turning cold.Although the Yicui new building has thermal insulation facilities and gathers a lot of people, it is much warmer than outside, but it is still a bit cold.The guests downstairs rubbed their hands and drank hot tea to keep warm, and they enjoyed watching.In particular, there was a man in the corner who kept rubbing his hands, but his eyes remained on the stage, refusing to move away.

The man's extremely ordinary attire, regardless of his hair accessories and clothing, is extremely ordinary, and it belongs to the kind that is difficult to find when hiding in a crowd.But Wang Chuan took a look, and suddenly he looked very familiar.

No, not just him.The man next to him was also very familiar.

Years of experience in handling cases at Six Doors told Wang Chuan that things were not easy.Wang Chuan narrowed his eyes.After observing the two of them carefully, they finally discovered the clue.

Those two people obviously came in disguise, their faces and clothes were covered up.

One with sunken eye sockets, pale face, but unnatural redness on the cheeks, as if deliberately covering up the original false color - who is it not Prince Kang?

The other has a slightly bulging chest, a pretty face, red lips and white teeth like a rabbit, but who is it?

They actually came here in disguise? !

Wang Chuan sat back to avoid exposing his head in the cubicle and being accidentally seen by the people below.

Although now that Prince Kang has devoted himself to the great business of selling goods, he seldom takes care of Yicuilou in Huajie, and his spy work there has long since come to an end. hidden.

Hiding in the upstairs compartment to observe secretly, Wang Chuan guessed the purpose of these two people coming here.Could it be that Prince Kang still has some thoughts about the Yicui Building in Huajie, and wants to help that building again and come here to learn scriptures?Or, he had some thoughts about Yicui Building in Liuxiang.

This Wang Chuan thinks it is unlikely, then Prince Kang is afraid that he is not that big, and his ability is not that big.In his current situation, he still can't do anything with Yicui New Building.

Or, Prince Kang simply wanted to come and experience what the Yicui Building in Liuxiang, which has almost sold out the business of Yicui Building on Flower Street, really looks like?
This is possible.With Prince Kang's urination and character, it is normal to make such a choice.

Wang Chuan went to the door of the cubicle, called the sister who was serving outside, and instructed: "Tell the big guy to pay attention to the west corner of the downstairs. If there is anything wrong, call someone over immediately." After the two Qiuba incidents last time, Sister Han I just hired a few idlers to watch the scene in the building, which should come in handy at this time.

But what Wang Chuan wanted to guard against was not Prince Kang.With Prince Kang's ability, there won't be much trouble.What Wang Chuan was afraid of was Catcher Liang.

Liang Tutou is an old six door.I can see the make-up of Ping Jieer and Prince Kang, and Liang Butou must also be able to see it.

Wang Chuan didn't know whether Butou Liang came this time or not.He is now afraid that if Catcher Liang comes and sees Sister Ping with another man, he will run away on the spot.

Even though Catcher Liang and the "sympathetic" Yu Chunfa faced each other in the six-door torture chamber back then, and heard Yu Chunfa brag that Sister Ping had fun and didn't run away, Wang Chuan didn't dare to take risks.It was all right at the beginning, but who knows if Catcher Liang is here this time, will he be suddenly impulsive?
When it comes to matters between men and women, I am afraid of being impulsive.This kind of thing is impossible to prevent.

Wang Chuan made all the preparations he could, and watched the game with heart, but he didn't wait for Catcher Liang to storm out.But another thing happened unexpectedly.


(End of this chapter)

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